Chapter 5

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"I can't believe I said that to him. I was thinking it, sure. I just didn't mean for it to actually leave my mouth. He's my BOSS after all." Yun Hee ranted to Su Jin who was finishing up her work before lunch. "Thankfully he's been acting like nothing happened. He's a really nice guy. I'm having a lot of fun learning this job and working with him, I really do have to thank you again for getting me this job."

"I didn't expect you to like it so much, honestly. I thought you'd tolerate it at best. Well, i'm glad Mr. Kwon is being mature about everything. It's been over a week, i kind of expected you to have a fit and quit by now." Su Jin teased. She finished typing her last few sentences and clicked out of the program she was using, turning to smirk at Yun Hee.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm starving, let's go eat."

The two women made their way out of the office and approached the elevator. While they were waiting, Seung Hyun and Ji Yong showed up behind them. Ji Yong immediately started asking Yun Hee what she was doing for lunch. She explained she was going to get lunch with Su Jin but the two men shook their heads, giving each other a short smile.

"Since you're new here Yun Hee, we should have a meal together to welcome you. Join Seung Hyun and I. You too of course, Su Jin, right?" Ji Yong moved to stand beside Yun Hee, placing his hand on her back and leading her into the elevator.

"W-what!?" Su Jin cried, not noticing that Seung Hyun was also pushing her into the elevator.

"It's just food, relax. We'll treat you both to something delicious and we'll welcome Yun Hee to the company." Seung Hyun chuckled and pressed the button that would take them to the lobby. Yun Hee seemed to drop her nervousness and was bouncing up and down. They're just being good bosses, right?

The men took the girls to a restaurant not too far from the building. It was a hot spot for office workers and well known for having good food. Lucky for everyone, most of the lunch crowd had already died down and they didn't have to wait a long time to be seated. Seung Hyun ordered wine for the table as well as an appetizer. When the food and drink was brought out Yun Hee took a huge swig of her wine, immediately choking and gagging.

"That is not wine!" She grabbed a small piece of food and shoved it in her mouth, her face still looking sour from the alcohol.

Seung Hyun sighed and shook his head at her. "That is good wine. You're probably used to garbage."

"Hey, it's okay. I don't really like his taste in wine either. I'll get you something else to drink." Ji Yong leaned into Yun Hee and reached over her, brushing lightly against her as he grabbed the drink menu. He signalled for the waitress. The woman nodded and disappeared, quickly returning with a large glass filled with a pink liquid and topped with fruit. He grinned and passed the drink to Yun Hee, whose eyes lit up at the sight. She slowly held the glass up, taking a small drink.

"Oh! It's so good! Thank you, how did you know i'd like this?" She asked Ji Yong before taking a huge drink.

"I pay attention. You like sweet things." He shrugged, acting like it was obvious.

As if on cue, the door to the restaurant opened and in walked a familiar group. Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin Soon Kyu and two other women they didn't recognize. The men all worked within the same company together, even though some were in different departments. Yoongi had been trying to convince them they all needed to start their own company, to run a record label, but no one had been brave enough to take the bait. Namjoon and Jin were the only men from the group that didn't work at the same place.

The women watched as the group was lead to a large table near a corner across the restaurant. Taehyung sat next to Soon Kyu and they immediately started to chat, grinning at each other. Soon Kyu was batting her eyelashes and they didn't need to hear what she was saying to know she was flirting. Jimin was staring at Taehyung like he was out of his mind and Hoseok looked annoyed. Yoongi of course kept a unmoved expression and Jungkook was too busy entertaining the other two women to see what was happening.

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