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So I'd come to the conclusion something drastic had to be done. I just didn't know what yet.
I was between a rock and a hard place with no one to turn to.

I felt like I couldn't trust Lee completely. It seemed like he was flirting with her for real. When he had promised me it would not go that far.

David was out of the question. I didn't trust him at all. Also, I still couldn't figure out what it was about David that Jen didn't hate. She had plenty of reasons to.

So what do I do?

Well, it turned out I didn't have to wait long for my answer. Lee showed up out of the blue one day. Smiling and laughing. Flirting as he's been doing for a while.

But it seems like he's testing her. Like he's trying to figure out which one of us has control. Which one he's dealing with. Without letting Jen know what's going on.

So I stay in the background. Just watching. Letting Jen handle him. And she's doing a good job. She's having a good day and she's firing back at him every time he says something.

Until he gets real serious. Starts looking worried. And he says "Jen, can I ask you something weird?"

"Of course." She replies.

"Are you happy?"

That little bitch was trying to get serious with her. I couldn't believe it. He had promised me.

Jen's taken back by this. No one has ever asked her this before. She doesn't even know how to answer.

"You want the truth or the lie?" She says smiling, trying to play it off.

"The truth, of course." He says actually wanting to hear her answer.

She has to think a minute. This brings up a lot of questions for her. Does he know about David? When was the last time she truly was happy? Should she have to think this hard to answer him?

So Jen does what she does best. Instead of blurting out "No, I'm not happy. I've been alone too long and I'm lonely. I think I'm in love with you and that makes me sad every day because I know you'd never want someone like me?"

She says "Yeah, I'm here at work with you. How could I not be happy?"

He smiles. Which makes her instantly regret not saying the first thing that came to her.

"Why?" She asks.

"Just wondering." Lee says.

"Are you happy?" Jen asks him.

"No, to be honest I'm not. But I could be, if you were with me."

What the hell?? He just completely blew everything I had done out of the water. He ruined everything in a matter of seconds. Now what the hell was I supposed to do?

He walks up to her. Standing closer than ever before. Looking into her eyes. He grabs her chin and tilts her head up to look at him. "Do you want to be mine?"

Jen's breathless. Fighting every emotion in her. Her heart and her mind fighting an instant battle.

Her mind saying don't do this. It's dangerous. He'll hurt you and then you'll be right back where you started.

Her heart screaming for him. You're in love with him. Say yes and be happy. Begging for it's own death once again.

Finally, she looks into his eyes and utters one word... "Yes."

He smiles, taking in every inch of her face. Like he's trying to memorize her smile, her eyes. The way her lips move. The tiny flicker in her eyes when he says her name.

Jen bites her lip and he smirks. She's nervous and excited. A ball of nerves and pure joy at the same time. Trying her hardest not to tremble and give away just how much his hand on her chin and him looking in her eyes effects her.

Jen's looking in Lee's eyes trying to analyze his every thought. Trying to find the joke in his voice even though it isn't there. Looking for any clue that this isn't real.

He's making it hard. Because he is absolutely serious. But she still has a hard time believing it. To her she'll never be enough. And it's already starting to sink in.

But then he even catches me off guard. He kisses her. Not one of those spur of the moment, omg what am I doing kind of kisses either.

The kind of kiss that's been months or years in the making.
The kind of kiss that's daydreamed about it and agonized over many times before.

And Jen melts into him. Kissing him back. And something amazing happens. Her demons are silenced. Her thoughts forgotten. Even I'm having a hard time coming to the surface, even just enough to know what's going on.

What is this? Some kind of dark magic that he's put her under? Some kind of spell he's placed on her? This has never happened.

But Jen is loving it. She finally had peace in a life where very every moment had been made up of anxious questions and nervous laughter. She felt at ease. And she loved it.

Meanwhile, I was fuming. How could he betray me like this? How could go back on the one thing I asked him not to do?

Was he actually in love with her? Could he have fallen in love with the Jen I knew? Had he finally broken down and made something real happen?

Only time would tell. Right now I was digging my way up. Trying my hardest to break through and push them apart. But Jen was stronger than I'd ever seen her. And I could only stay beneath the surface. And I was not happy.

They kissed for a long time. His hands in her hair and hers wrapped around his neck. Each one softly playing off the other.

He finally broke the kiss and looked at her. Her cheeks pink and her eyes sparkly. He laughed and she smirked. "What's so funny?" She asked him.

"Oh nothing, you're just cute when you are turned on." He says.

Jen playfully smacks him on the arm and walks away, turning around laughing. He follows her and takes her hand, spinning her around to face him again.

"I'm serious Jen, you're mine now." Lee says while tightly gripping her hand.

She looks him in the eye and says "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Son of a bitch!! They'd both gone completely and utterly insane. And who was going to be there when everything fell apart and they were both devastated? Me of course. I had to stop this. I had to get to David.

But that wasn't going to be easy...

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