Chapter 13

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Taehyung woke up on Su Jin and Hoseok's couch. He didn't have the strength or the will to sit up as he remembered the cause of his blackout. I just saw my daughter. Little Yoo Na is a teenager now...

"Honey, he's awake." Su Jin softly called to her husband as she moved closer to Taehyung, asking him if he needed some water.

"What's going on? Did you two know!?" Taehyung tried to yell but it just sounded strained. Hoseok hurried to his friends side, taking his hand and offering him a reassuring smile.

"We only just found out. We invited you over to tell you... not shock you. I'm sorry. Hyun Ki has no idea who she is or what's happening but we are going to explain it to him tonight."

"Where's Yun Hee?" He stared both of his friends down, waiting for them to just give him a location so he could bolt out the door and go track down the woman he'd been waiting years to apologize to.

Su Jin turned away and Hoseok just sighed, a somber look taking over his usually happy expression. "Tae, we don't know where she is... but we do know she is living with someone. The man she ran away with, Kwon Ji Yong."

A memory from seeing Yoo Na suddenly hit him like a brick. 'Hello, Kwon Yoo Na. Nice to meet you! You're Hyun Ki's uncle, right?' Taehyung felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach. "She's using that man's name!? She's Kim Yoo Na! Why did she say Kwon!? Did Yun Hee get married!? We're not even divorced!" Panic was setting in. Something he was all too familiar with and unfortunately Hoseok and Su Jin were accustomed to dealing with. His hyperventilation was already starting and he sat straight up, grabbing Hoseok's shoulders. "What's going on!?"

Hoseok grabbed his hands and pulled them off of him, holding them tightly as he spoke. "I need you to breathe. We don't know everything that's going on but we are going to find her, okay? You'll get to talk to her soon. But if you fall apart now, there's no way that will happen. So can you try and take some deep breaths with me?"

Su Jin watched as Hoseok talked Taehyung down, getting the man to a more relaxed state. It filled her with dread, wondering what would happen when Yun Hee finally decided to show herself. She didn't know if she would want to rip her friends head off or hug her after all this time, maybe both. She regretted not talking to the kids sooner about the missing people in their lives and why Taehyung was such a fragile person. They had decided it was better to just leave it alone after Hyun Ki and Hye Su stopped asking where Yoo Na was when they were little. They didn't want to rip the scab off the wound.

It wasn't exactly family dinner conversation either. 'Oh well you see, aunty Yun Hee and uncle Taehyung had a big fight and uncle Taehyung was a dumbass and aunt Yun Hee had to be a child and run away from her problems!' How could you explain that to children? Then the teens years came and no one really thought they'd see Yun Hee or Yoo Na again. Not even Jimin or Min Ki. Everyone just assumed they'd met up and were living their lives together.

Part of Su Jin was happy and relieved to have Yun Hee back in her life. Yet another part of her was pissed off that she dared to come back at all. She understood why she left... After hearing from Taehyung what happened she knew her friend was feeling vulnerable and confused. Yun Hee was never one to like to stick around to get kicked some more by confrontation. But to just flat out leave everyone behind and not so much as writer a letter was hurtful.

Hyun Ki was going to be the only way they could hope to get ahold of Yun Hee. The boy was confused when his parents rushed him and Yoo Na out of the house and told them to go somewhere else. He insisted that he wanted to stay and make sure Taehyung was okay but they refused. Hye Su was sent to her room and she had been perfectly content to just sit in there with headphones on, ignoring the problems of everyone else.

Su Jin only hoped that when Taehyung and Yun Hee finally did meet again, there wouldn't be any bloodshed. Especially because it'd probably be in her house and she really didn't want to have to clean up the mess.


Yoo Na and Hyun Ki sat at her dining room table. Since they were denied dinner by Hyun Ki's parents, Yoo Na invited him over to their place to eat instead. Her mother was apprehensive but once Yoo Na said Hyun Ki's parents kicked them out, she felt guilty. They waited patiently, making small talk while their stomachs grumbled.

Hyun Ki was listening intently as Yoo Na rambled on about how much she missed Japan when a little voice rang out through the home. "MAMA!!" A little boy came barreling down the hallway, tears in his eyes as he ran towards the kitchen to cling onto Yun Hee. "When is daddy coming home!?"

"Soon, just please be patient, okay Ye Jun?"

The little boy threw himself to the floor, pouting. He didn't look to be any older than five. Hyun Ki looked over to Yoo Na who was rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath. "Uhhh you have a little brother?"

"He's not a brother he is the devil incarnate. Little brat." She growled back as she eyed her little brother from a distance. Her disdain for the child clear as day.

"You... kind of left that out?" Hyun Ki pushed, not sure why Yoo Na was so secretive about her life. He had invited her into his with open arms. What did she have to hide?

"Look you just don't need to know about my messed up family, okay!? It's really embarrassing and even I don't understand it half the time."

Hyun Ki opened his mouth to speak but as soon as he did, the door to the apartment swung open and Ye Jun was running towards it. "DADDY!!"

"Hey! There's my baby!" He smiled sweetly at the little boy, ruffling his hair and reaching to pick him up.

Hyun Ki's confusion only grew when he finally saw the man holding the little boy. The man that was being called dad by Ye Jun. He didn't look like that man Yoo Na had introduced as her father, but something about him seemed extremely familiar. 


[A/N: SHORT chapter. I'm sorry. It's been rather busy around here but I thought a little plot twist would be fun to throw in. :'D WHO IS THE DAD!? Haha I know what everyone is gonna assume... but is it true? I just keep adding children i'm sorry. It's hilarious to me. O.o Anyway I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season! I'm slowly getting work done on these fics while trying to balance other things. Also being in mourning for Jonghyun. :'(. I'm still really upset about it. Anyway as always thanks for reading! Another thanks to those who vote and/or comment, thanks a bunch guys! :D]

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