The Tale of Peony

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"You want a purple peony flower as a tattoo, so rare for a newbie customer." The tattoo artist amazed from Taeyeon's unique choice, she arranged an appointment to one of the famous tattoist in L.A. downtown, she was accompanied by Jessica who sat beside her, giving her a support for her first time. The silence of the younger girl end the conversation and the female artist stops her prying and continue her service.

"It might be really hurt for a first timer and seeing how huge your wounds that needed to be cover by a tattoo must take some time so please bear with it Miss Kim." The tattooist informed and receiving a nod as confirmation before she took her needle and made a draft on her bare back for the outline of the flower. Taeyeon tried hard not to flinched and cried but the pain was too unbearable due from the most part covered with wounds that fully heals for over a month, she's grateful that Jessica was there holding her hand while the tattoo was being engraved at her bare back. She grasped tightly on the blonde's han. as her support everytime the needle pierces on her soft baby skin.

"M-Miss J-Jessica..." She mutters while she's on the verge of harder to breathe and the blonde noticed her struggle so she leans her face into Taeyeon and kissed the inviting soft lips, she gave her a passionate and hot kisses while the needles was into the girl's skin, she doesn't care to the tattoist whose busy on her artworks.

"Just bear the pain, I got you." Jessica coaxed the crying latter as she gave another passionate until the tattoo was done.

"But it was nothing to compare from Tiffany's betrayal." Taeyeon whisper to herself as she nibbled on Jessica's lips with her eyes closed and tears falling.


"You had an appointment with the Samyeon CEO's daughter." The secretary informed the woman who was sitting comfortably on her black leather chair facing her back.

"Let her in."

"Dae right away Miss Kim."

The door opened and immediately the locked sound could be heard and right there reveals a very gorgeous lady whose approaching the still back facing Vice President Kim. The lady halted once she reached the desk of the other woman with a short gray-hair and her ears full of piercing, she also wears different kind of accessories on her fingers like titanium rings, bracelet etc. that made her looks more charismatic and popular with women regardless of their corresponding age. Everyone was head over heels to Kim Taeyeon's maeculine charm, her confident, bluntness and full sense of words while smooth talking with ladiesade them soaking wet down there, she was literally changed through 6 months she's staying in L.A. with Jessica, her so-called fiance but she keeps on sleeping with women behind her back, she satisfied them afterwards but she has one rule when fucking them, don't dare to touch her tattoo or in other words don't touch her to be exact and another was no first name basis when calling or moaning during their fucking session, she could satisfy them but not her.

"Strip for me Lady Park." She said with a smirk as she finally facing the smirking lady whose age was 25. She loves hitting on older woman as she remembers Tiffany's image from them but her hatred towards the said woman made her more frustrated because she loves her but at the same time hates her to death.

"Just what you like babe."

"Such a feisty woman you are my Lady." She flirtfully responded while the lady infront of her slowly stripping herself off from the fabrics she won't needed later, Taeyeon's pervert eyes seems entertained by a sudden strip show infront while at the same time she bites her lips when the lady dances sexily towards her direction. She needed release again and Jessica couldn't even satisfy hee due for being an workaholic CEO so she plays with someone else that would satisfy her sex drive.

"Sit on my lap babe so you can ride on my finger." The lady obliged and quickly straddled on her lap while slowly rubbed her wetness into Taeyeon's black jeans. She heard her moans in pleasure while she didn't even started yet, the woman was much hungry from her touch and her fingers tracing the smooth back of the lady whose now pinching both of her hardened nipples as she leans back her head from great pleasure.

"We didn't even started yet?"

"P-Please d-do m-me quickly now, my fiance might be looking for me now, I'm just sneaking from him." The lady begged from Taeyeon whose face turns into a frown, yes, she loves to fuck every committed women and plays with them behind but she won't even mind as long she will satisfy herself and her women even she was labeled as mistress or secret lovers by most of them and in the end she was left behind alone.

"Kiss me Miss Kim."

*sound of lips smooching*

"I love your breast, they're soft like your plump lips babe." Taeyeon said in between kisses while pleasuring the lady whose already on her high when her finger touches the most sacred part. She insert her finger and do her magic made the lady moan loudly but they wouldn't care, Jessica was out of town while Krystal having an appointment on the meeting hall far from her office.

"Y-Yes, f-fuck m-me h-harder and harder." The lady was bouncing on her finger in a fast pace alone while Taeyeon was steady and watching the mess infront of her, she hated their eyes who only wants pleasure from her and not pure love, she recalls how Tiffany's eyes reflects the image of so-called pure love, she felt it herself sending pleasure through her veins, she's loving the taste of sin if its Tiffany Hwang.

"Y-You like it hard?" Taeyeon panted heavily as she carried the lady on her butt and laid her into her desk causing all of her stuffs fell messily into the floor and without further ado, she kisses every inch of her exposed body from upper to lower torso until she reached her favorite spot. Every hole was totally different from each other and she only wanted a certain hole to filled up by her tongue, Tiffany's.

"A-Ah, right there! That's it Kim!"

"Bitch." Taeyeon thought to herself before she finished her off within 15 minutes before she fixes her black muscle shirt and wipes her sweat leaving the naked woman at the top of her desk.

"Wear your clothes and leave."

"Thanks for a good fuck until next time Miss Kim." The lady smirked with a satisfied face as she gatheres all her clothes and wears them all in one go leaving Taeyeon in despair while taking her cigarette and lighter so she could have a spare time to smoke on the veranda as she was having a deep thoughts with stuffs and all. Her peaceful life turned into a miserable one when Tiffany came into her life as a beautiful mess and she half regret meeting the older woman who broke her trust and dignity as a woman.

"I will kill you Horvejkul with my own hands until I mark you back like what you did to me while I follow Tiffany next." She exhales the smoke out from her mouth as she overlooked at the beautiful city of San Francisco.

"Tiffany, my beautiful mess."

-to be continued

A/N: Peony is a strong symbol of beauty, fragility and transitory nature of existence. 

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