The Intruder

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So Jen was hot for Lee? Who knew. No one apparently. Because it was such a cliche thing for her to have the hots for anyone. She was guarded. And I'm not just talking like anti-social. She hadn't had a relationship in years. So this was a major breakthrough.

But why him? She's had guy friends plenty of times. Mostly guys like her because she acts like a guy. When she lets you get to know her. Works on her own car, loves horror movies, and has a very morbid sense of humor.

So once again, why Lee? Maybe because he didn't try to impress her. He was natural with her. And made her laugh. All good things in a guy, just hard to find.

Lee had one major problem. His girlfriend, Abby. She didn't treat him good. And Jen knew. She heard talk from other people. And sometimes Lee would tell her too.

That's why she fell for him. He was a lost cause. Our poor Jennifer has a thing for lost causes. She just can't help herself.

Lee was safe. He wasn't going to leave Abby. So she didn't need to worry about him actually coming into her life. She could fall for him from afar and no one would be disrupted. Or so she thought.

So here's our perfect Jennifer. Playing everything safe. Everything is figured out and under control. And in walks David.

She didn't see David coming. He started working with her and her whole world fell apart. He was egotistical and needy. He wanted every woman to want him. He wanted all the attention.  And most of the time, he got it.

She tried to ignore it. They'd talk for hours at work. He'd make her laugh with his stories. She'd get braver and braver and say things she normally wouldn't say.

David took it all in stride. Jen wanted him and he was agging it on. Little did he know, she wasn't like that with everyone. She opened up for him unlike she's done with anyone in a long time.

You see, David had a girlfriend too. Marcy. But Marcy was perfect for David. They were both needy and controlling. They were made for each other.

But David's problem was he always wanted what he couldn't have. He knew he shouldn't flirt and talk with Jen. He knew he shouldn't take it far, but he did. As if he didn't know the consequences. 

So Jen slowly let her crush on Lee go. Falling for David more everyday. The more they talked, the deeper it got. Until Jen went overboard and I didn't know how to pull her back.

I'd be in the background screaming "Don't do this" but it was like she was oblivious. I could tell it was going to end disastrously. But she was clueless and naive.

You see, David underestimated her. He didn't think she would go through with it. He didn't think she had the nerve. Frankly, she surprised me too.

So when David mentioned they should "hook up" and Jen said "Bring it on", she wasn't bluffing. She had fallen for his lines and his jokes. Even I hadn't noticed how deep she had fallen, until that fateful morning when it hit like a sandstorm and no one was prepared.

David had talked to her the day before about seeing her that day. Of course she told him she'd meet him. She couldn't refuse him. She was over the deep end, full fledged in love with him at this point.

So when he actually showed up, her heart went crazy. She had weak knees and butterflies. Just standing there talking to him was pure joy for her.

(I haven't told you what David looked like so let me add a little here. He stood 6'4", dark blonde hair, hazel eyes. Think high school football star with about 50 extra pounds and eyes that could tell what you are thinking.)

Now they had joked about sexual stuff before. Mostly him teasing her with how much she wanted him and the things she'd like to do to him. But this morning was different. He was serious and she was ready to prove herself.

So when he looked at her and asked her if she wanted him, she didn't hesitate to show him.

Watching this was like watching a train wreck happen. You can't believe it's right in front of you and you want to look away but can't.

I did everything I could try to stop her. But her not knowing I was there didn't give me a chance.

She walked up to him and started rubbing his leg. He moved her hand over to his hard member. She smiled and started stroking it. Surprised at how big it was.

He looked her right in the eye and said "You want to suck it?" She giggled and blushed and shook her head yes.

He pulled his shorts down to let her see it and she was in awe. It was big. And hard and tasty looking.

She leaned down and gently rubbed her lips around the head. Her breath teasing him lightly as she savored every second.

Slowly she parted her lips and let him slide into her mouth. His breath caught and he moaned. Her soft warm lips wrapping around him and stroking up and down.

He slid his fingers in her hair so he could watch her pert little mouth devour his hardness. She was sucking and licking him slowly, driving him crazy.

She wrapped her small hand around his thick shaft and ran her tongue all along the length of his shaft. Softly sucking at his balls. Until he couldn't take it anymore.

He grabbed her hair and guided her hot little mouth into his hard cock and slid her down and up like he wanted. She was moaning around his thick shaft.

He was driving her crazy. He didn't know Jen liked to be controlled. So him doing this was like a dream come true.

His gentle hand in her hair, her hot lips moaning around him. He couldn't take it anymore. He finally exploded deep in her mouth. She swallowed every drop and licked the head. He was done for.

And so was she. He had weasled his way into her heart and all I could do is sit back and scream. So I had to come up with a plan.

That's when I decided that I had to make Lee fall in love with her. David was wrong for her. He was nothing but heart break wrapped up in a pretty package and I had to save her.

Little did I know, I was going to fail.

***Hope you liked this part. Let me know. I'll be working on more soon.***

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