Whom To Love?

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I've been staying at one of my secret haven far from crowded city of Seoul even Taeyeon didn't know where I am. I'm thinking deeply about everything, our engagement, my future with her and whom she will choose between me and Tiffany, well that woman was still unconscious after a minor car accident probably resting on their villa in Gangnam. I left Taeyeon without a word so she could also think about her future between me and the Hwang, I'm hurting, yes but its the best for all of us if we gave space for each other to decide whether we stay or leave, I need time to heal myself but my mind was clouded by the thoughts of Taeyeon even if I tried to erase her she still there like she's here with me, every corners of the house filled with the image of her. Will she choose me? Am I the one for her? But one thing for sure, she's obviously the one for me, I love her so much that I would rather die if she choose Tiffany over me.

*cellphone ringing*

I checked my vibrating phone looking for the disturbance then my lips curved into a smile before I locked the phone. Looking outside my window that overlooking the beauty of the ocean, I sat there silently with my thoughts filled with Taeyeon's smile and then I remember our ring that still attached on my finger before I slipped it off placing above the table beside me while enjoying the silence of the place, I slowly closed my eyes breathing the wind breeze and let my drowziness overpower me.

Message from Taeyeon 💙

I finally made up my mind. Where are you Sica?



I sat silently at my bed in our villa staring blankly to nowhere, I heard Taeyeon pay a visit awhile ago but I'm still fast asleep so I didn't have a chance to see her but my father said that she's asking about my condition and apologized for not taking care of me, she left immediately because she had some errands to do. Our maid said that she stay at my room silently watching  amd attending me before she bid goodbye with a tender kiss on my forehead, I checked my phone hoping if she left a simple message but to my disappointment, there's none but before I climbed off the bed, a purple post-it caught my attention.

I finally find the right one ❤

I find those words so clueless but I couldn't helped myself squealing in joy when she already had someone in her mind amd silently praying it was ME. Well, I respect her decision if she will choose her fiance rather than me, we definitely a secret in everyone's eyes and I felt pity tp myself. I wiped the small tears forming from my eyes, I couldn't helped but to envy Jessica because she's as well a tough woman who could handle Taeyeon in her own way, I wish I could trapped her into my own world forever and never letting go. I played a song through my phone when I felt to listen, well, this song reminded me of our happy times together so I choose it and press play.

Now playing We Find Love by Daniel Caesar

I lay my head back into my pillow before I closed my eyes, attentively listening to every words of the lyrics that reflects our complicated love story while my mind was having a deep thoughts about our relationship. I tried to accept the possibility of not having her and choose the best one, I let my emotions filled my system as I hugged my side pillow and pressed my face to muffled my crying voice. Damn, why do I feel pathetic for begging someone's affection, I need my old self back and continue my life without Taeyeon by my side but how could I throw the love that make me forget everything about my painful past, my miscarriage, my marriage life and my life as a CEO. She screwed me up that I couldn't lived without her presence, I will kneel infront of Jessica if I had to just to make Taeyeon stay with me engulfing me into her warm embrace.

"I guess its already over." I whisper.


"What do you want?" Taeyeon gritted her teeth when she's already infront of her former bestfriend who had a gun in her hand while they were standing near the cliff of a mountain.

"I want you dead." Yoona simply answrr before she turn around and face her enemy. She smirk at Taeyeon's helpless state when she directly pointed the gun in her former bestfriend's head, she's insane herself because of Krystal's death.

"If that will makes you happy then shoot me dead Yoong." Taeyeon calmly said closing her eyes slowly accepting the reality of giving her life away for peace and protect Jessica and Tiffany from a crazy woman standing across her.

"Are you sure?" Yoona asked with her evil grin looking at the latter who prepares herself for the bullet.

"If you assure me to let Jessica and Tiffany alone then go ahead. I know you want it too, you want to get revenge over me because of Krystal, right?" Taeyeon argued before she open her eyes looking at Yoona's expressionless face.

"You love them so much that you will risk your own life for them, ha? You're so pathetic." Yoona snorted before she slowly aligned the gun and made a clicking sound.

"I wish I could sacrifice myself for Krystal as well." The woman let out her painful tears over the past, she blame herself not Taeyeon but the idea of Krystal's unrequited love for her own bestfriend made everything worst that she ended up dead and put all the blame to the innocent Taeyeon.

"Sorry Yoong." Taeyeon cried shamelessly showing her overflowing tears infront of Yoona who was beyond surprise seeing her crying, she barely cries but right now was fully exception.

"Aniyo, I'm the one who should say sorry Taeng, I was dramatically insane for losing Krystal that I ended up blaming you for no reason." Yoona admitted before she put the gun down letting her emotions filled her.

"Y-Yoong?" Taeyeon reached Yoona's hand but only to be yanked away and pointed the gun again into her.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Yoona finally decided to end all of their suffering by slowly pulling the trigger pointing to the head.


-to be continued

A/N: Next chapter will be the epilogue, sorry if it takes too long to finish :)

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