Chapter 6

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Anna didn't know what to say. After 30 seconds Anna ran. She didn't know we're to go so, she ran to the tour bus. "Matt where's Anna"? Shawn asked Matt. "She ran that way" Matt said.

"Shawn let's go your on in 5 minutes" his manager yelled at Shawn. Shawn went and got ready for the show.

Back in the bus were Anna was, she was freaking out. "Is he really going to purpose. Wait that is probably the surprise he has for me in England. Oh my God" Anna said while walking back and forth.

Anna say the time. "OH SHIT. The concert."Anna yelled. Anna ran out the bus and in to the arena.
She heared Shawn singing Bad Reputation. "Hey Matt sorry"Anna said. "Anna were have you been. The show started 10 minutes ago". Matt said to Anna.

"Sorry i just had to be alone after what I heared". Anna explained. After the concert Shawn comes out and sees Anna. They make eye contact. Shawn looks away and goes and puts his guitar back. Anna runs up to Shawn and hugs him really tight.

"Hey I was about to do the same thing after I put my guitar away. Are you ok babe". Shawn asked Anna. She didn't replied. "Anna, babe what's wrong". Shawn sounded worried. "I'm ok, just hold me and never let me go" Anna whispered to Shawn.

They walked back to the tour bus and fell a sleep. The next morning.
Shawn wakes up and Anna isn't there next to him. Shawn gets up and asked his manager "Hey good morning were's Anna"? "She's in the bathroom taking a shower" he said.

Shawn walked to the bathroom and when he was about to knock on the door, the door opened." Hey good morning babe". Anna said while giving him a kiss. " morning babe" Shawn said. "Ok we are going to stop at a hotel today in around 10 to 20 minutes.

...30 minutes later...

They all got off the bus and went to there rooms in the Hotel. Shawn and Anna are in a room toghter. Shawn dropped all his bags and closed the door. He ran up to Anna and picked her up. "Shawn what are you doing" Anna said while laughing.

"I love you to the moon and back Anna" Shawn said while kissing her. "Aww I love you to Shawn" Anna said to Shawn while kissing him to. Anna let go if Shawn. "what's wrong babe" Shawn said while she walks away.

"Why. Why me Shawn i heared what that fan asked you and I heared your answer". Anna said. Shawn replied"oh I didn't know if you heard that or not". " there are Millions of girls and you chose me to be with. Why"? Anna asked.

"I chose you Anna because you beautiful, amazing sweetie, Anna your perfect and I love you".Shawn said walking up to Anna. Anna had no words.

"Anna I love you like you wouldn't imagine. I want to spend the rest of my life with you". Anna said this while he was talking " Shawn what are you doing". "Anna your my world My everything. I would do anything for you Anna. I love you Anna" Shawn got on one knee  and kept talking Anna would you do me the honor of marrying me"?Shawn Said.

Anna was amazed by what Shawn had said to her. " Shawn I- I love to marry you".Anna replied while smiling and hugging Shawn.When they stop hugging Shawn puts the ring on Anna's hand.

Shawn and Anna went to dinner with Shawn's managers. "Hey Garry we have something to tell you" Shawn said to him. " Please tell ne Anna's not pregnant"!  Garry asked. Shawn and Anna both said " What no"!

"Oh thank God" Garry said in relief. "Me and Anna are getting married" Shawn said with a Giant smile on his face. "What! Oh my God congratulations" Garry said while getting up and Hugging them both.

After dinner they went back to the hotel. They were really tired. Anna and Shawn arrived to there room and they both get hit in the head which knocks them out. When they woke up Anna and Shawn were tide down and had tape over their mouths. Shawn looked at Anna and checked if she was ok.

"Well well well look who's up. Good morning you two" said a strange voice. Anna was crying because she thought she was going to die. Shawn looked inro Anna's eyes and she calmed down. "Take her and put her on the chair" the voice said. They grabbed Anna and put her on the chair.  They removed the tape from Shawn's mouth. " if yo even care to scream you will regret it" the man said.

When he removed the tape from Shawn's mouth Shawn yelled "Help". The man punched Shawn in the face. Anna squirmed in the chair she was in. "Oh your going to regret that Shawn" the man said.

The man went up to the table and grabbed a knife and went up to Anna. Shawn was trying to get free. "This is what happened when you do something stupid" the man said.

The man placed the knife on Anna's thigh and stabbed her."Ahhhhhhh" Anna yelled with the tape over her mouth. Shawn try to get to Anna. "This is what happened when you don't listen. Now where are your valuables. Like guitars, money. Those types of things.

The man took off the tape from Shawns mouth. " I don't have anything in here there all in the tour bus now please let Anna go she has nothing to do with this". Shawn said. The man got mad and started to trash the place. "Hello it's the police open up" said the people out side the room.

"Great the cops." He man said. "You know what I believe you but I'm not happy. I'm sorry but I have to do this" he said while walking up to Anna with a knife. "No no please hurt me not her"! Shawn yelled.

The man grabbed the knife and stabbed Anna in the stomach. "Noo" Shawn yelled and at the same time Anna yelled "Ahhhhh". The door for knocked down. "Police police get down put your weapons down". The police said.

"Fine I'll put it done". The man said while smiling. He took the knife out of Anna's stomach. She started to bleed out. The police grabbed the man. Shawn got up and ran to Anna. The paramedics got into the room and put in on a gurney.

Immediately went to the hospital nearby. Shawn was terrified. He was scared that if Anna would die. He would fall apart. He would be alone in the world. He lives Anna he doesn't want to lose her.

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