Chapter 2

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Yun Hee and Jimin took Yoo Na and Min Ki home after they were dismissed from school. They tried several times to question the kids about what exactly happened, both of them choosing to ignore the questions thrown at them. The parents were frustrated, not having their children open up to them was difficulty. Yun Hee decided to call Su Jin, knowing Hyun Ki was in the same class. She told her everything that happened, asking if she could try to get some information out of Hyun Ki.

Of course, Su Jin agreed to try. Try being the keyword. When she asked Hyun Ki what happened, he shut down. He was giving her the silent treatment the same way the other kids were towards their parents. Hyun Ki was scared his parents would be upset with him or that his mom would cry if she found out people were being mean to him. He wanted to tell her, he wanted to talk to her, but he kept quiet instead.

Su Jin: Hyun Ki won't talk either. He completely brushed me off. Is this normal for a 7 year old??

Yun Hee: Ugh could today get any worse? First the kids, then Taehyung. What next?

Su Jin: Uhh what do you mean Taehyung? Did something happen?

Yun Hee: He snapped at me! Like he was genuinely irritated at me because he left work to come see what happened with Yoo Na and he claims I was wasting his time!

Su Jin: Whoooa. That's not like him? Is he sick or something?

Yun Hee: No he isn't sick. He's just being an ass apparently.

Su Jin: We'll try to talk to him tonight. See what's bugging him? I'll work on Hyun Ki some more, okay?

Yun Hee: Yeah, okay. :/

Su Jin coaxed Hyun Ki out of his room with his favorite dinner. He ate quietly at the table, not bothering to look at his mother or father. Hoseok tried to talk to him but Hyun Ki would only shake or nod his head in response. Finally, Su Jin broke. Her voice cracking as soon as she spoke.

"Hyun Ki... you're scaring me. Won't you please tell me what's happening?"

Hyun Ki's little head shot up and he instantly felt guilty for not telling them what was happening. That last thing he wanted to make his mom upset. "I'm sorry mommy."

"It's okay, I just need you to talk to me."

Hyun Ki nodded, he felt fear rising in him as he opened his mouth to speak. He knew his parents wouldn't like what he had to say. "There are some mean kids at school..."

Su Jin took a deep breath, slowly exhaling to stop herself from crying. "What have they been doing?"

"They call us names... and they push me... they said bad stuff to Min Ki."

"Can you explain what they've been saying?" Hoseok chimed in, doing a wonderful job at keeping his cool. He didn't want Hyun Ki to shut down again because his dad had an outburst.

Hyun Ki sniffled and wiped his eyes. He hated thinking about the kids at school. "They say we're dumb and gross. They say i'm a mommies boy and Yoo Na is gross for liking boys. They told Min Ki no one likes him and that's why he doesn't have a mom."

Su Jin covered her mouth to silence the gasp leaving her. CHILDREN are doing this!? "Hyun Ki... why didn't you tell us you were being bullied?"

Hyun Ki looked up at his mom with his lip quivering, eyes already filling up with tears. "The teacher doesn't believe us! I didn't want you to think I was telling a lie."

Su Jin flew out of her seat, scooping Hyun Ki up into her arms. She stroked his hair and snuggled him against her while he sobbed. "It's okay, It'll all be okay. We will have a talk with the school, okay? Please tell us when things like this happen, okay?" Hyun Ki nodded slightly and clung onto his mother.

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