Dealing Bad

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"Why are you calling me here privately? Do you think I won't blow your head with my revolver?" Taeyeon pointed her gun directly into Sooyoung's head who was Nichkhun's hunch against her but here she was agreeing to come over for an important deal to fired back against the bastard husband of Tiffany and without hesitation she followed and trusted her words.

"I want to make a deal with you." Sooyoung said nonchalantly while sitting on her chair inside a beautiful house in a faraway province of Jejudo.

"And how I can be sure that you won't betray me with your words?" Taeyeon still had her gun towards the woman who has nothing but a serious face written on her.

"I know everything and the truth behind your parents death."

"What are you saying Choi? My parents death was just a mere car accident in Cheong-Dam! Stop playing your dirty tricks against me and stop beating around the bush!" Taeyeon snorted.

"I know you won't remember a single memories because of trauma but I can assure myself that someone was behind their death." Sooyoung sternly said while slamming her hands against the wooden desk.

"T-Trauma? Ah stop it!" Taeyeon held her head from a sudden pain, she couldn't help herself but figuring out everything happens back then. She was there but not a single memories of what real happens but a figure of two masculine men appears from her not so clear flashback.

"You can't be serious with this Choi!"

"Don't you want to know the truth pr not Kim?" Sooyoung approached her slowly and quickly hit the back of her head using a gun behind the taller woman's blazer. She read some blogs that it could at least help the person to bring bacl memories because of a certain spot of her nervous system. (A/N: Just making up a not-so-fact explanation, I'm tired for a research since I had no internet at home, sorry)

"I hope it will help you remember some selected memories you keeping inside, sorry Ms. Kim." Sooyoung carried her into the small couch across the living room.


"DAD! MOM!" Taeyeon almost jumped from the couch due to her nightmare. She toured her eyes around the house and seen no one but herself.

"You're finally awake!" Sooyoung appeared from the kitchen with a mug of hot coffee on her hand as she heard her scream.

"What happen? Did you try to rape me? God no!" Taeyeon covered her chest from Sooyoung like she was some kind of a pervert.

"Nah, you're not even in my list for a perfect lover, dream on!" Sooyoung snorted as she leaned back into a stool across the couch sipping through her coffee and waiting for Taeyeon's.


"Try to close your eyes and breathe comfortably so you can recall the pieces of your memories, relax your shoulder and follow what I'm gonna say."

"I try." Taeyeon followed her instructions.

*scream of a middle-age woman*

*crashing sound of a car*

*heavy footsteps coming on their way*

*sound of breaking glass*

*sound of a metal hitting something*


A young version of Taeyeon opens her blurry eyes as she was sitting at the backseat of their family van, the last time she check they were happily singing with the music from the radio and her Dad was telling a story about her old days with my Mom who was smiling lovingly at him. I watched them in awe because they're such a cute and lovely couple for her until a loud crash could be heard, she hit her head hard into the passenger's seat causing her forehead bleed and saw a two strange guys approaching their direction with a steel bat on their hands and smashed her Dad's head same goes with her Mom, she cried while screaming at the top of her lungs but her body was trapped from the piercing metal underneath, she almost losing some blood.

"Please don't hurt our daughter, I'll keep my mouth shut about Mrs. Hwang's death just please spare my daughter's life, she's still young please let her go." Taeyeon's father pleaded with his bleeding head and almost crash face due to a force smashed. The wife already dead trying to help Mr. Kim to let their daughter go.

*sound of police siren*

"LET THE KID GO OR ELSE WE ENDED IN JAIL YOU ASSHOLE!!! C'MON MR. HORVEJKUL MIGHT KILL US IF WE DID!!!" The masculine guys runaway leaving the young Taeyeon on the backseat, she choose to forget the memories nightmare of her parents death and buried them in the back of her mind. She cried with her eyes closed before she heard her father telling something into her.

"Listen Taetae my child, find Mr. Hwang and tell her about his wife's death because it has something to do with Mr. Horvejkul, I safely hide the micro SD card inside the revolver it has a secret opening." Mr. Kim tried to speak in between his ragged breath and fortunately his daughter heard them clearly who was weakly sitting at the backseat with blood on her forehead.

"H-Hwang..." Taeyeon whispered before she felt her eyes heavy and fell unconscious.


"My father's revolver." Taeyeon's eyes widen when she remembers a single memories and the important ones. She clenched her jaw and gripped tightly into her shirt, she wanted to kill the Horvejkul in her own bare hands but she must have a perfect plan that will not let her end behind bars, she needed Sooyoung with this who offers a good deal with her.

"Do you remember now?" Sooyoung asked and places a hand on her shoulder, she looked worried.

"What will be our plan?" Taeyeon coldly said making Sooyoung smile and tells the plan against Nichkhun.

"Then we'll start with a small one before we proceed into next."

To be continued

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