The Fall

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So David made a habit out of "hooking up" with Jen. And it pissed me off. She wasn't getting anything out of it. He was using her and it was driving me insane.

He'd flirt and laugh with her. He'd do just enough to keep her on the hook. And she was desperate enough to think that it might lead somewhere.

He'd call and she'd jump. She knew she was in love with him. She knew she was in too deep. But she couldn't pull herself out of it.

She'd sit for hours and argue with herself. It was torture. Listening to her drone on and on about him. How handsome he was and how she was so lucky to have anyone like that even pay attention to her. It was hell.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the background screaming and cussing. Trying everything in my power to catch her attention. But nothing was working.

The day I found out she was hopeless was a bad day. Her and David were at odds. They had been arguing all day and it wasn't pretty. He had her crying. And I wanted to rip his lying throat out.

She had said something to make him mad and he wasn't letting it go. Which if things were turned around, and Jen was giving David hell, David would have thrown a canniption fit.

He'd never stand for someone to talk to him the way he was talking to Jen. And it made me imagine murdering him several different ways.

But what got me the most was when he pulled his ace in the hole.

"You're still in love with me, aren't you?"

How dare he even bring that up. You see, a while before this happened, he had asked her if she was in love with him. And jokingly she had said "You know I'm so deeply head over heels in love with you." And he laughed.

He actually had the audacity to laugh at her. I think he knew it was the truth. Jen was still trying to deny it, but I think he knew. And now he was using it as ammunition. A straight shot to the heart to stop her in her tracks.

And it worked. She didn't have the mental ability to lie to him after everything that day. So of course she said "You know I am."
Trying to call his bluff. But his only answer was "That's what I thought."

He didn't address the problem this created. Because apparently it's ok to string along someone you know is in love with you even though you aren't in love with them. All you have to do is keep telling her "We're just hooking up." And everything is fine.

So that's what the little bastard kept doing. And while he was around and doing this to her, I couldn't break through. I couldn't take control of her like I needed to. David had her emotions so all over the place all the time that it was impossible for me to do anything.

And then Marcy decided her and David needed a break. And all hell broke loose. And I still don't know how Jen made it through that month sane.

He made her life a living hell. We're talking 25 - 30 phone calls a day. Him constantly asking for help. Reading her every text message. Keeping her on the other line listening to every phone call. It was torture.

Because Jen's poor little heart didn't know what hit it and kept thinking maybe David would actually fall for her. This was pure hell. For her and me.

She spent days at a time feeling like she had been drug through the flames of hell, only to be hung up and used again tomorrow.

I could see her thoughts turning darker and darker. Desperately at war with herself. Every second a new battle not to break down. I'm really surprised she survived.

One minute she'd be telling him what to text Marcy to win her back and the next minute wishing he'd see that she was perfect for him.

I felt sorry for Jen. Because even I didn't realize how dark she was until then. She had demons laughing in her head constantly about David. And I could feel them eating away at her slowly.

Each thought a demonic lick of fire against her ego, self worth, determination. Constant thoughts of "He'll never love you." Countered with "Maybe he'll see I'm better for him than she is."

The day I thought she was going to break, scared the shit out of me. Jen had been on the phone with him all day. It hadn't been anything new, just "Will she come back?" And "How do I win her back?". Jen trying her hardest to come up with something that would make Marcy fall in love with him again.

So he called her that night, panicked. She was seeing someone else. And it destroyed him. So Jen was trying to fix it. But she said something off. She agreed with him about something she had disagreed with him before.

And all hell broke loose. He went off like a mad man "I'll never love you. We can never be together because we're too different. It's never going to work between us because we don't like the same things. You never wanted me and Marcy to get back together. You've been trying to break us up."

She broke. Jen absolutely let everything go and her resistance fell and the demons took over and I thought she was gone.

Through the stinging tears, she said "I've done nothing but try to get you back with Marcy. I know it wouldn't work between us from day one. I know you don't want me. But I never tried to keep you and Marcy apart. So go to hell."

And then she broke some more. Because not only had she lost the fight against David, she had lost the fight against herself. She fell like a General who not only had been shot by the enemy but also by his comrades.

She went deeper and darker than I've ever seen her. I was scared and panicking because I had no clue how I was going to bring her back. Or even if she could come back the same.

So that's when I started my assault on poor little Jen. It wasn't anything like what David had done to her. I'd inch my way up. Slow and calculated. Side stepping every open wound on her badly damaged soul.

I tried healing it myself. And sometimes it seemed like it worked. But mostly it was like a bandaid that would fall off with time.

I had to do something though. Jennifer had fallen and Jessica needed to take care of the aftermath.

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