No Longer A Hwang

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A loud slapped echoed the Chairman's office as Mr. Hwang lay a finger into his own daughter who wasn't afraid of confessing her sin of seeing a woman behind her husband's back but she's being true to herself though her father was against with it and let himself overwhelmed by anger and again the divorce issue resurface the conversation between the father-daughter, Nichkhun whose watching the scene was secretly claimed his victory when he had the Im Yoona on his side to used against Tiffany and especially Kim Taeyeon.

"You ungrateful child! How could you do this to your own father, tell me Tiffany? Why did you have to do this? Why are against me? Choose between me and your woman!" Mr. Hwang with his threatened voice echoed the room but Tiffany was still unfazed and stood on her ground facing her father. Her eyes shows no backing down with her final words, she glances at her husband who glances back at her but with an evil smirk written on his face. She control herself not to jumped at Nichkhun and punched him straight to his beautiful face.

"I want to be the real me Dad and I ain't gonna hide myself for who I am. Your daughter is a gay and fell inlove with the person whom I truly love." Tiffany said without any hesitation makes his father fumes in anger and again another slapped on her swollen left cheek but she remain silent afterwards and decided to dropped the conversation and face the consequences.

"From now on you're no longer my daughter, you are not a Hwang anymore and I'll get everything you had even you're own company and I don't want to see your fucking face again!?!" Mr. Hwang yelled at his daughter who taking off all her luxurious jewelries and accessories from her body. She walked away without looking back at her father but her heart crushed everytime she took another step away from the Hwang company, she had nowhere to go, no money with her and now a jobless citizen of South Korea. She let her tears fell from her eyes as she walked without direction, she let her feet takes her somewhere as she bumps with passersby, her mind was somewhere else until she halt infront of a convenience store and decided to buy beers.


All by herself, Tiffany was drinking at one of the bench in the park under the shade of a tree, it was almost sunset since her feet lead her there. She forgot to bring her Iphone at least but she don't even care, another bottoms up of her beer and her head felt dizzy but she open up another bottle again, she emptied her pocket just for beers.

"I screwed everything I had. I'm no longer a rich woman that could buy everything and anything, I'm no longer a Hwang." She mutters as she take another shot of her beer without realizing its almost nightime and the lights were emitting the almost empty park.

"You selfish brat you don't even invited me for a drink?" A sudden voice startled her from behind as she jumped into her seat.

"Tae?" She watched the younger girl take her seat beside her and took one of her beer to drink.

Taeyeon suddenly patted her head like she was kind of a kid but she felt loved from her simple touch. Tiffany smile sadly as she took another shot and Taeyeon do the same, they're enjoying the comfortable silence and the perfect moments being together with each other while comforting themselves. The ash-gray woman glance at the brunette with a smile on her face and reached for her swollen cheek slowly caressing it with her touch love.

"How's Jessica?" Tiffany broke the silence pressing her cheek into Taeyeon's warm hand.

"She's already fine and staying at my penthouse with my maid now."

"I'm no longer a Hwang."

"I can see it through your eyes and that's why I'm here because I knew you will do some careless action."

"Geez, what a mind reader."

"I'm taking you with me besides Jessica already knew and we had this kind of complicated relationship but I'm taking full responsibility for you." Taeyeon said as she looks at Tiffany's gloomy eyes.

"And stop drinking Miss Tiffany, you're now pregnant with your child."

"I will abort it." Tiffany said sternly.

"I won't let you, I'll take the child if you don't want besides Jessica loves kid so she will understand."

"You're a fucking idiot Kim." Tiffany mocked her but Taeyeon trying to understand her situation.

"I'm just doing the right thing."

"Yeah right." The brunette rolled her eyes as she took another shot but Taeyeon quickly stopped her.

"Don't do this to yourself I'm still here with you and I won't let you face this world alone." Taeyeon embraces the woman to feel her loved and warmth. They might be on a difficult circumstances but they fully supporting each other because the feelings they had was pure and mutual. Finally, Tiffany let her emotions took control over her body as she let her tears fell.

"You're the only one I had so please don't you ever leave me Taetae." Tiffany cried on her arms as she tigthened her hold into Taeyeon.

"I know I'm a fucking asshole to love two people at the same time but I want to let you both know that I will do my best to be the best lover you had in your life same goes with Jessica." Taeyeon confessed, she couldn't leave either Jessica nor Tiffany, you can call her selfish but she will not let anyone harm them. She only needs time to choose between them but not for now, she still loves them dearly.

"You're cute you know?" Tiffany wipes her tears as she faces her lover.

"I am and I'll be the father of your child, we will face everything together and give me time to choose either you or Jessica but you have to promise you will not going anywhere until I already choose, okay?"

"Of course I won't and besides I'll make sure to be fair and square with Jessica and I hope she as well, thank you Taetae."

"Stop the drama and c'mon we will go home together." Taeyeon tears up a little and quickly take her hand with her and intertwined them before they walked home together with genuine smile on their face.

-to b continued

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