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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"Mother, have you seen Draco?"


Y/n ran out of the, now, still and almost empty hall. Her legs carried her out of the castle and into the court yard that was once full of all of Voldemort's forces. But all was empty, except the mounds of stone and brick that had been destroyed from the castle.

Just at the end, Y/n saw three people walking up slowly. Their faces full of confusion and hesitance as they entered the empty castle. Harry was looking alarmed but relief ran through Y/n when she saw that Harry was good and well.

She ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. She didn't want to let him go, she didn't want to let him go and die.

"Where is everyone?" Hermione asked.

Y/n's heart jumped, at Hermione's question. She knew that all the Death Eaters have left and gone. They had heard Voldemort's demand too. But inside was a sea of dead people, their friends and allies all dead.

They walked in, going straight to the Great Hall. They opened the doors to see students carrying others on stretchers, people lying lifeless on the floor and Madam Pomfrey working tirelessly on the injured and harmed.

Then, everything suddenly stopped. Y/n saw the Weasley's all stood hugging each other. All of them had painted looks on their faces and they comforted each other. Y/n wondered why, so she got closer to the emotional family.

But Y/n wishes she hadn't. On the floor lay Fred Weasley, Mrs Weasley was kneeled over him, crying into her son's shoulder.  Y/n's hands came up to her mouth, he was dead. She fell to her knees next to where he lay.

Mrs Weasley looked up and met her water eyes. Y/n had now began to cry. Molly reached over and took one of Y/n's hands into her own and squeezed it tightly. With her other free hand, Y/n held Fred's one, looking into his peaceful face. Molly used her free hand to stroke her son's hair.

"Y/n, dear." A voice called out.

Y/n looked over her shoulder to see her mother and father, standing over two people, looking sadder than they've ever looked. Her mother beckoned her. She turned back to Mrs Weasley and gave her hand one last squeeze before going to her parents.

Mrs Moonshine took Y/n's shoulder comfortingly as they turned her to observe the bodies that were laying before her. Y/n let out a gasp when she saw who was laying there. Never could she imagine Remus and Tonks Lupin laying dead before her.

But they were, their hands outstretched just millimeters from each other. Y/n thought that they had died holding hands, or reaching to get to each other. One other person was on her mind at that moment.

"Mother, have you seen Draco?" She asked softly.

"No sweetheart, I have not." Her mother rubbed her back softly.

Y/n choked back another sob. She couldn't bare to think that Draco had been hurt or even worse killed in all of this. Just after she had stopped him burning to death, he had gone, vanished from the corridor. And all she could do was pray that he fled to safety.

Mr Moonshine pulled his daughter into a hug. Squeezing her tightly to try and distract her from all of the death and despair.

"Draco is a strong and fine boy." Her father butted in, "He will be fine."

But Y/n's attention was pulled away from Draco. Ron and Hermione were running from the hall. They were looking concerned and a little bit panicked.

Y/n followed them, Harry was nowhere to be seen so she assumed that they were going to find him. When she caught up she was met with with saddest smiles. Y/n pulled her two friends into hugs, Ron especially.

"You don't think Harry has gone do you?" Y/n asked them, her voice soft and croaky.

"It's possible, He just disappeared from the Hall." Hermione replied.

The group of three carried on walking, they wondered around a few of the corridors but there was no sign of Harry. Ron and Hermione sat themselves down on the bottom of some stairs. Y/n stood in front of them. Harry couldn't have gone there? He just couldn't of!

Y/n ended up being correct, she watched as Harry appeared at the top of the stairs, his face so full of fear but also determination.

"Where have you been?" Y/n called out to him, pushing herself up the steps, "We thought you had gone to the forest!"

"I'm going there now!" Harry informed them.

"Are you mad?" Ron asked as Harry pushed past them all, "No. You can't give yourself up to him."

Y/n felt her bottom lip come from her mouth and begin to shake as she tried to hold back the remorse she felt for Harry. She would fight, until death if she had to, to keep Harry alive and well. Voldemort could not win.

"There's a reason I can hear them, the Horcruxes." Harry said as he turned around slowly, "I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too."

At this point Hermione had started to cry and Y/n couldn't hold hers in anymore either.

"I'll go with you." Y/n said, thinking that she could act as a human shield

"No! Kill the snake!" Harry ordered, "Kill the snake and then it's just him."

At the same time, Y/n and Hermione lunged forward to smother Harry in a hug. Both girls were sobbing into his shoulder, both of them not wanting to let their friend go and die. But as soon as they let go, Harry had left down the steps without a word.

They all watched him go, down towards the front door. The girls had already cried so much so there was nothing stopping them crying more. Y/n knew that Ron was holding everything back. First his brother and now his best friend.

Y/n sat herself down on the steps. Putting her head in her hands, she tried not analyse what had happened. She couldn't bring herself to do it.

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