chapter 14

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Shawns parents smiled at each other. "Oh my god we are so happy for the both of you" Shawn's parents told them. His parents both gave them a big hug. " wait a minute, you guys are  engaged to get married, but when is the wedding". Ms.Mendes asked. Anna and Shawn looked at each other and said "we dont know yet. Were still planning it".

"Planning it of havent talked about it" Ms.Mendes asked. They both smilied. "We can help with the wedding"Mr. Mendes asked. They nodded. "Ok tomorrow you guys can comeover for lynch and dinner and we can plan your wedding" thet both said. Shawn and Anna smilied and said "ok lets do it". Anna and Shawn left. They car ride back to therr house they were talking.

"Babe are you sure you want my parents to help we can do it our self"Shawn asked while putting is hand on her thigh. "Its fine babe i wish i can do this with my mom. At least i have ours" Anna said laughing.

They arrived to there house. They ordered takeout and they watched Spider man homecoming. Shawn fell asleep but Anna didnt. She couldn't she was worried about tomorrow. She felt really sick. She got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. "Balhhh" Anna did. She was throwing up. It woke Shawn up. "Babe are you ok" he asked while walking fast to the bathroom. He saw what was happening so he grabed her hair and rubbed her back.

3 weeks later Anna had a little bump. It was Tuesday night at 1:29 a.m and Anna suddenly woke up. " oh god Shawn Shawn wake up" Anna said in a panic. "What, whats wrong" Shawn said half asleep. "Im bleeding" Anna said. They rushed to the hospital. Shawn called his parents.  They were on there way.

The doctor came in and told them" I'm-im sorry to tell you this but  you lost your baby". Anna started crying, Shawn as well. The doctor left." We lost our baby. This is all my fault". Anna said sobbing.  "Hey this is not your fault Anna. Its no bodys fault" Shawn said wiping her tesrs away. Shawns parents arrived and saw them crying. They new what happened, but shawn told them anyway. Anna got out the hospital that same night.

Anna was shooked and sad. "Shawn are you ok" Anna said breaking the silents in the car ride home......

Sorry its short agian its the 3rd day of school. I pronise tbis weekend i will write alot i promise...hope you enjoy the story so far!!!

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