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Year 5
The Order of the Phoenix

"Oh Y/n, you might want to remove your jumper. Just a word of advice."


Y/n strolled sluggishly down the hallways that had changed drastically. Dumbledore had gone, completely disappeared. After Umbridge had reported Dumbledore's Army to the ministry, they came to confront him, send him to azkaban too. Dumbledore was having none of that, so he went. And to the students distaste Umbridge was made the new headmistress.

Y/n could see the rest of Dumbledore's Army making their way into the great hall for the big detention they all had to endure. Y/n had expirenced the pain pen many times before, but this time she had a bad feeling about this.

Now that Umbridge had taken over, Hogwarts wasn't really Hogwarts anymore. The pictures that had been there to keep even the emptiest corridors livley had been taken down. A loud speaker boomed out the school rules that were already hung outside of the main hall. But lastly, everyone was miserable and couldn't wait to leave.

As she trotted in Umbridge immediatly spotted her and put her mug of tea next to the big throne she insisted she sat on.

"Oh Y/n dear, please come here." Her tone was rather excited, "I have a rather special seat for you today."

Everyone threw Y/n a warningful look as she walked towards the bubblegum pink lady. Her smile was full of innocence, yet it was so evil at the same time. At the front of the hall, facing out to the rest of the class doing lines, was a single desk with a diffrent looking quill.

"Now class, i want you to write 'I will not break rules.' over and over." She called out, then turned to Y/n, voice still loud so everyone could hear, "As for you dear, i want you to write 'I must not lie to Draco.' with this diffrent quill."

Everyone's eyes widnened at Y/n's task. Y/n was livid at the instructions off the extremely smug professor, but with one of her signiture squeaks, she hopped back onto her underserved throne.

"Oh Y/n, you might want to remove your jumper. Just a word of advice." Umbridge almost sang as she raised the tea cup back to her lips.

Y/n didn't argue and pulled the jumper over her head, leaving her in her school shirt and her Slytherin tie. Her eyes travelled around the room where everyone was scrawling with the quill with the black feather, but curiously hers had a golden feather attached to it.

"What are you waiting for Miss Moonshine?" The powerful voice stung Y/n's ears.

Regrettfully, she began to write. The words about Draco were wrote over and over before she began to feel any painful sensations at all. Everyone around her was silently groaning as they wiggled their hands with the feeling of discomfort. Yet this was diffrent to what Y/n was fimiliar to.

It started at the top of her arm, the burning and stabbing feeling was much more powerful than what she was used too. The bloody letters were excrutiatingly scratching their way into her arms. She couldn't hold back the loud cries that were splillling from her lips, she had to stop writing so she could grip the edge of the table trying to overcome this feeling.

"Mother of Merlin." Y/n yelled, not meaning to use her great, great grandmothers name in vain.

Everyone had stopped writing and were watching as the witch struggled to remain calm at the front of the room. Some shared looks of horror, others were flooded with sympathy. Y/n wasn't really paying attention though, she couldn't see through the blurs of her tears.

"I hope everyone takes in this image and remebers what will happen if you continue to break the rules." Umbridge stood up, "For now you are dismissed."

The class stood up, not wanting to question the lady anymore. She then turned to Y/n who was slumped onto the desk, breathing heavily, tears falling down her cheeks.

"Now Miss Moonshine, i do hope from now on, you will do as i say." She says, loosing all her fake innocence.

"Do you really think I'll bring dishonor to the Moonshine name and take orders from anyone as malicious as you?" Y/n gasped out.

Umbridge simply tutted, "Pity, looks like we will be seeing even more of each other in the future. But for now you may leave."

Y/n stood up, having nothing more to say to the wicked witch. She folded her jumper up and carried it in her hands because her arms were in too much pain for the fabric to be covering her wounds.

Slowly, she walked out of the great hall, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes. But stopped as soon as she entered the dark corridor because her eyes caught sight of somone who had blonde hair.

"Draco i don't really want to see you at this moment in time." Y/n huffed, turning away from the boy who was quickly trying to keep up with her.

"Y/n, please." Draco called, trying to stop her.

His voice alone wasn't enough to stop Y/n so he reached out and grabbed her upper arm, trying to stop her moving. But instead she jumped and yelped out in pain, flinching away from Draco's hand.

He studied her face as she looked down to inspect the area he made contact with. He followed her gaze and spotted the big letters that sprawled and connected to his name.

"What is that?" He asked softly, yet anger was clearly noticable.

He took her wrist gently in his large hand and straighted it out, making the writing visible to see. He read over the words many times before he looked back at Y/n with a hurt expression.

"Is this the sort of punishment Umbridge thinks is acceptable," Draco questioned, "If i knew you were in that room Y/n, i would never have told Umbridge what was going on. I swear to you."

"Well Draco you did tell Umbridge, and now your name will be scarred on my arms forever. I hope you're happy about finally showing that you can get one up on Potter, because personally, it makes you the worst friend ever." Y/n said, monotone.

Without another word she ripped her arm from his grip and made her way back to the privacy of her dorm room.

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