Chapter 1

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Su Jin: I'm still not used to the fact both of my babies are in SCHOOL! :'(

Hyo Rin: Ungrateful.

Yun Hee: Hahaha oh yeah Hyo Rin, are you having fun with little Jae Woo during the day?

Hyo Rin: I keep thinking maybe I should push the Q-tip in a little deeper, just so I don't have to hear the constant screaming.

Su Jin: Uhhh are you okay? Do you need some help?

Yun Hee: That was dark. :')

Hyo Rin: Don't get me wrong, I love him to death. It's just been non stop from the moment he was born. Ji Ho was such a quiet baby, he slept through the night so quickly after we brought him home. I wasn't prepared for such a needy baby.

Su Jin: Hyun Ki was the needy one for us. He is still really attached to me. Hye Su has been much easier to take care of, she's more independent. Would you like me to come over so you can rest awhile? I wouldn't mind taking care of a baby right now.

Yun Hee: Go make another one with your husband! :D

Su Jin: -_- I'd rather not... being pregnant sucks.

Hyo Rin: At least pregnancy is quiet. Oh the good ol' days.

Yun Hee: HAHAHAHA! Anyway, you guys still up for dinner tonight?

Hyo Rin: YES.

Su Jin: Yeah, we're all clear.

Yun Hee: Mkaay, see you guys then.


The door jingled as Su Jin walked into the restaurant, immediately spotting her two best friends. Yun Hee waved her arms in the air, signaling Su Jin to come over. She greeted her friends as she took her seat, pulling open the menu to browse it for probably 50th time.

"So how are you feeling Hyo Rin?" Su Jin asked her disheveled friend.

"I feel like i'm going crazy and I sing nursery rhymes in my sleep... so pretty good i'd say." She rolled her eyes and sipped on her drink. Yun Hee snickered and waved over a waiter, placing an order for a cocktail. "How about you Su Jin? Are you still feeling sad about the kids?"

"I am... I love and hate watching them grow up so fast. Also Hyun Ki has seemed sad whenever he has to go to school. He's been so clingy when I pick him up too but he says he is okay. It's so weird."

Yun Hee popped up at that. "Oh, really? Yoo Na has been grouchy a lot lately, I wonder if it's related?"

"What? Weird, Ji Ho has been mopey lately too. Oh god do you think they are already fighting?" Hyo Rin slammed her hand against her face and groaned. She definitely looked like a mom desperate for a vacation.

"No, I don't think it's that. Hoseok keeps trying to ask Hyun Ki what's wrong but nothing works. I guess we'll just have to wait it out. Maybe it's just normal at their age?" Su Jin tried to be the voice of reason, a role she had to take on full time since Hyo Rin's sanity had been questionable since Jae Woo was born.

The girls took their time to enjoy their dinner and drinks, catching up on their lives since they hadn't seen each other for two weeks. Yun Hee was complaining that Taehyung worked too much as of late, not giving her enough attention. Her job was cutting back her hours, the bakery didn't seem to be doing too well. Hyo Rin missed work, she loved staying at home but hated it at the same time. They never planned for her to stay home with Jae Woo, it just sorta happened.

Su Jin's only complaint was that Hoseok also seemed to be overworking himself. He seemed like he lived and breathed his job. Yun Hee took the chance to inform everyone that Yoongi had been cooking up a scheme to try and convince all the guys to join him to start a record label. He had already hit up Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook to join his endeavor.

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