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Year 3
The Prisoner of Azkaban

"Excellent, I bet Draco will be very happy to have you there Miss Moonshine"


Y/n was sat at her big elegant dressing table in her big elegant room. She hummed a tune of sweetness as she brushed through her y/h/c hair. Her appearance had changed mildly over the summer. She had got a little taller, slimmed her body out a little bit. She had started to develop the tiniest bit of curve on her small hips, but that wasn't as noticeable. Plus, she paid a little attention to her face when she applied the tiniest bit of concealer to her red little breakouts. Also adding mascara to her eyelashes, and gloss to her lips.

She still had a scene of innocence though, with her little freckles that covered her peachy cheeks. Her y/e/c eyes stared with kindness instead of the intimidating they were supposed to be with her current house status. But the least threatening thing about her was her soft, gentle voice that had got quite high pitched over the summer.

"Y/n can you come down here please?" Her Mother beckoned her softly from what sounded like downstairs, "We have a visitor."

A visitor? Y/n wondered. Honestly, she secretly hoped it was Draco. Y/n was correct when she predicted that her angry friend wouldn't send her one owl over the summer, so Y/n didn't send him any, unlike last year when she would send one almost every day in hope of a reply.

Y/n skipped to the top of her golden stair case that looked over the big hallway of the Moonshine Mansion. Towering over her was a diamond chandelier, that her parents paid a lot of money to get polished every month.

But stood at the bottom of the stairs with her parents was infact the opposite of Draco. His father, Lucius Malfoy, stared up at Y/n as she glided down the stairs. His face held a small yet obviously fake smile.

"Mr Malfoy? How can I be of service today?" Y/n bowed her head a little at the man, but not too much because her family was still the superior to hers.

"Good Evening Miss Moonshine. I have come bearing an invitation for your Mother and Father, and of course you." He said, his voice cold, "We are hosting a small feast for a few of the other wealthy families and I would appreciate if you would like to attend."

"Of course, Mr Malfoy, when will this feast happen?" Y/n asked, curious because she is soon to return to school.

"When you return home for your first school break." He said, his fake smile a little bigger.

"Of course, I would love to attend." Y/n said, shooting back a smile.

"Excellent, I bet Draco will be very happy to have you there Miss Moonshine, and as for you Mr and Mrs Moonshine, the whole party will be excited to know such legends will be there," He bellowed with more success than happiness, "So I bit you farewell until then."

Lucius left Moonshine Mansion, rather successful. But Y/n didn't agree with what he said about Draco, 'I bet Draco will be very happy to have you there' That's a very false accusation at this moment in time because Y/n had no clue if Draco even remembered who she was anymore.


The train station was hustling with young wizards that morning but Y/n was used to it now, since it was her third year. But just like always Y/n wore an outfit making her stand out.  She wore a long sleeved black top with the neckline cutting off before her shoulders, matched with a maroon skirt that buttoned up on the front. On her feet were black knee high socks and a pair of black boots with a small heel on them.

After she bid her parents goodbye, she made her way onto the train. Mixed emotions about meeting her friends were fighting inside of her, she was truly excited to see Pansy and Blaise who made an effort to stay in touch over the summer, but then nervous about seeing Draco after months of refusing to talk to him.

Y/n wandered through the carriages looking for her friends, and when she passes the compartment with her cheerful looking friends in it, her smile grew.

"Pansy, Blaise!" Y/n yelled with excitement, making the two turn their head towards the rich girl. They both jumped up to hug Y/n. As they embraced the train began to move, making the giggling students wobble, but stay in their cuddled up group.

The train was at a steady pace, and Pansy was in the middle of telling the two other students about her fathers promotion in the Ministry, but Y/n's mind was somewhere else, staring right past her in her own thoughts. She realised her trunk was taken with the others but it was unusual for Pippin to have been taken this early into the trip.

"Excuse me for a moment guys. It just occurred to me that I may have a missing owl." Y/n stood up, shuffling out of the cart with her friends chuckling lightly at her statement.

She shut the sliding door over and watched her friends continue with their conversation, she smiled to herself completely forgetting who she was trying to avoid. Until she turned around that is.

She recognised that white hair anywhere. Draco stood at the end of the corridor, in his usual black suit, staring at her. She couldn't believe how much the young boy had changed over the summer. His usual slap back hair style was now loose, and his once greasy hair looked soft and silky hanging over his forehead in a fringe. He had gotten taller, much taller. And all his child chub had seemed to vanish off of his body.

Draco was staring back at Y/n thinking the exact same thing, her hair had grown longer and it was cascading down her shoulders. She had slimed out a lot too, and her face was becoming more naturally contoured.

"Y/n?" He questioned a little awkwardly.

"You complete utter toad!" Y/n fumed as she walked towards the boy who looked rather scared, "What happened to 'I'll owl you'?"

"Yes I know I really should apologise," He said grabbing hold of Y/n's shoulders and pushing her away from him a little after the threatening closeness she made, "didn't know what to say to you after my childish behaviour. So I though I'd save it till I saw you in person."

Y/n eyed the boy, she didn't have the slightest idea if he was being honest or not, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. She sighed heavily.

"You're lucky I'm a good friend," Y/n teased, hitting his shoulder playfully, "Besides, I knew-"

Y/n was cut off by the train coming to a sudden halt, and all the lights being cut off. Y/n looked at Draco who was also staring back at her confused. The air got colder and Y/n had to rub her arms to keep warm. She didn't understand what was happening until she saw it.

She stared behind Draco in horror causing him to slowly turn around, coming slowly towards the two was a dementor, making Y/n feel extremely miserable. Y/n was frozen to the spot at the sight of the dark cloaked figure, but Draco was quick to act.

He grabbed Y/n and pushed her into the nearest carriage, landing directly on top of her. Around them was a group of Hufflepuffs giving them strange looks.

"This isn't what it looks like." Y/n laughed nervously, looking at the three pairs of eyes staring at them. Y/n then looked at Draco who was still hovering over the top of her, his grey eyes met hers.

"I think it's safe to get off me now Draco." Y/n whispered, rather embarrassed by their closeness.

"Oh yes, sorry." He said, jumping up and grabbing her hand and pulling her up too, "And what are you all looking at?" He spat at the Hufflepuffs.

He then left the cabin, Y/n hesitated flashing a quick smile at the still confused Hufflepuffs before leaving the carriage quickly. Still without Pippin and now without Draco.

Spoilt Little Rich Girl - Draco Malfoy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now