Chapter 5

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Shawn and Anna have been togther almost a month now and Shawn has something for Anna.

"Shawn come on your mom is going to be wondering were we are" Anna said trying not to kiss Shawn as he gets closer. "Fine we will go".

Shawn said as he was backing up. As Anna walked down stairs Shawn follows her. Anna had to grabe her keys. "Ready" Anna said while walking to the door and looking at Shawn.

"Yup" Shawn said smiling. Shawn and Anna walked to Shawn's house. Shawn's parents had throne Anna and Shawn a party for graduation. As Shawn and Anna walk in and says hi to everyone Anna's phone rings. Anna stepped out side in the front yard to answer the call. It was an unknown number.

"Hello who is this" Anna asked. "Hi my name is Doctor Rodriguez from The NYU  Hospital may I  please speak with Anna" the nice lady said on the phone. Anna replied "This is she". Anna and her talked for a while.

"Hey were is Anna" Shawn said looking for her. Shawn's mom said "give her a minute she one the phone". Shawn and his famliy stayed in side. Anna was done with the call.

Anna came in crying. Shawn noticed when she came in to the kitchen light. "Babe what's wrong"? Shawn said. Everyone stoped what there doing and looked at Anna. Sweetie have you been crying"? Shawn's dad asked her.

"My mom is died"! Anna said with tears coming down her face. Everyone was speechless. Shawn immediately ran to her and gave her a long hug. Anna was crying her eyes out as Shawn have her a hug.

"Were going to go to my room and talk" Shawn said walking with Anna. When they got to his room they sat on his bed. "What happened babe" Shawn said while putting her head up and wiping her tears away.

"When I went out side a lady from the hospital that my mom was at,  she had told me that there was an accident with one of the patience. That the patience was going crazy, and had a knife in his hand, and that my mom was trying to calm him down, and instead he stabbed her in the neck" Anna said while sobbing and crying.

Shawn had no words. "And that by the time they took her into the O.R she was dead". Anna said while wiping her tears away.
"Babe! I'm so so so Sorry" Shawn said while a tear comes down his face.

Anna and Shawn hugged agian." I will never leave you Anna i promise you that. I will stand by your side no matter what's happening. Your my baby girl and no one will hurt you ever". Shawn said to Anna while they were hugging.

They both went down stairs. Anna told everyone what had happened to her mother. Shawn was by her side holding her hand the whole time. Everyone gave her a hug and told her that she has a family right here. That made her smile a little. Thats the only time she smiled that night. Later that night Anna went home alone.

"Mom! I don't think Anna should be home alone right know". Shawn said sounding worried "I don't think so either. Go with her spend the night" his mom said  Shawn ran up stairs grabbed a bag and clothes and ran to Anna's house.

When he got to her house the door was open.... "Babe it's me I'm staying the night" Shawn yelled while closing the door. Shawn went up to Anna's room. When he opened the door Anna's room was trashed. Her bed was flipped, her books were in the floor, there was glass on the floor and even blood. Shawn freaked out when he saw the blood.

"Anna"! Shawn said running to the bathroom.  Shawn opens the door and finds Anna crying and filled with blood. "Anna wha- what happened". Shawn said while picking her up and taking her down stairs. Anna didn't say anything, she was silent.

Shawn cleaned Anna up. He changed her clothes. Shawn cleaned Anna's cuts on the palm of her hand from the glass. "This might hurt alittle babe" Shawn said looking at her. Anna didn't even move. Shawn took her to the couch.....

"I'm sorry you had to see that Shawn and that you had to help me" Anna finally said. Shawn replied, " Anna I told you I will be there for you no matter what happened and it's ok. I don't mind as long as I get to see you i don't care". Shawn and Anna fell asleep on the couch together.

Two months has gone by and Shawn moved in with Anna. Shawn has to go on tour in a month. Shawn is planing on telling her before he has to leave.

