The Aftermath

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Jen actually left after that phone call. She made an excuse and left for a while. She had to run to keep from going insane.

Of course David didn't care that he had just wrecked her whole world. He called back before she could come back.

I let Jen handle it, but I was listening to each lame excuse wishing I had a way to rip out his heart.

"I'm sorry, but I really need your help. You know we can't be together. Help me get back with Marcy. You're the only one that can help me. You're the only one who knows me."

Gag me. I couldn't believe he thought his weak ass excuses were going to work. But he thought they did.

So I let Jen lead him on. I let her lie to herself. I let her keep "helping" him.

But little did she know, every time Lee came around, I took over. I controlled their every conversation. And he loved it.

I'd flirt with him relentlessly. But in Jen's way. I don't think he ever knew it was me. Until I slipped up.

He called me on it instantly.  I said something about Jen. He instantly picked it up. I tried to cover it up. But he wasn't having it.

He said he thought something was different but couldn't be sure. He said he had noticed little things that Jen wouldn't do.

I crossed my legs to the right, hers to the left. I twirled my hair when I was curious, she bit her lip. Down to the way we talked.

Jen had a drawl when she was tired or frustrated. I hid it. Little things Jen didn't think people noticed so I didn't either.

So once the cat was out of  the  bag,  Lee was curious. He wanted to know my intentions. Why? How? The normal things.

I told him what happened. I even told him Jen used to be crazy about him. And that I was trying to bring her back. He agreed and said he'd help.

So sometimes when he showed up, I'd let Jen handle it. And man did he lay it on thick.

Lee's a flirter. And a damn good one at that. He could flirt with a tree and make it blush. But that's just what Jen needed.

She slowly clawed her way back to the surface, inch by inch. Lee drawing her out every chance he got.

And then one day I got worried. Jen was doing better. Not relying on David as much and getting more and more outspoken. What if I had created a monster?

What if Jen falls for Lee like she fell for David? What if I just created an even bigger catastrophe than before?

I talked to Lee one of the few times I took over anymore. But he assured me it was alright and that it wasn't going that far.

But it kept nagging at me. So I did something I try not to do. I evesdropped on Jen's dreams. And holy crow, I didn't know what I had done.

Jen was cooking dinner for Lee. He was sitting at the table and she was standing at the stove. They were both aimlessly talking about inane things.

They were like that though. They could make a conversation out of something someone else thought was completely irrelevant.

So Jen had three  different pots on the stove and she took turns stirring each one. Cooking as she always did, meticulously.

Lee was watching her. His eyes watched her every move. Slyly looking away each time she looked at him. He was smooth like that.

But when she wasn't looking, his eyes slid over her every curve. Her pert, round breasts down to her ample hips. Over her firm buttocks and down her toned legs. And back up again.

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