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Year 7
The Deathly Hallows

"If he didn't, it could be anywhere and near enough impossible to find now."


As the walked through the streets, they were all jumpy at the sight of any rushing person moving past them. Y/n had her hand on her waist, ready to grab her wand at any moment. The atmosphere was tense and Y/n wanted to change that.

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry." Y/n said, trying to break stress.

"Oh Ginny and I prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding." Hermione moaned, looking down at the floor, disappointingly.

Harry looked at the two girls, his eyebrows were raised as he continued his fast walk down the street.

"I appreciate the thought, but given the fact we were almost killed by a couple of death eaters a few minutes ago..." Harry began.

He didn't have to finish the sentence for Y/n to know exactly what he was getting at. But that didn't mean he had to keep the low mood all of the time. So she just rolled her eyes and looked away.

"We need to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." Ron added.

Y/n agreed, along with the other two. She didn't want to grip her wand all of the time that she spends in London. They had to find somewhere fast.

They all soon found themselves standing outside of the separated building of what they knew as 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. That now coincidentally now belonged to Harry, as Sirius left him everything he had.

They all stepped into the narrow corridor, the hallway was dark and intimidating looking, now that it wasn't bustling with the Order. Y/n flicked on the lights and the strangest thing began to happen.

Dust started to collect and swirl at the end of the corridor, it built upwards and got taller. Until the figure of Albus Dumbledore was shown and with a fierce look on his face, he flew forward at the group.

The two girls let out tiny squeals as it hit them, sending dust and wind flying in all directions. Once gone, they all straightened up.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked, in disbelief.

"Probably, Mad-Eye's idea. In case Snape decided to come snooping." Hermione answered, breathless herself.

Both Y/n and Harry stood speechless and silent in the corridor. The only form of sound they were making was their panicky but now slowing breaths. But all went quiet as the sound of light clattering could be heard from another room.

"Homenum Revelio" Hermione stepped forward to produce the revealing spell,but nothing happened, "We're alone."

They all moved into the living room where they set up camp on the sofas. Harry took one, Hermione took the other, Ron took the floor just next to Hermione's sofa and Y/n slept on the floor next to Harry.

Early the next morning, Y/n opened her eyes to see that the beds next to her were empty and only Hermione remained asleep on her couch. She sat up carefully rubbing her eyes, wondering where the boys had gone.

That was until Ron yelled from what sounded like upstairs.

"Harry? Y/n? Hermione? Where are you? I think I've found something." Ron announced.

Hermione shot upright in her bed and made eye contact with Y/n. The two immediately jumped from their place on their beds and headed towards where Ron's voice had come from. They raced up the stairs to see Harry and Ron stood in the doorway of a room.

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