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Year 2
The Chamber of Secrets

"Yes, well maybe you should know your facts before you speak next time, or know your facts whenever you write your books Professor."


"I'd like to introduce you to the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher," Gilderoy Lockhart smirked at the sea of students, "Me, Gilderoy Lockhart."

Y/n rolled her eyes placing her chin in her hand. The rest of the females in the class were mesmerised by the man who smiled at them with such charm, hiding his dirty little secrets.

"Order of Merlin..." He began to list but was soon cut off.

"That you're not worth of." Y/n coughed under her breath, causing Pansy to giggle.

"Ahhh, Miss Moonshine. I didn't realise you would be in my classes." He stated becoming all flustered with his answer.

"Yes, well maybe you should know your facts before you speak next time, or know your facts whenever you write your books Professor." Y/n dug at the already half embarrassed man.

"Very good advice, now let's move swiftly on." He said changing the subject of speech.

Y/n let out a low growl at the man. She was completely disgusted at the man who thought it was okay to brag about her ancestors name when he is not worthy, especially the greatest one to ever live. This had proven to y/n how much of a fraud this famous wizard was.

"Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizard kind," he tapped a cage with a cloth over it, making it rattle, "You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm will befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!"

Everyone let out a gasp, as he yanked off the cloth to reveal a cage full of pixies. Y/n let her body relax after tensing it ready for a dangerous monster. Seamus was the first to snigger, gaining Lockhart's attention.

"Laugh if you will, Mr. Finnigan. These Pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them now!" He yells as he opens the cage and the pixies fly out, "Come on now, round them up, round them up, they're only pixies!"

Y/n and Pansy both dived off their chairs and hit the floor, taking cover from the pixies that were currently terrorising their class. Screams from Neville came from behind them as they watched him be picked up by his ears. They shared a look and used their eyes and agreed to run for it.

They nodded and started to run with their heads low down, they were almost at the door when y/n spotted something that made her turn back. She ran towards Draco who had a pixie pulling his blonde hair out of place. With one swipe of her hand she knocked the pixie off Draco and grabbed the sleeve of his robe and dragged him towards Pansy who was ready to open the door.

They leapt out, their bodies sliding along the hard, tiled floor. Y/n was breathing heavily, Pansy's robe was twisted and Draco's hair was out of place. And from the corridor the noise of the room sounded horrific, screams and cries echoed off the stone walls.

"Thanks for that Moonshine," Draco breathed, standing up brushing himself off and smoothing his hair out, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to see a man about a broom."

Before y/n could ask where Draco was going or what he was talking about he vanished around the corner. Y/n looked at Pansy who was also still sat on the floor.

"Looks like we have half of this period and all of free period to do absolutely nothing." Y/n said finally standing up.

"Guess the only thing we can do is study outside I guess." Pansy said finally picking herself up too.

"Sure." Y/n agreed, she waited for Pansy to catch up and they walked outside together.


Y/n and Pansy both sat under a healthy green tree in the courtyard. It was sunny yet it was a little nippy.  Y/n had a potion book open on her lap while Pansy had multiple different books, like Herbology and transfiguration.

They had been sat out there since Defence Against the Dark Arts was cut short. So, y/n was getting a little bored with re-reading her potion books. Her eyes began to wander around the yard to the few students that were also sat outside. But she saw something much more entertaining.

The Slytherin quidditch team came around the corner heading towards the quidditch grounds, then from out of the main building the Gryffindor team came out and headed towards the same place, they clashed together and began to talk.

"This should be eventful." Y/n tapped Pansy on the shoulder as she stood up and tucked her book under her arm.

Pansy followed y/n as she headed over to the conflict of the new team. The Slytherin captain was smirking while the Gryffindor captain was frowning. Just like her and Pansy, Ron and Hermione were also on their way over.

"You've got a new seeker," Is the first thing y/n heard, "Who?"

The green team stepped aside to reveal Draco stood in the middle smirking at the red team.

"Malfoy?" Harry questioned as Y/n watched in confusion.

"That's right and that's not all that's new this year." Draco smirked, fiddling around with his broom.

Y/n stared at the nice new brooms the new Slytherins had hold of the brand-new Nimbus 2001. Draco looked very pleased with himself.

"Nimbus 2001? You seriously used your wealth to bribe your way onto the quidditch team?" Y/n scoffed at him, "Slytherin is going to lose the tournament this year because they're choosing flashy items over skill."

"How did you even get those?" Ron asked star struck by the brooms.

"See Weasley unlike some, my father can afford the best." Draco mocked the ginger boy who didn't want to say anything.

"This is seriously low Draco." Y/n crossed her arms, glaring at Draco who looked as smug as ever.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team didn't have to buy their way in, they got in on pure talent." Hermione decided to speak up with a lot of confidence. Y/n grimaced at her voice that had become highly annoying after the year she had known her.

"No one asked your opinion," Draco said.

"You filthy little Mud blood." Y/n and Draco both spat at the same time, their voices creating the perfect insult.

Granger glared at her for a while and Draco turned to smirk at y/n. The Slytherin team looked overjoyed by her response but the ginger next to her looked like he was trying to hold back something that was soon to be unleashed.

"You two will pay for that one," He pointed his taped wand at the two, "Eat slugs."

The magic came out of his wand but because of it being damaged it exploded in his hand sending his body flying backwards away from the group. He laid on the floor and groaned.  Y/n and Draco shared a laugh and went to surround the boy on the floor.

They watched as he moved onto his hands and knees and gagged. Out of his mouth came a giant, live slug, along with all its slime. Harry and Hermione picked him up by his arms and carried him away leaving y/n and the whole Slytherin team in stitches.

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