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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"Ron, you don't have a wife."


Y/n looked down at the snoring, sleeping Ministry of Magic workers. Four of them, two males and two females, lay unconscious on the floor at the group's feet. She recognised three out of the four as; Albert Runcorn, Mafalda Hopkirk and Reginald Cattermole.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Y/n asked as Hermione pulled out parts of the four people's hair and put them into brewed up Polyjuice potion.

"It's the only way." Hermione replied, standing up and turning back to the group, "Right, remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal and do what everybody else is doing.If we do that, then with a bit of luck we'll get inside."

Hermione handed out each of the potions to the group, passing Y/n the potion with the hair of the unknown official. Hermione was to transform into Mafalda Hopkirk.

"And then it gets really tricky." Harry finishing off Hermione's speech.

"Correct." Hermione asked.

Y/n looked down into her potion that was bubbling, the thick liquid letting off the most horrific smell that she had ever smelt. All of them seemed to think this was mental, and Y/n found it most metal of all. If they were caught, she was supposed to be dead, what would she tell them?

"Come on," Ron encouraged, " We've got a Horcrux to find."

They all then drank the whole contents of their potions. They all went through the strange feeling of transforming into the Ministry officials and Y/n always hated the feeling that it brought. But as soon as it was over, the countdown began and they swapped clothes with each of them. Leaving Y/n in a skirt and blouse.

They blended in with the busy streets of London. Y/n had visited the Ministry many times before and knew just the place to get in. She lead them down into an underground toilet, where many people were piling into. But strangely not coming back out of.

"All you need to do," Y/n ordered in a hushed voice, "Is stand in the toilet with both feet, then flush the chain. You will be transported straight away."

With nodding of the heads, the girls and the boys separated down the stairs and into each genders bathrooms. Hermione and Y/n stood in separate lines as they waited for the other witches to disappear.

The girls didn't look at each other when they finally got into a cubical, they just followed the instructions and flushed themselves down into the Ministry without problems. It was busy, so they blended straight in.

Y/n's heart began to pound when she caught sight of guards standing in front of a new, bigger, statue in the fountain. She prayed the witch she was pursuing was respected, so she held her head high and walked past the guards.

Luckily, and without a glance, the guards didn't stop her at all. Nor did they stop Hermione. But what did stop them in their tracks was the statue, which had become more cruel over time. It was a large pillar, crushing down on lots of people.

"Are those?" Harry's voice called behind them.

"Muggles?" Y/n questioned, trying not to sound so disturbed "Yes. In their rightful place."

They all stared for a little while longer. As soon as Ron came and opened his mouth, they knew that all four of them were safe and had gotten past the first hurdle.

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