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Year 4
The Goblet of Fire

"Potter is such a fool, he is going to die doing these challenges."


Y/n walked back into the same crowded hall the days afterwards. But this time everyone was gathered to watch the three champions be picked. Y/n walked in on her own and everyone seemed to be happily chatting with each other, and only a few people noticed her walk in.

The first person who caught her eye was the famous Viktor Krum who looked up at the door when she walked in, his hard face softened a little as thier eye contact was held for a few moments. That was until a smiling face from the corner of her vision made her divert her eyes. From the far corner, in amongs a group of Hufflepuffs, Cedric Diggory was grinning at her. She shot a friendly smile back. And he turned back to his friends.

She turned to look at Viktor again who was now bussy talking to his friends. She scanned the room to find Harry, Ron or Hermione but again her attention was turned to the last person who noticed her presnece in the room.

"Moonshine, over here." Draco said, his tone happy, but his eyes were sending evil looks toward the handsome Hufflepuff Y/n smiled at.

"I'm suprised that you're talking to me. I went a little harsh with my words yesterday." Y/n said taking a seat between an annoyed looking Pansy and Draco.

Pansy looked like she was biting her tongue, holding back whining about Y/n sitting in between her and her one true love.

"Don't be obsered, you're my best friend." Draco laughed, pulling Y/n by the waist with a quick side hug.

There was that word again, friend. Sure it was possitioned after the word best but Y/n, as much as she didn't want to admit it, would rather have the word 'girl' in front of it. At this point in time, Y/n had excepted that she had a growing crush on Draco, and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." Dumbledore announced, to settle everyone's chatter. He swung his arm around the room and dimmed the lights, creating the atmosphere.

Everyone watched as he held his hands up and caressed the goblet, then standing back from the blue flame and waiting. Suddenly, the flame turned red and a grumble could be felt from the floor. And a peice of parchment was spat out of the cup, Dumbledore swiftly caught it.

"And the Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announced, everyone cheered.

Viktor stood up and made eye contact with Y/n once more and proudly made his way over towards Dumbledore, who shook his hand graciously. The goblet turned red again, one Krum was sent to the back and spat out another peice of paper.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." He called out and a beautiful, thin blonde girl stood up.

A petite smile was placed on her pale face as she pranced up to Dumbledore. Gladly, he shook her hand, then he let her dance off to join Viktor at the back of the room.

Again, like the first two times the Goblet spat out one last big of paper, the name of the Hogwarts champion.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" He announced.

The hall was louder than ever, especially the Hufflepuff table. Cerdric was pushed to his feet by his friends and he wore his pride in his smile. He scanned the whole hall, the his eyes landed on Y/n who was clapping loudly for the boy. But his eyes taveled slightly to the side of her and his smile faded. He turned away and proceeded up to Dumbledore, and then joined the other contestants.

Y/n looked at Draco, who was clapping with a pleased expression. He looked down at her and raised his eyebrows enthusiastically. She didn't know why Cedric suddenly changed his expression, but Draco seemed to have no knowledge of it either.

"Excellent, we now have our three champions." Dumbledore shouted, "But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwazard cup!"

He whipped his arm back and pointed to a glowing blue trophey that just had a cloak ripped off the top of it. The hall burst into cheers once more. Then as if out of now where the ground began to shake again. It seemed only Y/n and Professor Snape had noticed, until the goblet turned red again and spat out one more bit of paper. Dumbledore caught it, and scanned over it slowly. Everyone watched silently.

"Harry Potter," He said quietly to himslef, everyone's heads turned to where Harry was sitting with Hermione, "HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore them boomed.

"What?" Y/n whispered to Draco, her mouth slightly a gape and heart beating fast in horror.

Hermione had to violently pick him up and pushed him out of the crowd. He walked slowly towards Dumbledore who was watching him carefully. He put the peice of paper into Harry's hand and Harry scanned it.

He looked shaken as he walked to join the other champions at the back of the room. But at this point people were very dissaproving, shouting out about Harry's age and that this wasn't fair. Y/n didn't think it was fair either, not fair for Harry. She knew he would never put his name into the Goblet.

The champions were escorted out, and when everyone was dismissed from the hall, they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

"Potter is such a fool, he is going to die doing these challenges." Pansy sort of sung as she stood up from her seat.

"I really hope you don't actually think it was Harry who put his name in there!" Y/n spat at the bitter girl.

"Who cares who put it in?" She said grimly, "Who ever did it really hates Potter and they've given us VIP tickets to the best show. Draco you agree, right?"

Y/n looked at Draco with a warningful look. If he even dared to test her right now.

"I agree with Y/n that Potter wasn't the one to put his name in," Draco said, "But Pansy has a point too, it's going to be quite entertaining on Slytherin's behalf."

"Oh Dracey, i knew you'd come through." She praised Draco but throwing her arms around his torso and burrying her face into his chest.

"You're unbelieveable." Y/n glared at Draco who was scowling down at Pansy. He looked at Y/n who was pursing her lips in anger. She turned around and walked away from the couple.

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