Secret Lovers

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"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO YOU TIFFANY??" Her father yelled at her while slamming his fist on the desk a numerous times from frustration over his now useless daughter who kept herself inside her own apartment without moving, eating and functioning even if he slapped her on face, nothing would changed unless a certain someone appears infront of her eyes.

"I'm sorry Appa but I can't do anything about my wife, recently she was seen drunk at the club that cause a huge news but I immediately aided the worst situation and gave them money in return of not posting that will ruin her image." Nichkhun always shows his good and responsible side infront of his father-in-law while in reality, he didn't care for his wife anymore unlike before.

"Then bring her to U.S. so you can build your own family over there." The old Hwang suggested received a good response from the Thai man who was smiling from ear to ear, a good chance to woo his wife.

"Leave me alone." Suddenly, Tiffany speak with a cold tone and put her wine glass on the table before she histerically thrown the vase infront of them without second thoughts.

"YOU BOTH RUINED MY LIFE, JUST DISOWN ME AND LET ME LIVE MY LIFE IN PEACE!!??" She's been living as a good daughter into her father but what she received was only a fucking hell, she so everything he wanted but only to make her life more miserable, she lives like a puppet on her own world. She deserves a good kind of life, Taeyeon who gave her light left her without words, she didn't understand why people love and leave her afterwards.

"T-Tiffany y-you've g-gone m-mad, I-I d-don't even know you anymore." Her father step aback while watching his insane daughter grabbing another things to be thrown at them but Nichkhun saves them both by holding her into his arms.

"You're both the worst here than me." Tiffany stopping herself but pushing her husband away from her own. She walked through the veranda of the luxurious apartment and took the hidden blade inside her silky bathrobe, she slit her wrist using the sharp thing until blood came out and made her weaken, her father and Nichkhun runs through her side when she collapsed and they called an ambulance for her.


"Are you ready for your upcoming wedding Yoona?" The older Im asked his sole daughter who silently playing piano on their living room. The soon-to-be bride already met her in-laws as well as the handsome groom.

"Dae appa." Yoona answered politely as she stopped playing and the image of Krystal flashes through her mind and their shared beautiful memories were still lingers inside. She sent them her wedding invitations on the 15th of October as the date but no response until now even in social media, she prayed for Krystal's Happiness as well because she's successful right now.

*message received*

She looked on her latest Iphone that places above the white piano, a message from whom. She swipe the screen and see it was from Taeyeon, she knows about the incident so she's not surprise at all but the sudden message from her buddy was something unusual, the girl wasn't into texting, email, twitting nor calling, exactly she's anti-social human being.

"Are you happy?"

She felt her tears in her eyes reading the message, Taeyeon knew her the best and she was thankful of her sweet gestures of concern but everything was too late, she doesn't want to disappoint her family or it will endangered their healthy business. Her hands trembles to respond as she kept her true emotions, completely avoiding to overwhelmed her fully and a simple "no" will be the response.

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