t w e n t y - f i v e ☁️

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"Shawn baby forget her. She's just trying to ruin your life. She's trying to distract you and get into your mind. Don't let her. Remember that you love me and only me. Also it would be really cool if you bought me a diamond ring."

"Y-yeah I'll get the money for it...I'll see you later I love you."

"Yeah bye!"

Don't let her get into my mind. Thats all she's trying to do right? Is to mess with me?

"Shawn?" I hear a voice at my door and I run to open it seeing it was Noel. "can we talk?"

"Yeah sure." I say and let her in and she sits on the edge of my bed.

"Why are you acting like this towards her? What has she done to you that was so bad, worst than you cheating on her?" She asked.

"All those times we've been together I've realized that she's fucked me over!" I say getting angry.

"Shawn...all those times she was currently trying to figure out how to love. Do remember that she didn't get to be raised right like you and me. Her parents weren't loving towards her until she was a senior. Do you not realize how much it fucked her up? She was used of being fucked over reasons why she didn't turn out to be a mean person. Yeah her parents had money but money doesn't equal happiness. While she was trying to build herself up she was also trying to learn how to re-love and to love you better than she loved Tyler. She thought that Tyler was head over heels for her and he fucked her over. Her actions weren't because she was a dumb teen it was because she was missing the values in her life. And when Tyler would beat her she would become so distant...it scared me how one second she was so full of joy so kind and special then the next she was hopeless. You gave her that hope and she was learning again. At the same time you had your problems and it was something she's never faced. She took the love that you gave to her and brought it back to you. She doesn't want anyone to feel the feeling she felt so she makes sure that you're feeling ten times better than her.... and even though you completely destroyed her by cheating she would still check up on you on social media if you were still happy and that your past self wasnt haunting you." she pauses and sniffs. "Shawn she's my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without her. You tearing her down is bringing memories back to her head that's she been trying to fight and till this day tries to fight. Her starting to drink is her way of escape...Shawn you're breaking her. And I just came here to say please stop. I need my best friend."

"Goodnight Shawn." She kisses my cheek and leaves me in my room.

What are you doing Shawn? This isn't you! This is another replica of Tyler someone I told her I would never turn into. She's now going to be scared of me and I don't want that. I don't want my sister going to the same thing so why am I doing this!? I have to apologize.


Laying in bed with Ethan I couldn't sleep. I had tear stains on my dried on my face and my mind was racing. Why does he hate me so much!? It should be the other way around. But I don't think I'll ever stop loving him. As much as I've said that I'm done with him I was never really done. I sniff and wipe my eyes as I squeezed out of Ethan's grip and got up walking out our bedroom and downstairs as quite at possible. Once I got downstairs I went out the back door and walked down to the beach sitting on the sand with my legs against my chest and my arms squeezed around my legs as I laid my head down and started to silently cry again. I'm so fucked up. I shouldn't be like this. I dropped singles and was about to drop an album. I should be full of excitement and happiness. But I just wasn't complete.
I hear someone sit down next to me and I look up fliniching when I saw it was Shawn.

I glare at him and rolled my eyes as I get up brushing the sand off and about to walk away he grabs my hand.

"Wait...don't go. I want to talk." He says.

"Well I don't." I mumble.

"Please just sit." He says and I yank my hand away from him and decided to sit back down but far away from him.

"What do you want? To humiliate me again? To criticize everything I do? What!" I nearly yell.

"Priscilla...I shouldn't have called you those horrible words. I shouldn't have said those things to you and spoke to you in that way. I-I was just angry." He says.

"So you take your anger out by humiliating me!? You fucking said that you wished you never helped me when I was raped and hopeless on the fucking street!" I shout. "I just want to know why..."

"I know...and all I was trying to do was bring you down. Priscilla I miss you so much...it kills me more than you think, knowing that you aren't with me and you're getting closer to that guy. I'm-I'm sorry." He says and it shocks me. He finally truly apologized.

"Shawn...I forgive you but I won't be able to forget the way you treated me so well in the beginning and ended off messing me over, the way you made fun of me, yelled at me, would say horrible shit I wouldn't even imagine you out of all people saying. But I understand that people move on. You needed that attention that I couldn't give you and I'm sorry as well. The problem is that we fall for promises. We expect those who want to be in our live only short term to stay long term." I paused for a moment looking at him deep into his gorgeous brown eyes. "I hope you know that no matter who you get with they will never love you and care for you as much as I did. Goodbye Shawn."

I get up and walk away from him when really I wanted to run into his arms and kiss him and love him. I guess that was my horrible closure.

Famously In Love {s.m.} [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now