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The Philosopher's Stone

"Actually, that's not true, Crabbe got 20 points taken away just last week."


The Last day of term came quicker than anybody realised. After rumours had spread that the three Gryffindors had been face to face with the Dark Lord, and Harry had once again survived they didn't see the trio for a while. Potter was in the hospital wing for a while, so everyone including the rest of the Slytherins believed the stories. Y/n didn't care about Potter or the Dark Lord, what hit her hard was the fact she wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts until next year. Malfoy however couldn't wait to leave the school, after the horrific things he had been put through he reckons he deserves a break.

It was the night before everyone was going home and the whole school was gathered in the great hall for a huge feast to celebrate another year over and done with. The houses sat eagerly and waited for the real reason they gathered here. They were waiting to see what house will be awarded this year's house cup.

"Slytherin has to have won, I don't think any of us had any points takes off us." Pansy says excitedly.

"Actually, that's not true, Crabbe got 20 points taken away just last week." Y/n corrects her, taking a bite out of her pudding.

"What?" Draco asked, annoyance in his voice, "What for?"

"He was caught breaking into the kitchen by Snape. He must have been furious because Snape never takes house points off any Slytherin ever." Y/n explains as Crabbe tried to hide behind his pile of food.

"Good going, you big lump." Draco poked his side angrily.

The rest of the table laughed at the two who were now scowling at each other. They then continued with personal conversations while they ate, only to be interrupted by Dumbledore himself.

"Another year has gone, but I bet you don't want to hear an old man's ramblings," he said chuckling to himself, "Now, as I understand, the house cup here needs awarding."

He then began to read out the points, of each house. Keeping everyone on the edge of their seats.

"In last place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points." Groans from around the Gryffindor table could be heard and Malfoy had the widest smile on his face that the others had ever seen him show.

"In third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two points." Cheers came from the Hufflepuff table, probably because they didn't come totally last.

"In second, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty-six," The Slytherin table got extremely giddy at that moment in time because there was only one other place they could be.

"And the winner is Slytherin, with four hundred and seventy-two points." The Slytherins burst into a cheer.

Y/n and Malfoy jumped up out of their chairs in cheer, the room filled with Slytherins signature green colour. The room was roaring with excitement from one side. But Albus was quick to change that.

"But recent events must be considered, some last-minute points will be awarded." Dumbledore explained.

"First to Mr Ronald Weasley for the best played chess game Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award 50 points. Second to Miss Hermione Granger for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award 50 points. Thirdly to Mr Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award 60 points." Dumbledore announced, making the people who added up call out.

That made the Gryffindor score four hundred and seventy-two. They had drawn. Draco slammed his fist on the table with rage.

"And Ten points to Neville Longbottom for standing up for what was right." The Gryffindor table made an explosion like noise as they erupted into cheers, the Slytherin table was now furious as the groan. The decorations around the room transformed from green to red.

"What a memorable night." Y/n groaned, putting her head on the table.


Mr and Mrs Moonshine waited on the platform waiting for their daughter as she stepped off the train. Everyone except Draco had said goodbye to y/n before they had gotten off the Hogwarts Express. Her parents held their arms open as she ran towards them, embracing them in a tight hug. The family looked at their daughter proudly as she stood in her Slytherin robes.  Her mother was holding back her tears, and a broad smile spread across her fathers face.

The family across from them caught y/n's eye. In front of them stood Mr and Mrs Malfoy, with a gloomy looking Draco. Compared to the Moonshines the Malfoys looked like they had no love between them. They stood with hard faces, standing next to each other with no contact. Unlike the Moonshines who were jolly in each other's presence, Mr and Mrs Moonshine had their arms linked and Mr Moonshines spare hand was on his daughter's shoulder.

"Draco!" Y/n broke away from her family and started to walk towards the boy. He saw her coming towards him and moved away from his family too, closing the small distance between them.

"You going to write this summer?" Y/n asked and raised her eyebrows.

"To be honest, now my father knows we're friends he'll probably invite your whole family over to the manor." He laughed slightly, "If not, I'll see you next year Moonshine."

He held his hand out for y/n to shake. She looked at his outstretched hand with one raised eyebrow. She grabbed it and pulled him forward, wrapping her hand around his waist. Draco was hesitant but after the shock of his body jolting forward, he placed his arms around her back, patting it lightly.

"We've been through too much to just shake hands." Y/n chuckled into his chest.

"You're lucky I like you Moonshine, I don't usually do hugs." He laughed into her shoulder.

They pulled away and they realised both their families were watching them. Draco's cheeks heated and went slightly red. Y/n giggled at his embarrassment.

"Until next year, Malfoy." Y/n began to walk backwards towards her family.

"Until next year." He waved, watching her turn away and slight run into her parents who rapped their arms around her and walked away from the busy platform.

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