My Beautiful People

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All beautiful things held beyond my reach

Always taken the moment I want them most

But not beautiful the way you know it

Beautiful the way they see, the way they feel

They way they make me feel

Their art and voice and vision

Their eyes, I love their eyes

Everything about them screams passion and joy and heart

They view the world with such majesty

I long to know their thoughts, to dream their dreams

I crave the light they give the world

All I've ever wanted was to be a part, a fraction, of their light

I wish so deeply to feel their love

The universe knows what I want, and teases me

Then rips it from my hand before I can close my fist

Their words refresh me better than water

Standing near them is like soaking up a sunrise

Everything about them just feels beautiful

And they don't want me

Beautiful people never have

I'm ugly

I'm so ugly

But they were so beautiful

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