Forget Her Not

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Days become months after Taeyeon's resignation, the CEO of Hwang Industries turned into a monstrous boss who yelled and scolded her employees with such a simple mistake and at night she drown herself from alcohol and it alarms the older Hwang regarding his daughter's worst condition and as for Nichkhun, the dickhead husband who slept with different woman had no interest with his own wife's whereabouts because everything he does turned into waste only and he almost decided to divorce his distressed wife but of course, he couldn't do it because of wealth and fame so he slept with them instead.

"Its your 27th shot Ms. Hwang better if we go home now." Sooyoung took the bottle of martini from the already drunk CEO beside her, they were spending time at the private club.

"Back *hik* off." Tiffany only prefers to wear black after she left by Taeyeon, she almost filled her dresser into a funeral ambiance because everything was black while her favorite pink was nowhere to be seen inside her luxurious apartment.

"Miss Hwang." The CEO almost fell from her seat when she tried to stepped off but before she injured herself, Sooyoung already caught her on time and carried her back into her pink Camaro and drive into home.

"You're screwed." Sooyoung throws the drunken woman at her own bed before she looked for a comfortable clothes as soon as they arrived home.

"Damn you, Kim Taeyeon for breaking my fucking heart, you stupid midget!" Tiffany yelled to no one as she sprawls into her queen-size bed while Sooyoung was still searching inside her wardrobe.

"You love her that much, huh?" Sooyoung eyed her with dejected look on her eyes as soon as she heard the younger girl's name from the woman she loves secretly so that explains why she sided with the bad guy.

"What happens to your pink obssession?" Sooyoung talked to herself as she saw everything were black inside, a gothic aura. Finally, she found what she's been looking for and quickly run into the bathroom.

"Done!" Sooyoung said happily as she successfully changed the brunette's clothes and washed her body using a wet towel awhile ago.

"Why don't you turn your head else where so you can see who else will love you in return?!" Sooyoung was talking to a sleeping woman on the bed while she was quietly sitting beside her while holding her hand.

"I'm always here beside you since were kids but you see me only as a friend, why don't you love me instead?" She tear up knowing how hard she tried to get her attention and love but always failed and after seeing her married to Nichkhun, she was devastated but knowing the woman's preference she thought she still had a chance to be with her but after Taeyeon came, her heart torn again seeing Tiffany was geniunely happy with another woman.

"Taetae please don't leave me." Tiffany mumbled in her deep slumber as she grasped tightly on Sooyoung's hand. She felt her heart will burst anytime soon if she won't stop saying someone else name except for her.

"Hajima." Sooyoung cried as she buried her face into her opened palm, silently she let out her bottled-up emotions from being hurt and in a deep pain.

"I love you Taeyeon." She walked out from Tiffany's room and slammed the door but the drunken woman couldn't heard it because she was totally knocked out.


"Congratulations Miss Jung." One of the investors greeted a blonde woman who successfully launched her new branch at San Francisco together with her business partner, she mouthed "Thank you" in return before an ash-grey short haired masculine woman came wearing a sexy tuxedo made by their own clothing line handed her Louis & Vuitton black purse and resting her hand into the woman's strong arm.

"Where have you been?" The blonde asked her business partner a.k.a escort for tonight, she only received a small smile before the ash-gray haired turned her head into the other guest, Krystal.

"I think we need to go back now, one of our client cancel the appointment due to some personal reasons." A red-haired Krystal who works now as a fashion consultant in J&K Clothing Co. because she applied as an intern and absorb by the company because of her exceptional talent in fashion, she works for 6 months but she's quite good for a beginner.

"Okay, can you still drive with your state, Taengoo?" The blonde asked the girl escorting her.

"Yeah since I only had one shot because of that gorgeous woman over there keeps on pestering me after I told her I'm already engaged but she didn't believe me so she keeps following me around." Taeyeon explained as she eyed the culprit in despise, many women keeps hitting on her but she always turned them down because she had Jessica as her fiance. Krystal who only looks at her in distance made a small frown on her face but she kept it by herself since she's in debt with Jessica for saving her life from her abusive parents who do nothing but to hurt her repeatedly.

"I didn't knew you will be this famous to every western women here I regret of taking you in abroad to study, are you sure you didn't fuck every forgeous here?" Jessica said sarcastically when she saw every women looking at Taeyeon's direction who only agve them a smile in return not to be rude.

"You sure enjoy this kind of event."

"I'm not interested in them since I only have my own Aphrodite beside me." Taeyeon whisper flirtily over Jessica's already redden ears as she felt her lips nibble on her skin above her neckline.

"Stop your cheesiness and drive us home Ms. Handsome."

"I'll stay at my apartment hotel, I had so many things to do." Krystal excuses herself from the lovey-dovey couple, she's only saving herself from further pain on her chest.

"Okay, thanks for your hardwork." Jessica sense the jealousy from Krystal but shrugged it since Taeyeon was already hers.

"Drive safely Krys and text me when you get home, okay?" Taeyeon patted Krystal's head like a puppy and the girl nodded as response before the latter walking outside the crowded event hall.

"Let's go darling."

"Oh, is that Jessica Jung?" One of the guest said to another before the guy turned to looked at the mentioned name.

"Whose the other girl with a grey hair she's been with all the time?"

"I heard she's Kim Taeyeon, her fiance, oh geez, what a pity, she's already taken I thought I could hit on her."

"Hmm, I'll see you again Kim." Nichkhun who happens to be one of the invited guest on the list watched the lovely couple walking outside hand in hand. He sipped his champagne before a smirk appears on his face.

-to be continued

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