What Happened To Us?

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Staring at the sleeping figure on the bed, she couldn't help but to feel the overwhelming guilt surrounded the air she was breathing for hurting the important person she had, the person who stays at her side when she's devastated, Jessica who gave her everything and loved her unconditionally but only to betrayed behind her back. She immediately flew back to States after Krystal called her about Jessica's attempt suicide when she found her unconscious on their couch with a slit and blood on her wrist drowning herself in alcohol, she left Tiffany for awhile and explained everything.

"How I turn myself into a ridiculous monster to break everyone's heart?" Taeyeon asked herself facing the woman she indebted with her own life. Choosing between two woman was the only choice left, leaving the responsibility she promise with the brunette or leaving the promise of love she had with the blonde, it messing her up while thinking about choosing without any good options.

"Why I'm always messing up? Kim Taeyeon get yourself together, you fucking shit!" She smacked her forehead repeatedly made her dizzy and leaned her head into Jessica's arms with an IV attached. She cried silently not knowing Krystal's presence behind her giving off a pitiful look towards the sleepless Taeyeon.

"You need some sleep." Krystal offered placing her hans into the other woman's shoulder and patted at the same time giving her enough comfort.

"Where's Yoona?" She changed the topic and asked about Krystal's new lover who happens to be their bestfriend after the latter managed to runaway with the bride-to-be of the highly respected politician's son.

"Grabbing a coffee and snacks on the convenience store nearby." Krystal answered with a monotone voice, she place her hand above the girl's soft one who was already on her shoulder.

"Make her happy and don't ever break her heart, she's also someone precious to me and we kept our little secrets behind, okay?" Taeyeon offers a pinky promise with Krystal who gladly accepted it. They break off things between them and continue to lived happily apart from each other, giving Yoona a chance to be with her.

"Find your own happiness as well, Taeyeon-shi." Krystal said but before she left Taeyeon by herself, she quickly peck her lips as a goodbye but unfortunately Yoona misunderstood the situation as she stood at the open door of the ward with a shocked face written on her face, Taeyeon jumped off from her seat and approaching the tall woman to explain everything but only to cause Yoona runaway from them and left the bag full of foods.

"Hey! Yoona wait up!" Taeyeon and Krystal yelled at the back only made Yoona to fasten her pace as she ready to crossed the street but never looked at the either both side of the passing line, a car surprises her but instead of herself getting hit by a strong impact, she never felt any pain on her body but a force that she has been pushed by someone else sinked into her mind and to her horror, Krystal was already lying on the pavements pooling on her own blood.

"N-No K-Krystal! Wake up you fool!" Yoona tried to wake the latter up wh she craddling in her arms, Taeyeon stay rooted on her spot watching the scene without speaking.

"YAH! JUNG KRYSTAL!" Yoona shook Krystal's body all over again until the ambulance arrived announcing dead on the spot. The poor latter couldn't help herself but to hold grudge against Taeyeon who was trying to win her trust and friendship again but to no avail she completely rejects her.

"Yoona?" Taeyeon appeared at the empty funeral house where Yoona stayed all day and night without having enough sleep as she keep herself for talking with the most hated person by her.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to fucking see your face again! Were nothing but a complete stranger starting from now on." Yoona's cold voice made Taeyeon step aback with her eyes and heart filled with sadness as she looks over at her two closest friend in one sad picture she couldn't ever imagine.

"I'll get going now." Taeyeon bid gpodbye but only to received a cold shoulder from a former bestfriend.

After Taeyeon left Yoona alone, the latter cried hard but a presence behind her offers her a handkerchief for her running nose, she looked over her shoulder and greeted by a smirking Nichkhun Horvejkul and a straight face Choi Sooyoung at the back with their bodyguards.

"I never thought how table turns and luck was on my side, well, I'm Nichkhun Horvejkul and Miss Kim Taeyeon's nemesis since she had done something wrong against by stealing my own wife away with me and as I can see that we shared a same situation towards her." Nichkhun spoke and sat down beside a clueless Yoona but his words helps her to get close with him and take his side as well.

"Im Yoona."

"Oh, so you're the sole heiress of Im Enterprise that leaves her groom on their own wedding and left with a woman but you made a right choice of choosing love over some business araangement shit of our parents, right? I salute you." Nichkhun was trying his best to win her trust and helped her to get Taeyeon begging on her knees and leave him alone with his wife.

"We will make a good pair against Kim Taeyeon." Yoona accepted his handshake as she choose to sided him as well while Nichkhun happily welcomed her for his another plan to made Taeyeon suffer.

"Say goodbye to yourself Kim Taeyeon." Nichkhun left the funeral with a total victory on his hand.

-to be continued

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