Lady Hwang

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"D-Dae, H-Hwang a-agashi! Yah! Don't you hear what Madam says? Why are you still standing there? Move, move, move!" My personal butler yelled to our useless servant when they told about the meeting with my father and my HUSBAND for the upcoming company event and I had to of course, participate on the said event for business purposes, what else right? And I hate when I'm wearing mask when I had to exposed myself from the greedy and fake people out there, they only want you for their own sake, fame and wealth. I want to be myself, the real me and not as Lady Hwang Tiffany, I still using my surname because of my image, well, as you heard, I'm already married with the person I don't love and the reason I'm forcefully dragged into this is because of my sexuality, yes, you heard me right. I'm not straight, I'm not into guys especially my dickhead husband who only knows fame and wealth comes out from his big mouth, his name is Nichkhun Horvejkul, the only son of Thailand's richest businessman. He was handsome but he was arrogant, greedy and self-centered but when he's around with fake people he acts like a good kid and I want to throw up when he's clingy but of course, I still protecting my image as the only daughter of powerful Hwang Min.

"I see you're not in the mood, babe." My husband spoke as soon as he entered my room without knocking, how rude he was, right? Yeah, we lived separately as one of my condition to this force marriage.

"Great! Now my mood is totally ruin by you!" I stood up from my swivel chair and walked into my closet, rummaging for something proper to wear for the event. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I let him because I don't want to be always rude since sometimes he's kind to me but don't get me wrong, I still didn't like or love him I just want peace and avoiding my father's nagging for a whole day, who wants to be scolded with the same reason over and over again, right?

"Don't be mad, you know I always missing my wife whenever we're not seeing each other." He gently kisses my exposed skin since I'm wearing an off-shoulder white dress and I felt disgusted by this piece of shit so I elbow him on his stomach making him groan. Ha! Serves you right pervert!

"Sorry still not in the mood." I reason out before I smirk secretly, I finally found a perfect dress for tonight's event. I left him kneeling on the floor holding his stomach giving me a glare but I don't care as long we're not stepping outside our boundaries, I made myself clear regarding the skinship in public especially in private.

"I will wait for you outside." He said when he finally composed not waiting for my reply, he went outside immediately slamming the door, I knew to myself I won against him.

"Ha! I thought he will stay around here, good thing I know how to defend myself, I'm Tiffany Hwang." I pump my fist into the air before I fixing my clothes, I felt like I wanted a cold shower and somewhat his touch still sticking into my skin, I felt dirty just from his little gestures awhile ago. I'm searching for my Bulgari purse when something dropped on the floor, a business card.

"Hmmmm, Director Jung? Jessica Jung? J&K Clothing Co. I think she's one of our guest. Well, who cares for her, I bet she's one of the fake people I will meet there but right now I only want a fresh bath so I quickly tossed the card into the trash bin before stripping off my clothes piece by piece and stepping inside my bathroom.

"I wonder if there's many gorgeous ladies out there to meet and hook up for tonight?" I asked myself before turning on the shower and a lukewarm water hits my skin. I closed my eyes and runs my finger into my brunette hair giving off a gentle massage before reaching for the expensive liquid soap and gently put it on my body from upper to lower part, I felt relax.

"I'm getting tired." I sighed. Of course being one of the richest person had no freedom at all and I hate how I'm being a captive of my own fate, being rich is an everyday struggle and I'm not liking it, I rather hoose to be like my commoner or normal people like my Mom who already passed away when I'm just a little kid.

After an hour of taking a bath, I stepped out from the bathroom and headed towards my cocktail dress lying on my queen-size bed. I scrutinize the dress before I decide to pair it with my Gucci accessories from my drawer. I put a small amount of make-up, I apply a little fresh powder and started humming into Girls Generation's song "All Night" maming my mood turned high. I'm fully dressed when someone distracting my moment.

"Are you done, honey?" Nichkhun peak from behind door and asked me so when I'm confident with myself with a final touch, I followed him and I noticed how he gawks at me from head to toe, I felt irritated by only his shadows, worst his face.

"Coming!" I yelled before turning the knob and welcomed by my husband whose arm was ready to escort me, well he totally looks like my servant for later. I wear my black pairs of heels and head off outside with clouded mind for the event.

To be continued.

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