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Year 5
The Order of the Phoenix

"Of couse not Professor. I will do my best to issue you with any information i know."


When the day of the questioning came around, Y/n had been called up first out of everyone. By now she had prepared herself for the worst. Also Dumbledore's army had, had a few more lessons in the few days they had yet to prepare.

So Y/n made her way up to the pretty, pink and sickly office she had grown to know. She knocked on the door and waited for Umbridge to call her in. She pushed it open and a comfortable looking chair was positioned opposite Umbridge.

"Please sit dear," Umbridge said pointing at the chair, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Y/n nodded, and Umbrige squeaked and poured the liquid into a tea cup, adding two sugars. She noticed something else being poured in. But Y/n chose to pretend she didn't see anything as Umbridge pushing it towards her.

"Now miss Moonshine, we know a lot abot each other at this point. So no lies need to be told in this roon, now. Am i understood?" She said, sickingly innocently.

"Of couse not Professor. I will do my best to issue you with any information i know." Y/n fake smiled at the teacher, pretending she was taking a sip of her tea.

"Before i ask you this i want to make it clear that if you tell me the truth you will not get punished. But if you lie, there will be a severe punishment put in place." Umbridge said, making Y/n nod, "Do you know of, or been involved in any illicit activities?"

Y/n predtended to think about it hard, making Umbridge hand on the edge of her chair and clutch her tea cup with a huge amount of force. Y/n wanted to tease the teacher a little more. So she spent a few seconds thinking before gasping softly, pretending to think of something, but then shaking her head and going back to thinking.

"Sorry Professor, i just can't think of anything at all." Y/n shrugged, and chucked the last of her tea into a plant pot next to her.

Umbridge was shaking with impaitence and Y/n thought the tea cup would have smashed if she would have carried on. But instead she stopped, and closed her eyes calmly. She pulled open the draw next to her and pulled out a fimiliar looking quill. One that Y/n knew quite well.

"Do you know what this is?" Umbridge asked calmlym pushing the feather towards Y/n.

"Yes." Y/n glared, knowing that it was the quill that would burn the words into her hand if she wrote with it.

"I hope i won't need to use it on you again Miss Moonshine," She threatened, "So I'm going to ask you again, Are you involved in any lillict activities?"

"And I'm going to tell you again, No," Y/n fired back, fake confidence.

Umbridge stood up from her chair and took a deep breath. Her usual fabricated smile was planted back onto her lips and she opened her eyes again to look at Y/n.

"You can go Miss Moonshine," She said calmly, "But if i find out you're lying, you will receive a far worse punishment than any one else who is involved."

Y/n nodded and smiled back with the same fake innocence the teacher had and closed the door.


A few days after Umbridge didn't seem to concentrate on Y/n that much. It would seem as though she believed her lies that she told, and that was perfect for Harry, because they could now have Y/n help out with look out and creating distractions.

It was cold that night and Y/n was sat on her own in a supprsingly empty common room. The fire was blazing and a story book was rested against Y/n's tucked up knees as she scanned the pages. Dark nights had made everyone extremely sluggish and tired all the time so everyone was rather out or in the dormitory sleeping.

The sound of Pansy's annoying giggle rung out as her and Draco entered the common room together. They looked rather pleased with themselves.

"Been for a romantic stroll?" Y/n mocked as they walked through the door.

"Actually, rich girl, me and Draco have been given an important role." Pansy gushed rather bitterly.

"Umbridge has made me and Pansy part of her Inquisitorial Squad." Draco boasted, "Look we have the badge and everything."

"So what exactly do you do?" Y/n asked, trying not to act too suspicious.

"Potter is up to something, but we need to find out what it is." Draco said, simply.

Draco was too mesmorised by the smal badge that hung on his robe to notice that Y/n was becoming uneasy.

"Why don't you ask Umbridge if you can join?" Draco said, "Maybe she will be a little bit kinder to you then."

"You know what, i think I'll pass," Y/n said, she was desperate to try and find a way to get out, "I'm peckish, is anyone else?"

"No." Pansy replied from the other side of the room.

"Well, I'm going to get a bite to eat." Y/n was trying her hardest not to stumble on her words, or to seem in a rush, "Yeah, ill be back soon."

She quickly placed her book down and scurried out of the green common room. She scuttled up, out of the dungeons and into the corridors. People stared as she marched quickly down the hall in her Pyjamas. She rushed into the main hall where Harry, Ron and Hermioen were luckily sitting.

"We have a huge problem," Y/n said sitting down, "Umbridge has recruted nearly all the Slytherin fifth year into a group, because she's suspisious about Dumbledore's Army."

"Does that mean Draco's apart of it?" Ron asked,

"Yes," Y/n nodded, "And Draco is sneaky, and more cunning than he looks. I'm worried that he'll find my disappearances fishy,"

"We can't talk about it here, there's too many listening ears." Harry said, "We will talk about it in the next meeting."

"Of course." Y/n nodded and stood up, "See you later,"

It was true, too many people were watching the strange behaviour of the Slytherin girl, talking to the Gryffindors. But people should be used to this by now?

Unless Umbridge had a hold over the rest of the school.

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