It's a month be for Shawn leaves. "Hey babe can we talk". Shawn asked Anna. Anna replied "Yeah sure. What's up babe". Anna walked over to the couch were Shawn was sitting at. "My manager just texted me and told me that, Ummm........I will be going on tour in about a month". Shawn said looking at Anna.

"So your leaving". Anna said looking down and sounding sad.
"Yeah, so we should better start thinking about what we should pack babe" Shawn said while getting up and walking away. Anna looked confused. "What, Wait second! Did you just say we"? Anna said getting up and looking at Shawn.

"Oh yeah Anna you can come on tour with me"! Shawn said having a big ass smile on his face. Anna didn't reacted for a second, but then she ran and jumped into Shawn's arms. When Anna and Shawn separated Anna said, "Wait how can I go". "We graduated Anna remember. We don't have school anymore. So will you go on tour with me babe"? Shawn asked Anna. "Yes I would love to go on tour with my baby"! Anna replied.

A month later it's time to go on Shawn's tour. It's 3:17 a.m and Shawn and Anna are waiting outside on Shawn's manager and the tour bus. Anna and Shawn we're so happy that there going to be together for 8 months. 30 minutes later the tour bus comes and picks them up at Anna's and Shawn's Place. His manager is in the tour bus.

They got on the bus and they put there things away. "Ready babe" Shawn said to Anna while hugging her from behind. "Of coruse I'm ready babe. Im ready to spend the next 8 months with you" Anna said while turing around and giving him a kiss. Everything was ready and they left."So were are we off to now babe" Anna asked.

"We are going to Michigan, and then Ohio, and then New York, and then I don't know we're else. But what I do know I'm 3 months we are going to England". Shawn told Anna. "England oh my God can't wait"! Anna said to Shawn while looking into his eyes. "Oh and when we are in England I have a surprise for you babe" Shawn told Anna.

Anna looked up at Shawn and asked " you do what is it"? " haha very funny your just going to have to wait and see when we get there". Shawn said as he laughs.

The first stop is Michigan. It's snowing and really cold but Shawn and Anna are use to it. They do live in Toronto, Canada. Shawn and Anna sleped in the same bed. It was morning and Shawn and Anna woke up.

"Ok Shawn your sound check starts at 12:00 and you meet and great starts at 7:15. Ok Shawn". His manager said to him. " Ok thanks I will put an alarm on my phone". Shawn said while doing it.

Shawn and Anna planed to go eat breakfast with Shawn's managers and security. 

When they steped out the bus they had to go into the Arena first to see if all there stuff was there and to show Shawn were is the stage and the meet and great. After that they went to go have breakfast.  After breakfast it was about 10:30. They went back to the Arena were Shawn is going to perform.

"Shawn! Hey what's up man" said Matt Shawn' s best firend. "Shawn out on a big smile and gave him a hug and said ."Hey man what are you doing here. Oh and this is my girlfriend Anna". Matt replied "Hi nice to finally meet you Anna". Anna said "Hi nice to meet you to".

The three of them went to the stage and saw were all the people are going to be sitting. "Wow" Anna thought.

"Hey Shawn we are going to start a little early since your already hear". His manager yelled. "Ok I will be right there".Shawn yelled back.

Matt had gone some where. "Ok I'll be back in a bit babe come and watch me do sound check" Shawn asked Anna after giving her a kiss.

"Yeah of course I will babe". Anna replied. They both walked up to the stage Shawn went up on the stage while Anna stayed and say in one of the seats. Anna loved hereing Shawn sing. After the sound check Shawn had to go to the meet and greet. Anna was in the back with Matt.

Fans would ask him funny and wired question. A fan asked Shawn a question " Hi Shawn my name is Bella and I was wondering are you and Anna getting married Soon"? Everyone in the room went silent. All the girls were staring at Shawn waiting for home to answer.

Shawn replied "Ummm.. I want to. I don't know about her, I mean I don't know if she wanted to get married yet". All the girls said awwwww at the same time.

Anna was frozen. She didn't know what to do or say....

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