Scars and Goodbye

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"OH SH*T! TAENGOO!" Jessica hurriedly run through the gate of her house after seeing the helpless body of Taeyeon lying infront, her torn clothes, visible bruises and stained blood all over. She already reported the incident to the Seoul police but never she thought that the kidnapper will send her into her house at 3am, she carried her inside carefully not to hurt the bloody little girl, she saw how Taeyeon's back marked by something with force, she could see nothing but blood, she cried hard once she lay her, stomach facing the soft bed as she bring the basin with water and a clean cloth to wash the fresh wounds on her back, her tears won't stop falling as she touches the smoothen back before but now full of scars, her heart aches seeing Taeyeon in this worst state and she blame herself for being useless, she could even protect the younger girl from the bad guys, she check the different part of her body if there's any sign of her being raped but nothing, she gently changes her clothes into a comfortable and let her upper torso nakes for awhile because the wounds still fresh and might hurt her further.

"Who the hell did this kind of thing to you, they must pay for this!" Jessica gritted her teeth as she finished cleaning the latter's fresh wounds. Taeyeon was still unconscious but already stable, how could someone do this thing to her, the last time she checked, the girl has no issues to someone because she's kind of anti-social, she prefers to be alone and knew she only had two close friends to be named of, Yoona and Krystal.

"N-No p-please s-stop..." She heard Taeyeon's soft mumbling and saw how the girl squirmed and scared with her eyes closed. She quickly embraces her head but not too tight, comforting words and gentle kisses into her forehead before she finally calm down. Jessica again cried seeing her like that, the used to be cheerful girl turned into a terrified human being, her baby-face like also filled with small scars and she was sure, it was a mark from a whip because of the trace.

"Tiffany Hwang, it must be something involves that bitch and to explain why Taeyeon kidnapped by unknown people, only a person with power and money can do anything evil like this." Jessica's sharp mind already functioning because the one she loves is in danger and she had to protect her no matter what happens even if she loses everything especially her fortune, Taeyeon was priceless for her and her safety was more important than any precious things in this world.

"I need to do some background checking of Tiffany Hwang." Jessica dialled a number on her phone and a female voice answered from the other line, her secretary.

"I need Tiffany Hwang's background and I want them in 2 days, understand?"

"Yes, Madam."

And the line went off after the order of the powerful Jung, she throws her phone at the side table and focused her line of sight into the sleeping girl on bed as she sat on the floor watching her. Her eyes filled with sadness because of the thought that she was useless, not enough to protect her against someone who might hurt her, she wanted to be tough and fearless so Taeyeon would be safe.

"I will protect you Taengoo." She whispered as she places her palm into Taeyeon's face and not too long, she fell asleep in the same position.


"W-What? T-The CEO of J&K Clothing called p-personally to relay her message of pulling Taeyeon's application out of my company?" Tiffany yelled histerically as she received the report from her HR Manager of Taeyeon's immediate resignation since Jessica still had the rights because she's hwr guardian but she thought of it as unprofessional to suddenly file a resignation when she had piles of work to be done before the deadline.

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