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So Mark ruined everything. Lee left Jen, David left Jessica and everybody hated everybody. The end.


Seeing the hurt and despair in Lee's eyes made me jump into action. I took over and neither Jen or Lee had any problem with it.

Lee drove me to David's house. Because I  figured I was going to need some backup when it came down to convincing David of what was going on.

And I was right. When we got there, Mark had told David everything and he was a steaming, hot mess. You've heard of a bull in a China shop?

He was the bull.

I was the china shop.

I had to let Jen take over so he could see the difference between us. It went on for over an hour, me and Jen taking turns like unruly school girls who didn't want to get detention.

David even let Lee come in and explain his side of it. Which wasn't easy for Jen. She was still torn about the whole feeling my emotions thing. And having both of them in the same room about made her go crazy.

But Lee was a gentleman. He even let David rant and sat there calmly just waiting on him to cool down.

After a while, you could tell David was believing us, just having a hard time processing it all. He was trying to wrap his head around me and Jen sharing the same body.

He's not good at sharing and doesn't play well with others.

Finally I got the guys to agree to going outside and having a couple beers to cool off. They were hesitant but finally gave in.

I guess they didn't know I could hear them, when they started talking about me and Jen. Lee was very protective over Jen. Explaining how hard of a battle it had been for her when everything between David and I had gone down.

And even sticking up for me. Telling David I really was in love with him. And how much he meant to me. Which caught me off guard.

I even heard David tell Lee that he had fallen for me but was confused because of his girlfriend. And this made him even more confused. Which I understood. 

So when I gave them their beers, everything got quiet for a little bit. We all just kind of sat together and soaked it in.

Eventually, David asked if he could have some alone time with me, telling Lee he would take me home later. Lee agreed but not before making sure he got the opportunity to tell Jen goodbye with a kiss.

Which was so uncomfortable for me. Having to be right there under the surface and know David was watching them. Bah!

So Lee left, I took over again and sat down beside David. At this point, all I could do was smile at him. Look into his eyes and smile. I didn't have answers. Just ways we could make this work.

He asked if Jen could hear us. I told him she usually goes into a corner of the mind while I'm in control and let's me have privacy.

He smirked the way only he can. Then he leaned in and kissed me. A strong, powerful, tingling kiss. The kind that you feel not just in your toes but in your soul.

We kissed for a long time. It was unlike David. He usually wasn't like this. But he was content with his hands in my hair and his lips on mine for a long time.

I could feel a sense of urgency creeping into him. His body pulling closer and his hands getting more adventurous.

He finally broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. He calmly took my hand and led me into his bedroom.

Pressing his sweet lips against mine once again. He picked me up and sat me on his bed. He slowly undressed me. Taking his time with every piece of clothing.

Until I was fully naked in front him. Then he just looked at me. Smiling and taking me in. As if he wanted to remember it.

I reached out and grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. Slowly sliding it off. Taking my time tracing my fingers over his body.

Pushing his pants down and smiling as he stepped out of them. Letting me admire his body.

He finally couldn't take it anymore and pulled me off the bed, pressed his body to mine ans started kissing me again.

I could feel how hard he was. And yet he was delaying. Something was different. No bad different, just different.

So he takes my hand and twirls me around to where I'm facing away from him. Slowly, he starts tracing his fingertips over every inch of my body. His chest pressed against my back.

His fingers finally rest on my throat. His lips so very close to my ear. His breathing is ragged. My heart is pounding.

He whispers "Are you mine, Jess?"

I gasp.

"Yes, I'm yours."

Suddenly he's bending me over his bed and entering me from behind. I'm moaning and squirming. He's taking ownership over my body. And I'm letting him.

His hard cock slamming in and out. His soft hands grabbing my hips. I'm pushing my hips back against him. Moaning his name.

He pulls me up, my back against his chest. Still slamming into me. Holding my body up. He wraps his arms around me.

"Cum for me Jess."

That's all it took. I was spasming around him as I felt him release deep inside me. Both of us moaning and panting. Our bodies quivering together.

He finally turns me around and kisses me again.

"That was amazing."

I smile. "More than amazing."

We both lay on the bed. My head on his chest. His arm wrapped around me. Quietly recovering from the intense pleasure.

He strokes my hair as I close my eyes. Just enjoying being with him. Wondering how I got so lucky.

He takes his hand and pushes my chin up to where I have to look at him. He smiles. I smile back. He brushes a loose strand of hair from my face.

And very softly he whispers...

"I think I might be in love with you."

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