Are you okay?
Such a simple question
Yet so complicated to answer
Am I okay?
I try to be
I hide my pain inside
And wait for it to subside
Easy right?
It is
As long as I can ignore it
As long as I can deny it
Leave it
Don't acknowledge it
And it goes away
But not if you ask
Are you okay?
Shut up and I will be
Are you crying?
And its your fault
I can't ignore the pain
If you so bluntly point it out
I am crying
And this isn't something I can hide
Not like my pain
I would have been fine
If you hadn't spoken
Are you okay?
Not anymore
You asked
You forced me to acknowledge it
I was so close
To letting it go
But you had to go and ask
Are you crying?
And I can't stop it
Not anymore
So thanks for asking
You made me cry
To Create. To Live
PuisiPoems of my own creation, my personal outlet for emotion. Please, enjoy.