Highschool Sucked When,

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When I nearly hit my head on the table because my elbow slipped as I fell asleep on my chemistry work  

When we had to dodge the sub's interrogation to get my friend outside before her panic attack got any worse

When our teacher didn't teach us anything and covered it up by accusing us of not trying

When a boy three years older than the girl from my homeroom wouldn't take his hand off of her thigh on the bus

When we were made to sit and listen as the same six names were called up for awards again, but never mine

When I sat through lecture after lecture to be told my privileges had been revoked because other students had abused them

When I spent all of F block staring at a textbook trying to comprehend the words or at least keep my eyes open long enough to try

When she sat quietly in front of a sewing machine for an hour because she couldn't make herself get up to ask for help

When the library was the only place I felt safe and calm and it was closed every other day

When the boy who skipped a grade was picked on and given a black eye but school counselors did nothing

When a girl asked if anyone would pay her to beat up some other girl whose attitude wasn't to her liking during P.E

When it was heavily insinuated -several times- that our hard work and good grades meant nothing if we weren't in and leaders in at least two clubs

When I wore headphones in all my classes to drown out the endless stream of vulgarity from the other students

When I brought work home everyday and overheard my mom tell my aunt that I had anxiety

When they finished the semester a week ago but still have to show up for attendance or they can't graduate

When a girl broke down crying in the downstairs bathroom from stress and the vice principle sent her back to class

When this boy still called them friends as they publicly humiliated him, again

When if you leave your bag in the locker room you have to remember to lock it up or you'll find it in the river

When I had food thrown at me by strangers because I was an 'emo whore'

When suddenly we realized the response of "I'm fine" was a bigger lie than any of us are willing to admit  

When I was afraid my teachers would see this and try to talk to me about it, because as much as I want and need help nothing they say is going to make a difference; It will only make things worse and I learned that the hard way

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