Chapter 10

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Hyo Rin: And you didn't call??

Su Jin: I can't. It's about Hyun Ki and I don't want him to hear me... He met a girl today and he thinks he is in love.

Hyo Rin: Aww! Are you depressed or something? Need some friend time to cope with the fact our babies are of dating age?

Su Jin: The girl he likes is a new student at the school. Her name is Yoo Na. She is his age.

Hyo Rin: It's probably just a coincidence. You know Yun Hee wouldn't be able to come back quietly. There's no way.

Su Jin: It's been seven years... are you sure that she might not have changed?

Hyo Rin: It's YUN HEE. Do you really think she'd do that?

Su Jin: I don't know anymore. I hope if she's here that she contacts us. Maybe we will meet Yoo Na and i'll know for sure then. I'd recognize that little girl anywhere. She looks so much like her dad.

Hyo Rin: Well keep me updated... If you need anything let me know.


Two weeks into the new school year and Su Jin was starting to calm down. Hyun Ki didn't mention Yoo Na much and no unusual contact had happened. She was really starting to feel like Hyo Rin was right and it was just a girl with the same name. It wasn't like it was the worlds most unique name or anything. Hyun Ki noticed that his mother was uneasy but he chalked it up to her being overwhelmed by him having his first love.

He kept the happenings at school to himself. Yoo Na talked to him almost every day and he constantly felt like he was going to explode from the butterflies in his stomach whenever she was around. Unfortunately, she seemed to flirt with his friends a lot, making him feel upset. He just couldn't find it in him to dislike her for it though. It seemed like she was that way with everyone, so it couldn't mean anything, right?

Hyun Ki ate lunch with his usual crowd and Yoo Na every day. Min Jung usually ignored Yoo Na or went to sit with Hye Su and her friends. She hated Yoo Na and none of the guys were quick enough to catch on to why. Yoo Na ranted and raved about her luxurious life in Japan and how her father was a successful businessman. She went to a private school in Japan and talked about her best friend over there a lot. It was some guy and for some reason Hyun Ki and the others could never remember his name. She seemed pretty upset to have left him.

When Ji Ho asked her why she moved to their city Yoo Na just shrugged and changed the subject. There were certain subjects she seemed to avoid and they didn't push her to talk about them. Finally after getting to know their new friend, Hyun Ki remembered the question his parents had posed to him. He turned to her one afternoon at lunch and casually asked her what her last name was.

She froze for a moment, stiffening at the sudden question. It was only briefly as she quickly laughed and waved a hand at him. "It's Kwon, silly!" She turned her attention away from Hyun Ki and focused instead on Yun Seok. Kwon? I'll have to remember that.

"Hey, you guys want to hangout after school?" Yun Seok proposed the idea. Ji Ho and Yoo Na quickly agreed. Hyun Ki explained he needed to go home but everyone was more than welcome to come over to his house to hangout. He was sure his mother would love to see everyone and finally meet Yoo Na, even though she had been freaking out since he brought her up. Everyone agreed to meet Hyun Ki after school and go over to his house.

When the school day was over, Hye Su told Hyun Ki she was going to Min Jung's house so they didn't have to watch the guys make asses of themselves. Hyun Ki and the others walked to his house, just chatting normally and asking Yoo Na if she had tried some of the local food places yet. She didn't seem comfortable with the area yet, still looking around like she was lost. She ended up latching onto Yun Seok's arm and Hyun Ki felt his heart drop at the sight. No, calm down. They're friends, just friends. It's okay for friends to do things like that.

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