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David was going to be an obstacle. He was egotistical, hard headed and didn't like to take advice from anyone. It was going to be like asking a rock to grow a rose. But I liked challenges.

So it was just about how to convince him it was his idea instead of mine. He'd go for that. If he thought he was doing something that benefited him, it would be a whole hell of a lot easier.

So I decided to call him. I waited until Jen was asleep. It was easier this way because Jen had been sleepwalking her whole life. She'd wake up and things would be moved, or rugs would be folded. Just some really weird stuff. So getting her to talk in her sleep should be a piece of cake.

I waited until she was fully asleep and dreaming. Her and Lee were in a forest where the sun had just set. She was afraid but Lee was holding her hand and leading her deeper amongst the trees.

Gag me. Ok, time for David. So I looked up his number, and she actually had a picture of him in her phone. So when he called, it came up on her screen. How had I not known she was in love with him??

I did the smart thing and used *67, so it would block the number and I could tell him it was a friend of hers. I didn't want him to have any reason to blame this on Jen. He's too hard on her anyway.

As his phone started ringing, I started questioning myself. Should I do this? Was he going to play along? Was Jen going to come out of this fine? And then he answered, and I melted.

I had never talked to David. That was all controlled by Jen. I had never been able to break through with David. He spun Jen's world around too much for me to fight it. I prayed she didn't wake up.

At first he didn't believe me. Asking my name and where I was from, how I knew Jen. I covered it up quite nicely. I was Sabrina, Jen's friend from Kentucky. I knew her when she lived down there. We talked every so often.

She had told me all about him and Lee. And when I heard about her and Lee, I felt he needed to know. (Boost his ego.) Why did he need to know? Because I knew him and Jen had been messing around for a while and thought he'd want to know if she was messing around with someone else. (Make it look like it's for his benefit.)

Besides, I thought he was much better for her than Lee anyway. I told him how good he was for her and how happy he made her. How Lee was more sappy and how he was stronger than Lee.

He took it hook, line and sinker. He was all about "saving" Jen from Lee by the time I got off the phone with him. I had gotten David on my side. Now, to make Jen realize she didn't need either of them.

Yes, you read that right. I didn't want her with either of them. Neither of them were good for her. Both of them just wanted Jen for their own benefit.  Neither of them stopped to think about what it was going to do to Jen or how badly she could get hurt.

I wanted Jen to just be single. Be alone. She was good alone. She could flirt with anyone she liked. Talked to anyone she wanted to. I knew that's what would be best for her.

But it's like fate decides to knock you over just when you think everything is going okay.

David amped up things with Jen. He called her more. Was softer with her. He said thank you and asked her about herself. Things he'd never done before. He was like another person. Like he actually cared about her.

Meanwhile, she was still with Lee but knew he had a girlfriend. So she still flirted with David, but there was no more hooking up. Or meeting after work to fool around. She was faithful to Lee. Even though he wasn't to her.

One day she asked him about it. Just the mention of Abby's name annoyed Lee. He hated to talk about her but especially with Jen. He started on how it was all very complicated. How him and Jen would be together for real soon. Him and Abby were having issues and he was trying to make it as smooth a transition as possible.

Bullshit. He just wanted to have Jen too. And taking her from David was just a bonus. He avoided me after that first day. Where he kissed her.  He knew he had done me wrong.

So Jen kept flirting with the devil, I mean David and being with Lee on the side. Everything was going alright, well not alright but at least smoothly. Until about a month later.

Lee showed up to bring Jen lunch one Saturday. The trucks weren't running so they could just enjoy having lunch together. It was quiet and they got to eat and talk. He even brought Jen her favorite thing, chili cheese fries. Which should have made me suspicious. But I had gotten into the habit of laying low when he was around because I didn't want Jen  to go to jail for ripping his throat out when it was really me that wanted to.

So, I was just listening in when I heard Lee get very serious.

"Jen, I need to talk to you about something." He says as if he isnt about to rip open a hole that could never be mended.

"Anything, Lee." Jen answered, very unaware her life was about to be thrown upside down again.

Looking deep into Jen's eyes, he says "Will you stop messing around with David?"

Jen was flabbergasted. All within a matter of about 2 seconds, she went from Lee wants me to himself, to how dare he ask me this when he has Abby, to play this out and see what he really wants.

"Why?" She answered, playing it safe and testing out the waters.

"Because I love you and Abby is gone and I want to marry you."

I couldn't believe what the hell had happened.  I asked myself if I had heard him right. Wondering how in the hell this was possible. How had things gotten so deep so fast? Then I peeked into Jen's head.

Her thoughts were all over the place. She couldn't believe it either. Marriage? Really? Was she ready for this? Could she handle this? Could she let go of David?

She just looked at him and said "What??"

He said "Jen, I've been in love with you since the first time we met. I could never get you off my mind. All those calls and texts? I didn't really need your help. I just made excuses to talk to you. I would make up any little thing just to talk to you. I'm head over heels in love with you. And it's been killing me watching you and David flirt and listening to him brag about hooking up with you. I wanted to be him so badly. But I couldn't. I wanted to give you the love you deserved, not just a hook up. And now that Abby is completely out of my life, I want to give you that. I want to marry you and make you mine forever. "

Jen was shook to her core. Never had she dreamed anyone would want to marry her. Much less a man she also felt she was in love with. She honestly didn't know how to respond. Or at least that's what I thought.

Jen took his hand in hers and looked deep into his eyes.

"I want to say yes, but I have one thing that you need to do before I can say that." She tells Lee.

"Anything, Jen, anything." He answers.

"You need to meet Jessica."

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