Chapter 3

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{August 20th- Happy 25th Birthday, Demi! I wouldn't pick any other person to look up to. You've helped me through some of the hardest times, and I truly thank you for that. Thank you for being an amazing role model for millions out there! We all love you! I'm so very proud to call myself a Lovatic 💜👑


"I'm gone. Don't do anything stupid like you always do." Mom said as she walked out of the door.

"What makes you think I'll do something stupid?" I said under my breath, but to my surprise she heard it. She opened the door, and stuck her head in.

"It's you we're talking about. You always do something stupid. You're my kid. It was stupid of me to have you." She said before slamming the door shut. Okay, ouch.

I can't wait until I turn 18. Maybe then, I'll be able to make a good life for myself and surround myself near positive people.

I don't really have anything to do, I mean the concert isn't for another 3 hours. I guess I'll go and take a walk, maybe go around to the mall.

As always, I plugged in my headphones, and began to listen to some music. I have a strange connection to music, I feel like it helps to rid me of all of my problems. I keep them bottled inside of me all of the time. I wish there was a way for me to get them out, especially without people thinking that I'm crazy.

I walked into the mall after what felt like hours later and headed for Abercrombie & Fitch. I like their sweatshirts, and leggings. That's all I'll ever buy anyway. Perfect apparel to cover up my secrets.

"Can I help you find anything today?" A perky girl came up to me and asked. I shook my head 'no', but smiled so she wouldn't think that I was being rude. But, then again, what do I care if somebody thinks I'm rude?

I grabbed a few pairs of leggings, and a couple of sweatshirts. Most of the clothes in the store, I already own, so I bought what I could and left to go home and get ready.

As I was walking out of the mall, I noticed a swarm of paparazzi to the left of me. I walked over to see which celebrity they're stalking now, only to see Demi behind the large groups of men taking pictures, and asking question.

I quickly tried to turn before she saw me, but I was a bit too late, because we made eye contact.

I began to walk a bit faster than I was before, but I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me stop, and turn around. I met face to face with Demi. "What do you want from me?" I groaned. I don't even know her, and she's like attracted to me.

"I'm sorry. Am I bothering you?" She asked. She looked a bit sad, and I'll admit it made me feel bad. "It's like- why are you so obsessed with me?" I said. She laughed. I guess she loves Mean Girls as much as I do.

"It's just that, I've been seeing you around lately, and I was just wondering if you'd like to come to my concert tonight? I can get you tickets, but the good seats are alrea-" She started, but I cut her off.

"Thank you, but I'm already coming, princess." I said, rolling my eyes. She looked disappointed. "I'm sorry that's a bad thing for you, it'll be a good show!" She said. Why is she still even trying with me? Isn't it clear I don't want her near me? Or, talking to me?

She tried to hide the fact that she was hurt with a smile, but she turned away like it was nothing. I groaned. Sometimes, I hate hurting the people that actually try to care for me, but I'm just afraid that if I let them in... they'll hurt me.

I basically jogged the way home, there's an hour until soundcheck, and I'm still not ready. I didn't bother putting in any headphones, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the music.

I arrived home, and locked the door behind me. I quickly took off my clothes and jumped in the shower. I didn't have much time so, about 5 cuts will do the trick.

I had already ordered an uber, and it should be outside any minute now. I threw on a sweatshirt, a pair of leggings, and my black and white converse and put some makeup on over my cuts, and bruises.

I heard a knock on my door, and assumed that it was an Uber for me. I'd rather have an Uber take me than my driver, because my driver drives a bit too slow for me. And, she feels like she has to tell my mom everything about me.

"I'm sorry." I said opening the door, but it wasn't my Uber driver. It was Alex, my next door neighbor. "Can we talk?" She asked. I nodded, and invited her in. She looked pretty sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. She began to cry, but I wiped her tears. I can't always help her, but I can try to.

"Mike. I caught him cheating." She said as she leaned over and cried into my shoulder. I held her and rubbed her back. Mike is Alex's boyfriend. A pretty shitty one might I add. He's cheated on her before, but she loves him too much to let go of him.

"Alex, why do you do this to yourself?" I asked. She looked up at me and shrugged. I heard the doorbell ring again, and she sat up and wiped her tears.

I opened the door to see my Uber driver, and she stood up and followed me to the door. "I'm sorry, I'll go." She said. I held her hand, but she let go. "Don't be late. I'll be fine." She said, and with that she left down the street. I'm really worried about her.

I wish that I could just be there for her sometimes. That's all she needs. At least, from me.

"Please, let's go! I don't have all day!" The Uber driver yelled at me. You have all day if I'm paying you! I locked the house, and left out to the truck that the Uber was driving.

"Finally!" He groaned. I gave him the address, and he took off. "Where are you going?" He asked, looking back at me in the mirror. "A concert." I said. He nodded, and 'oh'ed.

"Well, are you excited?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, and sat up in my seat. "Can you please stop talking to me?" I asked. He looked angry. "Fine." He grumbled, and paid his attention back onto the road.

It didn't take long to arrive. In fact, it only took about 10 minutes. I could've taken longer to get ready. Even though, I'd still look like trash no matter how long I spent doing my makeup.

I walked inside of the large arena, and looked all around. I walked towards the front, and noticed that only about 20 seats were filled in front of the stage. I took a seat near the aisle, behind everyone.

I looked up, and saw Demi hiding behind the curtain. Moments later, she came out, smiling, and waving at all of us.

This should be an interesting night.

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