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The Philosopher's Stone.

"I'm pretty sure you're in love with that boy, you're obsessed with him."


It had taken Draco, Crabbe and Goyle a few weeks to get over y/n's outburst of anger towards them at the end of the quidditch game. They spent almost a whole month making sure their actions didn't upset y/n in anyway. That all stopped when Crabbe had accidentally spilled pumpkin juice on her at dinner time and she remained perfectly calm. It was a shame, y/n liked being left out of the boy's shenanigans but that was all coming to an end.

Y/n was sat in the great hall during her free period, a potion book was placed open in front of her as she skimmed the page, a goblet of water was placed in front of her that had been gratefully been given by Professor McGonagall who was supervising the hall at that time. She was at peace. But that was soon corrupted when a person sat across from her.

She looked up to see Malfoy smiling triumphantly at her, she frowned at him. She was confused about why he was alone, usually Crabbe and Goyle were there right behind him. Plus, she knew what was coming, it was something to do with potter.

"Can I help you?" She asked the devious looking boy.

"I've just found out a boat load of information about Potter, and I need your assistance to help me catch him out." He grinned deviously at y/n.

"I'm pretty sure you're in love with that boy, you're obsessed with him." Y/n rolled her eyes at Draco's excitement.

"You don't understand, he's going to be smuggling a dragon up to the astronomy tower. If we can get McGonagall or even Filch to catch them, they'll get into huge trouble." Draco grinned widely at his devious plan.

"Why is it always me?" Y/n groaned, "Ask Crabbe or Goyle to help you, or even Parkinson."

"They're completely useless y/n, I know you won't mess anything up." He pleaded with her, trying to persuade her with complements.

"Fine but if you get us detention again, I'm going to hex you!" She threatened the victorious boy.


" I can't believe you got me a detention, again." Y/n groaned as she walked through the forest next to Malfoy, walking behind Harry, Hermione and Ron who also got detention. Hagrid was the one who was supervising them.

The night that Malfoy dragged y/n out after hours, they followed the three down to Hagrid's little hut. That's where they saw them with the Dragon. For Draco, this was like finding a pot of gold. He laughed menacingly before dragging y/n back up towards the castle. They ran to Professor McGonagall's office who made the pair lead them to where the other three children were.

She caught them in a corridor running towards their common room but McGonagall caught them all. When she pulled the five children into her office, y/n stood at the back with Draco who looked smugger than ever until McGonagall awarded "All five of you" detention that's when Draco's ego fell. The other three snickered at Malfoy as he questioned McGonagall but it was no use.

"Wait till my father hears about this." Malfoy grumbled, kicking a rock as he walks.

"Wait until my father hears about this, the forbidden forest is forbidden for a reason." Y/n complained as the stumble through the dark forest.

The group walked deeper into the trees gathering round a pool of blue, metallic liquid.

"Ew, what is that?" y/n grimaced as Hagrid put his fingers into the pool and inspected his fingers.

"This here is unicorn blood, I found one dead a few weeks ago. This one has been hurt really bad so we're out here to find the poor beast." Hagrid explained, "So Hermione and Ron, you're coming with me. Harry and Malfoy, you'll go with y/n."

"Fine but we want Fang." Draco demanded, pointing over to the big dog.

"Okay, but just so you know, he's a huge coward." Hagrid agreed, sending Fang in our direction.

He sent the children off without another word. Y/n despite hiding it well was actually extremely terrified, they all were really but the two boys were playing it cool with their fears, showing so sign of it.

"Did you hear that?" Y/n jumped at a slight noise from behind them.

"If I didn't know any better Moonshine, I would think you're scared?" Harry asked the girl, stopping in his tracks.

"Well let's think Potter, I'm in a dark forest possibly surrounded by some of the most dangerous creatures known to Wizards with the possible worst people to protect me. I'm not scared at all." Y/n replied sarcastically at the boy. Of course, she was scared. What a stupid question.

Fang lead them further down into the forest and stopped at a clearing. He began to growl, causing the three to stop in their tracks. In the distance, they could see a hooded figure standing over a Unicorn, drinking its blood. They stared for a moment, until a bark from Fang made the figure look up.

Their mouth was oozing with the unicorn's blood, it snarled at the group. Harry doubled over clutching his head while both y/n and Malfoy let out simultaneous, high pitch screams and turned around, running as fast as they could.

They left Harry in the clearing while they ran back to meet Hagrid who must have heard their screams because he was running towards them. Concern and panic spread across his face.

"Where's Harry?" Hagrid asked frantically. Y/n and Malfoy shared panicked looks, they had no idea that he didn't follow them. She could have sworn he was right behind us.

"I can't believe you just left him." Hermione criticised y/n as they ran.

"Shut your hole Granger, you would have run for your life too." Y/n scoffed back.

They all hurry to where they had left him behind. When they arrived, Harry was stood with a Centaur, he sensed our presence and turned towards us.

"Harry Potter this is where I leave you, you're safe now." The horse man said before galloping off.

Y/n and Draco shared confused looks. Harry joined them and they headed back up to the castle. The group of five stayed quiet until it split to go to their common rooms.

"Well that was an experience." Y/n started as they climbed the stairs down to the dungeon.

"And our bloody last one." Malfoy breathed.

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