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Year 5
The Order of the Phoenix

"She may have already took a disliking to you, she wasn't looking this way with the friendliest of gazes."


The whole of Hogwarts was excited to be back for another year. Everyone had seemed to be happier than last year, especially since the Ministry had drilled into everyone's heads that Harry and Dumbledore were liars. Y/n poured herself and Draco some juice, while Draco served them both a slice of Pie.

"Good evening children. Now we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." Dumbledore said.

Y/n sent a confused look to Ron who was the only one out of the three to be facing her. He replied with the same confused look and a shrug.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." Dumbeldore said.

Y/n chocked on the pumpkin juice she was drinking as Pansy and Blaise sent her a worried look from across the table. Y/n was completely speechless. This must have been the job she took when her father had been promoted.

Dumbledore continued to make his speech but he was cut off by an annoying, high pitched interuption cough. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the prissy pink woman who had stood up. She made her way around to where Dumbledore stood and everyone watched in confusion.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." Her eyes landed on Y/n and her smile dopped for a moment, staring at her with hard eyes, then continuing, "The Ministry of Magic has always concidered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historical school, progress for the sake of progress, must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

She ended it with an irritating, squeek of a 'hehe' noise and went to sit down. All the other teachers, including Dumbledore, were taken back by her sudden speach and let the hall eat immediatly after.

"You know what this means, don't you Y/n?" Draco whispered into her ear.

"Yeah, that I'm in for a rough year. Especially in Defence Against The Dark Arts." Y/n said cooly, "But if she does anything too drastic, my father will soon hear about it."

"She may have already took a disliking to you, she wasn't looking this way with the friendliest of gazes." Draco told her again.

"If she dislikes me because of my father then that is her problem. According to the school policy, she can't treat me any differently than the other students. Yet that doesn't really stop Snape, does it?"

Draco chcukled as they tucked into their dinner, Y/n didn't relise what storm was about to hit.


After dinner everyone started to head back to their common room's so they could get organised for tomorrow's lessons. Y/n and Draco were stuck together like magnets as they walked through the crowds of people and down to the dungeon. Even when everyone had gone to their dorms, they stayed in the common room for a while.

"You never did tell me why you never came to visit this summer." Draco said, as the two sat on the couch.

"My Mother and Father were at the Ministry a lot over the holiday's. So I didn't really see them enough to ask permission to visit, and I didn't think they would be too happy about me inviting you to the mansion without permission, so I thought letters would just have to do." Y/n explained, to Draco.

That was another lie, Y/n was spending most of her time with the order.

"I was teasing," Draco chuckled, standing up from his spot on the sofa, "Anyway, we can't leave unpacking till too late."

"Sure, I'll meet everyone back down here a little bit later on." Y/n said.

Y/n had just finished unpacking her trunk when she walkd into the green common room. Everyone was sat on the green sofa's looking at what seemed to be a newspaper. When she got closer, she saw it was another article about Harry.

"Come on guys, leave it out will you?" Y/n said, snatching the paper off the table and throwing it into the fire place.

"What's wrong with you, Moonshine?" Pansy said, "You're acting as though you believe Potter."

"Because I do!" Y/n stated, "And you all should too. Voldemort is the one person Harry is terrifed of, why would Harry lie about that? If people think that everything is fine, then people won't be ready for when he does attack. I believe that Voldemort killed Cedric, and i don't understand why you don't either."

"What about Sirius Black? Have you forgotten he hasn't been caught yet. Maybe it was him to killed Cedric, ever thought about that?"

"A killer who has escaped from Azkaban won't be stupid enough to go around killing people and leaving a trial. Seriously, I honestly think Harry is telling the truth." Y/n was getting more and more frustrated with everyone who was arguing against her.

"I do too." Draco said.

The whole group looked at him in shock, but Y/n looked at him with a smile. She knew Draco would be reasonable towards Harry one day.

"Potter has escpaed him once, so he could probably do it again. Besides, if he's just returned, he won't be as strong so Harry would have gotten away much easier than last time. Last time, he was a baby, and survived him at full strength." Draco explained, making every silent.

"Thank you," Y/n nodded, "Anyone want to argue about it now?"

No one replied for a while. Y/n sat down next to Draco, buzzing with success. He had a small smile on his lips too.

"I hope you know that this doesn't make me and Potter friends. And I'm defending you and not him." Draco informed Y/n, making her smile even wider.

"Don't worry, i won't start organising friendship braclett sessions, just yet!" Y/n laughed, nudging Draco in the ribs.

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