Kissed under the Rain

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Taeyeon and Jessica spend their weekend with each other and so now, they decided to went outside for refreshing because the younger one wanted to and also for a change of plan sometimes. They were packing their stufss to bring outside the sunny weather, Taeyeon happily singing a song (A/N: Beautiful Mind by Jessica Jung), the older woman find it too adorable by just seeing her happy but a part of her felt guilty for not telling Taeyeon about her relationship with Taecyeon, they promised that they wouldn't keep secrets with each other life especially lovelife but how could she tell her when she only see a happy and cheerful kid in her eyes, she's hopeless but secrets can wait, right?

"Hey, Sica I think we don't need to bring umbrellas, the weather is totally just fine it will add into our heavy stuffs." Taeyeon broke her trail of worries and thoughts when she felt her shook her arm while she's picking up some utensils inside their basket.

"O-Okay, i-if that's what m-my Taengoo wants." Jessica only adding fuel to the fire when she felt to sweet talk with oblivous Taeyeon who only gave her a genuine and warm smile at her and she felt grateful when she brought sunshine into her life from her darkness of life as a rich woman. Jessica had only few friends to be named of, she don't want to open with others, she kept herself hidden but after she brought Taeyeon home, her awful life changed like seasons, she's her energy pills but what she have done, she breaks her promise and she knows how Taeyeon felt towards her.

"ALL SET LET'S GO MY SICA!!" Taeyeon skipped happily outside with basket on hand, waiting for Jessica to locked their house. The blonde shook her head with her childish antics and a adorable sight of a happy kid so she decided to clear her thoughts for today and spend mostly her time to Taeyeon.


"Oh no, we have no space here I didn't know everyone will be here today." Taeyeon spoke sadly when she saw how the park was full-packed by families, couples ans children. Jessica noticed her dejected face and place her hand on her slumped shoulder from frustration, she sighed.

"We can spend time to other place, Taengoo?! Don't be sad, ease up your frown face, you look ugly!" Jessica teased made Taeyeon shrieked.

"Omo, do I look ugly now? I don't want Miss Jessica to see me ugly!" Taeyeon cried from panic and fiahed out her pocket mirror to look at her adorable face, this was new to Jessica so she chuckle.

"Seriously? I'm just teasing you but your face looks like you caught red-handed stealing candies in store." Jessica waved her hand infront of her face.

"Ugh, I hate you!" Taeyeon whined while stomping her feet playfully making an adorable sight for the older woman who almost caught her breath away until a heavy spat of rain touches their bare skin, everyone in the park runs to where the shed was. Too late, the both of them already soaked under the rain so they stayed in the nearby tree.

"W-Wait h-here Miss Jessica, I will get my umbrella in your secret compartment." Taeyeon said while she prepared herself to run under the rain but Jessica unwillingly hold her wrist.

"Aniyo, stay here you'll get sick if you insisted to go under the heavy rain!" Jessica snorted but the younger one gave her a simple smile and said that it would be quick so she nodded in response but her heart still worry at her little kiddo.

"OH, JESSICA! YOU'RE HERE I'M GLAD I FOUND YOU!!!" Taecyeon who appeared from nowhere and as soaked as hers too. Jessica looked panicked and worried that Taeyeon might caught them but too late she was engulfed into a bone-crashing embrace by her boyfriend.

"You're fucking wet honey, what happen? You went here with someone?" Taecyeon asked while caressing his girlfriend's silky blonde hair but Jessica pushed him gently not wanting to see them intimate in public and worst seen them by Taeyeon, it's the least thing she wanted to happen not now.

"I'm with Taeyeon." She honestly said while looking straight at him with her cold-aura. Taecyeon kissed her lips without a warning and trapped her body into his arms showing how much he misses her alot.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Jessica pushed him away like he was kind of pervert drunkard, totally shook him off.

"Why? Can't I kiss my girlfriend here?" Taecyeon reasoned made sense with Jessica, of course they're dating, normal couple do this kind of endearment but there's something inside that keeping Jessica, something bothers her alot these days regarding with Taeyeon.

"Sorry." Those simple words wasn't meant for pushing Taecyeon away but for someone else who doesn't deserve to be hurt by her.

"It's okay babe, I understand you don't want us to be caught by Taeyeon, that kiddo was too innocent for this kind of thing." Taecyeon laughed and misunderstood her words but Jessica kept silent after the incident and everything went messed up and forgot how Taeyeon took a long time to return with her umbrella.

"Don't keep it just let it out."

"It's too painful that I couldn't even feel myself, I felt cheated but what can I do, she won't love me like the way I loved her."

"You will get sick if you stay here under the rain, kid?!"

"It's much way too comfortable rather than seeing the one you loved loving someone else and not you."

"I know I'm not in the right place to knock some sense to you, kiddo but I think you have to move on now, life is tok short for us to waste our time with something we couldn't have."

"C-Can.. Can y-you tell me your name?"

"We don't need to know names, our heart has its own way to find the person who can love us back so we better off as strangers and besides I kinda like seeing your back view, kid."

"You're kinda poetic for a stranger like you, I could feel you messed up with your life as well."

"You can say it like that so I refuse to tell my name because I don't want you to be in my mess."

"You're such a beautiful mess even if my eyes closed."

"Ha, you are something, I like you."

-to be continued

A/N: Italic for the stranger's POV whose talking with Taeyeon.

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