You see, Lee was right for her from the beginning. When she first started working at that adorable little hole in the wall, she would hardly talk to anyone. Shy and cautious. You can't fault her for it though. She had her reasons.

The guard shack was perfect for her. She loved to be alone and read and draw and this gave her all the time in the world to do it. Hours of nothingness and no one felt like complete freedom.

And then she met him. The first time she relieved him from a 16 hour shift. He still looked good in his blue uniform. Surprisingly bright after so many hours. But that was him. They didn't talk much that first time. Just a few words maybe a laugh or two.

The next time was different. He was roving the property, filling in for someone who had called in. She was at the shack after dark and he stopped to talk. She didn't talk to people like she talked to him. She was immediately at ease with him.

She didn't like to talk to people. She hated talking about herself. But he was smooth and did most of the talking for her. She didn't feel the need to pretend. She was awkward and random and he didn't seem to mind.

The more they saw each other, the easier it got to come through because poor little oblivious Jen was letting her guard down. She would smile and laugh and not even notice me clawing my way out. She actually seemed happy.

The day I broke through her useless firewall is a day I'll never forget. She was sitting there with him. Laughing at his jokes. Smiling at him. And bam!!! Like a bullet there I was.

I played it cool. He didn't seem to notice. After years of watching and waiting, I had all of her little quirks down to a T. I acted shy and calm. But I could feel my own personality burning its way through the facade. It got harder and harder with each passing second. And then he got brave.

I'm not sure if it was just him trying to flirt with her or if he had noticed a slight change but he said something dark. And I couldn't resist the urge to let my darkness answer his.

Something depraved about dumpsters was his line. Can't remember exactly but it had all the smoothness of a 20 year old pillow. Something Jen would have loved.

I laughed at him. Half out of habit and half because I couldn't believe he'd really pull a line like that. Did he think she was this easy? Or did he truly believe it would have made her laugh?

You should have seen his face when I pulled the gutter reference. Still not sure if he was shocked or if he thought I was brilliant or maybe both.

Jen would not have been so brazen. But he wasn't dealing with Jen anymore, this was Jessica and he was in for a ride.

I had all kinds of comebacks that could have made his face redder than the tomatoes we had for lunch. He thought he was cool but he wasn't ready for this little hellcat.

There was a problem though. In the beginning I could only take over for brief periods of time. I had to rest and gather my strength. I couldn't hold Jen down for long because she had no idea what was going on and despite her being shy and cautious on the outside, our little Jen was a fighter deep down.

So I'd gauge the situation and see if I was needed. Sometimes, if he wasn't staying long or in a bad mood I wouldn't even bother. I like to wait for the really important times when Jen wouldn't react how she needed to.

After a while, Jen surprised me. It was a quiet day, nothing major going on so I was just hanging back. Then I notice Jen was daydreaming. Which isnt anything new. But it was about Lee, so I had to peep in.

Jen's daydreams are usually very basic and just day to day stuff. Winning the lottery, a new project she wanted to start, food she wanted to try. So when I saw her in bed with Lee I couldn't help myself.

They were laying on his bed. He was kissing her. She had her hands on his neck and his were rubbing her hips. Pressing their bodies together so hard you could tell each of them were wanting this, badly.

His hand slowly works its way up her body, stopping to massage her breasts. Causing her to let out deep sighs and arch her back. He then slowly wraps his hand around her neck, gripping it tightly and looking into her eyes.

"I want you. To be mine. Only mine. Pretty little Jennifer, I want to take you over. I want to own your body, your soul, your heart. Will you submit to me baby?"

"Yes, sir"

His lips then silenced her with a kiss so deep you could see her toes curling. His hand on her neck making her his. Her body reacting to every touch.

Lee then slowly slides his fingers under her shirt. Her flesh prickling at his touch. Her breath coming quick. He slides his hand under her bra and starts teasing her nipples. She's moaning now. Arching up to meet him.

Her hands slowly slide down his back. Reaching her way under his shirt she lightly starts running her nails up his back. Firm yet teasing. He smirks and bites her lip.

"You wanna play like that baby?"

He doesn't even let her answer. He rips her shirt open and takes her bra off and starts suckling at her sensitive nipples. Back and forth until she is writhing beneath him.

He slides his hand down to her jeans and slowly undoes the button. Teasingly looking into her eyes.

"Is this mine baby?"

She's so hot she can't even answer. She just shakes her head yes. He smiles again. Sliding his hand lower, under her panties. His strong fingers find her tender slit and are instantly wet. He slides a finger inside to tortuously tease her hard clit. She's moaning loud now.

He kisses her while his fingers work on her dripping pussy. His mouth eagerly devouring her. He slides a finger down to enter her and....


Those damn coal trucks.

***hehe I'll be working on more later, let me know what you think***

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