The beginning?

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Where do I start? Everyone always wants you to start at the beginning. Which has never made sense to me because every day can have many beginnings. So which beginning are they wanting?

I won't go back to childhood days because that is too cliche and overdone. But that also leaves us with so many more beginnings to choose from. The beginning of loving him? The beginning of the madness? The beginning of the darkness? Choices, choices.

Isn't this a beginning in and of itself? Meeting you, well not quite, but I think you understand.  You can never tell how long our adventure will last. Maybe a lifetime. Maybe you'll get bored of me in just a few hours. No one can know for sure.

So since this is the first time you've met me, let me introduce myself a little more clearly. My name is Jessica and I am Jennifer's evil twin. Surprised?

Yea I was too when I first figured it out. It always felt as if there were two of us struggling to break through the thin veil we call  consciousness.  She had control for the longest time. But now, it's my turn.

By the way, she doesn't know I'm writing this or she would flip out. She thinks if she locks me up in her dark little hole that she can keep me a secret forever. Ltitle does she know, I'm not the only one keeping this little secret of hers. Would she trust him with it? I doubt it...

You see, I've been "dating" him for months now. Most of the time I can pull enough wool over her eyes that she doesn't even know it's going on. I can take full control of her when I want to now. And it has been so fun.

They met at work. But of course, our dear little Jennifer was too shy to even let him know. Sure, she'd flirt with him. Maybe even a little more than flirting but that was about it. It almost drove me crazy having to sit back snd watch this silly little drama play out. Because of course he was flirting back with her. But she would never dream she was good enough for that.

So it got to the point where I had to take control. Call it what you will, but I really do know what's best for her, and me of course. How could something this big be left in her poor little clueless hands?

I knew he was right for us from day one. He's sociable and outspoken. Everything she isn't. Which is perfect because he'll bring her out of her perfect little shell. He'll draw out of her that ferocious little hellcat that I know she  has hidden deep inside of her.

Oh hell,  what am I  talking about? That little hellcat is me. So he's done his job, I guess. But I still think they'd be perfect for each other. Want to know why?

Because he loves her! I know, right? Shock and awe and all of the oooing and awwing you can  handle. So she really has me to thank for all of this. But try to tell her that.

Want to hear about the first time we met? Let me know in the comments.

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