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Year 4
The Goblet of Fire

"Krum will do amazing, Krum is amazing."


It was dark when Y/n opened her eyes a few hours later. She was really warm and on top of that loud snoring was echoing all around her. She tried to get up but a strong pair of arms were holding her to the bed. Draco was holding her tightly to his chest, his hair was slightly ruffled and his lips were parted, snoring softly compared to the rest of the boys.

She untangled herself from Draco's grip and got up in the dark. She crept past the sleeping boys and quickly crept into her own dorm. Where she was greeted, fortunatly, to the whole room full of sleeping girls. When Y/n got into bed it was cold, she immediatly missed Draco's presence beside her but she closed her eyes anyway. And fell alseep for the remainder of the night.

When she awoke, she wasn't the first one awake. Pansy's bed was empty, weirdly, but the other girls were all sleeping soundly. She was fully energised now, and because this was the last tournement day she wasn't planning on going to bed. So she wrapped her bed robe around her and entered the common room.

Most of the boy's were awake, including Draco, and they all shot confused glances her way.

"Good morning to all of you as well." She replied back sacastically, taking a seat next to Draco.

"We were just talking about when they came to bed, they thought we were in bed together." Draco laughed, obviously teasing them, "Obviously not like that, but they claim you slept in my bed."

"Well that's hard to believe when they've just watched me walk out of my room. On my own." Y/n smirked, going along with the joke.

Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle all looked at each other with confused glances. But Y/n and Draco couldn't help but smile.


The music of a band played through out the stadium as the champions paraded out for the final challange, everyone was cheering including Draco who was sat next to Y/n waving a Krum flag. His black suit was more formal than Y/n's plain jumper.

Y/n felt even more nervous when Harry came out. She wasn't nervous for his saftey, but it was the fact she was rooting for him to win this thing and she was giddy to watch him become victorious.

"Silence," Dumbledore announced, making every cheer stop, "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact possition. Now, as Mr Diggory and Mr Potter are tied for first possition they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum, and Miss Delacor. First person to touch the cup, will be the winner!"

Everyone began to cheer loudly for who ever they were rooting for. Waving flags and banners vigorously.

"I've instructed staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point, a contestant wish to withdrawl from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands." He announced.

Dumbledore gathered the four contestants in a huddle and the crowd watched paitently. It was only when a cannon was fired, did they then dissapear into the maze. And it was time for the rest of them to wait.

"I do hope he stays safe." Y/n said worryngly, taking a seat back on the stands.

"Krum will do amazing, Krum is amazing." Draco said, taking a seat next to Y/n.

"I was talking about Harry, you imbecile." Y/n calmly, not wanting to start an argument after last night.

"Oh," Draco said, "I'm sure Potter will be fine too."

Y/n rolled her eyes and sat back waiting for the moment of Harry's return.

It was dark when Harry finally showed up, along with Cedric on his arm. Y/n jumped up with excitment and began to roar with cheer along with the band that started to play.

But something was off. Harry wasn't celebrating. Cedric wasn't even moving. And soon the whole stadium stopped and everyone could hear Harry's painful shreiks as people tried to pull him off of Cedric.

"He's back!" Harry shouted, "He's back! Voldemort is back!"

Y/n gasped and her hands flew to her mouth in shock. Voldemort, the dark Wizard, was back. Y/n wasn't worried for her family, they were strong enough. The real worry was Harry. and most importnatly Draco's family. It was no secret that Lucius was once a death eater. So if his story of being undr a curse was true, it could happen again.

She felf two arms wrap around her, and try to tug her gently to the side. Trying to pull her away from all the mayhem. She looked up at Draco who looked extremely worried.

"Come on Y/n," Draco almost pleaded, "Can we get out of here?"

"But Harry," Is all Y/n said, pointing weakily at her screaming friend.

"Y/n please, Harry will be fine. Can we leave?" He begged a little harder.

He seemed genuinly startled by this. Draco wasn't the best at expressing emotions in public or around people, so his pleading face was enough to make Y/n nod and let him guide her out of the stadium. They walked until they were out of the fuss.

He lead her to Black lake and they sat under a tree. The moon was full, and glittering off the water as the two sat in silence, just looking out.

"Do you think he's actually back?" Y/n said, startling the boy.

"I don't know, but if he is, Potter was lucky to make it out alive." Draco's mind was somewhere else, "Again."

"Hogwarts isn't going to be the same now is it?" Y/n said, with a sigh.

"I'm afriad not Moonshine." Draco agreed, and leaned back against the tree.

Y/n sighed, and placed her head on his shoulder. This would have been the most relaxing and bonding moment for the pair, but the timing and situation was agaisnt them. What could have been the most romantic place to sit and talk, became an escape place they were using to get away from a tragedy that was about to start a huge chain of events.

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