Jessica's Story

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So now everyone knows and hopefully things will be less complicated. Yea, I can dream. I know that's not how it's going to work. But I don't know how i could have done anything differently. I was literally battling between two hearts. And everyone knows that's impossible.

So when Jennifer dropped the bomb I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How long had she known? How did I give it away? How could Lee have betrayed me so easily?

Jennifer filled me in on her part. Lee seemed to be amazed and surprised at all of the things Jen was saying. But when I got to talk, boy did I tear him a new one.

But I didn't realize he was actually in love with her. He's so good at keeping his emotions hidden that I had no clue. Because if I had, I would not have asked him to play her.

But he did it out of love. So it can be forgiven. So apparently Jen had a plan where everyone was going to be happy. It wasn't going to be easy. But it just might work.

Jennifer and Lee could have their relationship and David and I could have ours. I know it seems a little, what's the word? Complicated? Strategic? Whatever you call it, we all thought it was brilliant.

But fate seems to have a way of tearing things apart rather quickly just when you think you've got everything figured out. Little did we know, we were in for a wild ride.

It started off smoothly. Jen and Lee were in love and definitely loving it. David and I were still messing around. But he had no clue about Jen and mine's little secret. We thought it would be better this way.

So one day, Lee showed up to have lunch with Jen. Being his sickeningly sweet self, he brought her lunch and even made a place outside in the backyard that was like a picnic.

He laid out Philly cheese steak sandwiches and steak fries. Ice cold sweet tea and fresh peaches. It was perfect. He even remembered the tablecloth so they could sit in the grass.

Jen was in heaven. She couldn't stop thinking how lucky she was. Or how much she loved Lee. So when she walked out to this, her heart just leapt and she couldn't quit smiling.

I stayed in the background because they like to have their alone time. Which I dont mind. But it's hard to block out everything. When he leaned over and kissed her, I could feel it in her toes. Her whole body reacted.

The soft feel of his lips against hers, the warm touch of his fingertips on the back of her neck. Every little thing making her his. And I have to admit, I did feel a little guilty about looking in on them. But it was so damn hot, I couldn't help myself.

Lee pulled Jen onto his lap and began kissing her again. His fingertips trailing up and down the length of her spine. Jen wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies so tightly together.

His tongue found it's way into her mouth and it was like he set her whole body on fire. She gently sucked it and touched her tongue to his. You could feel his body responding to her every move.

She pulled away from him to look into his eyes. He smiled at her.

"I love you, Jen."

She smiled back.

"I love you, Lee."

She started kissing his neck. Softly placing her lips against his skin, teasing him. Working her way down to his shoulder. Her fingers sneaking under his shirt and slowly lifting it over his head. Giving her access to his chest.

Kissing her way down his chest, he leans back and starts softly grinding his body against hers. His hands making their way down to her butt and squeezing. She pushes him back into the tablecloth where he's laying down now.

Her lips making their way down to the button of his jeans. Her nimble fingers unbuttoning them. Her teeth grabbing his zipper and sliding down. His breath is getting heavy just feeling her.

She slides his pants down, exposing his hard cock. Softly, she rubs her lips against the head. Slowly sliding him into her mouth inch by inch.

Her lips wrapping around him, her tongue rubbing across him. He's moaning now. She starts sliding him in and out of her tight little mouth.

His hands find her hair and gently he starts guiding her up and down. His fingers tangled in her hair, she moans around him. Making him sigh.

He pulls her up and kisses her passionately. His fingers wasting no time finding their way under her shirt and bringing it over her head. He kisses her neck, her shoulder. His nimble fingers unhooking her bra, sliding it down her arms.

He kisses her chest. Making his way to her sensitive nipples. Licking and sucking them until they are rock hard. She's arching her back to him. Sighing softly.

His hands slide up her thighs and make their way under her skirt. As he's suckling her nipples, his fingers are sliding under her panties feeling how wet she is for him. Gently teasing her, he finds her sensitive nub and starts rubbing it.

She kisses him to stop from moaning. Her tongue sparring with his as she feels his fingers slide inside her. She's rocking on his hand and kissing his lips. Until he can't take it anymore.

He slides her panties over and runs his cock on her wetness.

"May I have you, baby?"

"Take me sugar."

He rocks his body so he slides deep inside of her. She leans her head back and moans. Pushing him down, she starts riding him. Up and down. Her nipples trailing over his chest. His lips devouring hers.

Their bodies working against each other until neither one of them can take it.

He whispers..

"Cum for me baby."

She can't even answer. Her body tightens around him and shivers as she explodes. He slams deep inside her and explodes with her. Wrapping his arms around her and holding onto her tight.

Both panting and out of breath, she lays on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat. He runs his fingers through her hair soothingly. Both of them spent and happy.

But Lee hears a twig break and looks over toward the house.

There stands David's brother Mark. And he's just seen everything.

Before Lee can say a word, Mark runs out of the yard, jumps in his Jeep and speeds off.

David isn't going to be very happy.

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