The Storm

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"Tiffany is seeing another woman again behind your back and this time, she confirmed it herself." Sooyoung informed the said woman's husband, Nichkhun who was working overseas for the company expansions.

"Thank you for informing me Ms. Choi and I'm glad your in my side instead of my cheating wife, I'll be secretly go to Seoul without Tiffany knowing and have a talk with her woman because I don't want the another scandal will spread again like virus, it will affect her image as well as the Hwang Industries or worst Mr. Hwang will know about this so I trust you to keep an eye with the woman." Nichkhun was clenching his fist on the other line when he was informed again regarding his wife's cheating behind his back, he knows himself Tiffany won't love her back even if he had everything that women wants in a man. He thought, she really prefers woman rather than a man so Mr. Hwang took an action for her only daughter being a gay and immediately forces her into marriage.

"Sure thing so see you in Seoul in an hour Mr. Horvejkul." Sooyoung cut the line leaving many possible thoughts in Nichkhun's mind, he must get rid of the woman who caught Tiffany's attention.

"I think money won't work this time so I must do something beyond my real plan." Nichkhun ordered his bodyguard to fixed his things for an urgent flight tonight in Seoul. He also checked the email that Sooyoung sent awhile ago with the complete information of the woman he must get rid of.

"Hmmm, Kim Taeyeon 19? What the hell is happening with my wife hitting a woman whose 12 years younger than her, what a pedo she was. I pity the girl because I might do something really, really bad at her very beautiful face, just watch Tiffany how I give her a mark she won't forget." Nichkhun smirked evilly as he read all Taeyeon's information from where she was born and where she lives right now.


"Are you that happy I'll pick you up from work?" Jessica smile as she noticed how excited Taeyeon was when her smile didn't fade and reached almost her ears since she saw her waiting at the company's lobby to picked her up tonight.

"Because its the first time Miss Jessica offers me a ride to have a date with her tonight here in Han river and its so very special to me." The younger girl confessed while she's watching the beautiful stars above while they're having a small take-out dinner from a nearby chinese restaurant.

"I'm happy you like my little surprise, you know its my first time I've done this to a woman but if its you I'm always willing to this kind of cheesy stuffs everyday." The blonde woman put a meat into Taeyeon's disposable bowl as they share their dinner nearby the river, she was happy seeing the one she loves also smiling from ear to ear, she thought of something out of the box just to make her genuinely happy everyday.

"Say aah Miss Jessica." Taeyeon gestured the blonde to open her mouth as she offers a neatly wrapped meat into the lettuce. Jessica seems so shy but she obliged and ate the meat Taeyeon has given, she swallow it happily.


"So how's your work with Hwang?" Jessica added as she was curious with Taeyeon's relationship to the gorgeous Tiffany who happens to be her rival again. The young girl swallow her food before she speak makes an adorable sight for her, she couldn't help herself but to pinch her puff cheeks unconsciously Made Taeyeon whines cutely.

"Miss Jessica's strength was no joke." Taeyeon almost tear up from pain and made Jessica's heart soften in an instant so she caresses the spot she pinched and also place a soft kiss on it made the girl flinched in surprise.


"Its alright because its you." Taeyeon shows her dorky smile as she took another bite and devours the mouth-watering meal they had. Jessica's heart skips a beat and everything around her turns wonderful in a sudden, she leans closer until her breath almost touching the young girl's lips. They looked straight into each other's eyes before one of them took the courage to captured the inviting soft lips but before they could savor the moment, a few guys in a black suit appeared behind and dragged Taeyeon away from Jessica.

"YAH! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HER, LET HER GO OR I CALL THE POLICE, JERKS!" Jessica struggled to follow the poor girl who has been carried inside the black Mercedez in her unconscious state from hitting her head by one of the unknown guy.

"Get rid of her as well." One of the guy who seems the leader ordered the other to get rid of Jessica.

"WHERE DO YOU BRING -------- AGH!" One of the guy hit Jessica's head and kick her stomach made her unconscious and injured as well so she could do nothing.



"We already got the target, boss."

"Good job you may take your men and leave, I'll gave you bonus so you could have a party in the club for doing your task smoothly according to plan." Nichkhun said while giving a huge pack of money inside the brown envelope and the leader of the gang took them and leave the unconscious Taeyeon lied on the dirty ground.

"You look like a highschooler in person Kim Taeyeon, what charm did you have to capture my wife's stone heart, ha?" Nichkhun caresses her gentle face still eyes closed and carried her into the private room as he waited patiently to woke her up.

"Aha, you're finally awake." Nichkhun splash a bucket of water into the poor girl so she could feel the coldness touches her body as she only wears a black muscle shirt, a blue ripped jeans and white flat sandals.

"W-Who a-are you? W-What d-do you want from me?" Taeyeon's dry throat failed her voice, she couldn't even move due to a sharp pain of her head and different parts of her body.

"I only want you to stay away from my wife Tiffany Hwang." Nichkhun said in a stern voice not showing his face into the victim.

"S-Sorry I don't get you Mister."

"I'll mark you so you won't totally forget me and with this whip on my hand I'll make a good masterpiece in your body." Nichkhun shows the black whip on his hand as he finally facing Taeyeon.

-to be continued

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