Chapter 39

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The moment I heard her voice, my heart almost stopped. Not because of excitement or love, but it's because of fear. I never thought I would hear from her again. It had been such a long time since the last time we'd last seen each other.

I couldn't bring myself to tell Kaitlyn right now but I would eventually do it when the time was right.
By not telling Kaity in the first place, I feel like I'm lying to her but I have to tell her before things get out of hand and she gets angry.

I watch her sleeping and admire her beauty. I really love her and I wouldn't want to lose her. I can't live without her. She turns to the other side and I pull her closer to me. I really don't know how I survived the last few months without her, but I had really searched for her. Thank God that I found her. I wouldn't bare seeing her in another mans arms.

A man like Justin.

Just by thinking his name, I'm glad she didn't give him a chance. I now know how much she loves me. I can feel it and see it in her eyes.
She stirs again and flutters her eyes open.

"Good morning sweetheart? "I say.

She smiles and says," Good morning sweetie. "
She wakes up from her sleeping form and hugs me and then gives me a little peck on my cheek. She looks at me confusedly.

" Niall, are you sad? "

He shakes his head and says," Oh no there's nothing wrong. Why are you saying that?"

She sits cross legged and face me looking straight into my eyes.

"You look so sad ", she says

" It's nothing sweetheart,"I tell her.

With that, I tell her we should get some breakfast since I was so hungry.
We walk downstairs and I begin making the breakfast. I make the pancakes and she makes the coffee.
After we finish everything, I put some whipped cream on the pancakes that we would be eating and we settle down on the stools at the kitchen table. I see her biting her pancake and smile. I guess they are sweet.

"Mhhh, this is so good! "She exclaims.

" Is it really good? "I ask just to be sure that she likes it.

" Yes you're a great cook ", she says smiling again and I just love it.

My phone rings again from the living room and fear grips me. I just hope it isn't the caller from yesterday. I make my way to the living room and looking at the caller, it's Harry who is calling. I let out a sigh of relief before answering the call.

We talk for a while and he tells me that they are on their way. I almost forgot we had to go somewhere later in the day.

"Okay,I'll be waiting for you all. "I say and hang up the phone.
" Who's coming? ", Kaitlyn asks

I look around and she's already sitting at one of the couches with the remote on her hand, flicking the channels.

" It's the boys. They're coming. "

I join her on the couch and she rests her head on my chest. I cannot just imagine the love I have for this lady. She is the one and only that I will ever love. She have shown me what love is and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

" Why are you looking at me that way? "She asks holding my gaze.

I smile widely and tell her," Kaity, I really love you. I wouldn't know what I'd do without you in my life."

She snuggles into my chest further and she tells me.
"I love you so much Niall. You're the best that I ever had. I don't want to lose you ever. "

Before I could say anything, a loud knock is heard at the door. I guess the boys are already here.
" That should be the boys ", I say and make my way to the front door.
They are all standing at the door and the moment I open the door they all get inside.

" How're you guys? "Harry says going to greet Kaitlyn.
He gives her a hug, and all the others do the same. Louis does what he always do, being so funny to my girl.

" Did he treat you well? Like the Princess you are? "He asks.

" Of course he did. "

We all sit down and discuss about our next video that we'd be shooting. Kaitlyn is now talkative than the last time, and it's because she has interacted with the boys and they are her friends.

" Okay, let's go guys, Simon is waiting for us. I just received his text,"I inform them.
Kaitlyn and the five of us get out of the house and into Zayn's car.


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