My Rain

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"You're late." Jessica said with a firm voice as she saw Taeyeon open their door wearing unfamiliar clothes, taking off her sneakers, she passed by her without saying a word. She couldn't handle Taeyeon's cold treatment so she decided to follow the latter into their kitchen.

"Where the hell are you for the whole fucking day? Without text nor call? What are you? A stray dog that could enter and go out of my house without saying your whereabouts to me? I'm your guardian and only family, Taeyeon?" Jessica slammed her fist into the counter made Taeyeon startled but she continue to drink her glass of water and now, their eyes finally met, the one filled with sorrow and the one filled with madness.

"Was he good? Did he do you good? Did Taecyeon fuck--------"


"I-I'm s-so sorry, T-Taeyeon?!" Jessica slapped her cheeks so hard that make her head turned to the left with an impact, the both of them got shocked but Taeyeon kept her tears and words that will hurt the one she loves the most, she can't hurt her, never in her life but now, she felt like a fool for begging and needing her love and attention that Jessica will never ever give back because she already had Taecyeon, she's fucking straight while she was trapped in her own closet, a dark one.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't say those words, I'm really sorry Miss Jung." Taeyeon bumped the older woman's shoulder as she scurriedly made her way outside the apartment without looking back at the shouting blonde, she forget to take her sneakers, her coat, purse, she runaway as far as she could without looking back with tears in her eyes, she don't know where to go but to one place she known with eyes closed then a heavy rain pours harshly touching her skin making her soaking wet but she didn't mind as long as the pain will washed away out from her body and soul.



"Who the hell was knocking on this fucking hour? I don't even expecting visitors right now?!"



"M-Ms. H-Hwang..." Tiffany was greeted by a soaking wet Taeyepn who collapsed immediately on her arms.

"Oh my God! Taeyeon what's happen?" The older woman panic seeing her weak body on her arms, she didn't mind getting wet because the most important thing was her little mess who was in a real deep messed to be safe and not to get sick.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I'm really s-sorry..." She saw Taeyeon cried with her eyes closed, Tiffany was sure that the poor latter was still unconscious but she's burning, her body temperature raised so she quickly grabbed a clean towel from her cabinet and a basin with water.

"T-Taeyeon?" She gently pressed the wet towel on her forehead then her body, she changes her wet clothes into a new one but of course, with her eyes closed, she's not taking advantage on a sick person whom she liked, she respect her but what triggers her the most was the cause of running away from home, barefooted under the heavy rain.

"Did the blonde woman I saw has something to do with this matter?" Tiffany recalls the encounter in the morning at the bakeshop.

"J-Jessicaa... Don't leavee mee..." Taeyeon talks alot into her sleep and someone else name slipped from her mouth. Tiffany leaned  closer into her gentle face, she's really a mess, she thought. They're both in the couch but she chose to sat on the floor instead while watching her stable breathing, she looks awfully cute and despite of the complicated situation, she managed to smile genuinely while caressing her wet locks.

"You had this kind of something that pulling me back into you like a magnet, you're too addicting yet I only kiss you once but the taste of your lips still remain like a poison, I don't even know myself anymore, am I crazy?" Tiffany chuckle showing her eyesmile, she obviously forgot that she's already a married woman but who cares as long she had her cute little mess.

*cellphone ringing*

"What now?!" She grabbed her phone immediately so she wouldn't wake Taeyeon up who was on her deep slumber by now.

"Hello babe, we had dinner tonight with father, are you on your way now?" Her fucking husband called breaking her sweet little moments with the little girl. She cursed him mentally while thinking of a good excuse.

"Sorry Nick but I got a last minute call from an important client maybe we move to another day, I'm really, really sorry, say regards to Mr. Horvejkul as well. Bye!" She cut the line without waiting for a sweet response from Nichkhun, good thing that her husband had no idea of her house location so she could spend all night staring at the cute sleeping girl on her couch, she must be crazy but she fucking won't mind as long as Taeyeon was on her sight.

"A good taste of music as a background was sure a good thing to treasure this moment with her." Tiffany excitedly turn on her speaker as she searched for a good song from her Iphone 6 rose gold.

"I like this song! Perfect!" She select the song and finally played at the background.

Now Playing: Taeyeon's RAIN

"You're too beautiful..." She whisper into her ear as she slowly lied down beside Taeyeon and engulfed her into a warm embrace, they were now both at the couch in a cold weather because of heavy rain and the music that warming up Tiffany's heart, holding the most precious thing in the world, her cute little mess.

"Stay with me because I want only you all by myself and I need you to hold my hands." Tiffany continue to whisper and spilling out her true feelings with Taeyeon, they might have a huge age difference, different status and different world but all she knows was to love someone again.

"I'm sorry I'm inlove with you." Tears fell from her eyes while she tightly hold Taeyeon in her arms like a little child and the night goes like that, with a cute little mess in her arms under the cold night weather.

-to be continued

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