Dangerous places (part 1) [PTX]

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Scott's P.O.V.

I drove away from the Starbucks in my neighborhood with my daily dose of caffeine, driving in the direction of my job. It's 7.30 am, I'm really tired and everyone at work probably is too, so I knew that this morning would be a slow start.

I work at a police station and the mornings usually exist out of paperwork. Later on we will probably get some places we have to go to sort things out, nothing really special. The last few months have been very quiet. I can say almost too quiet since usually there are a few weird things going on here, but that would be cliché to say.

Working as a policeman probably sounds really exciting, but in reality I have solved some heavy crimes like murders, kidnapping and bank robberies, but mostly it exists out of stopping people who drive too fast or too slow and if it's a special day sometimes we get criminals who try to rob something, but never get away with it.

Pulling up in the parking lot, I get out with my fresh coffee in my hands, enter the building, get greeted by our secretary at the helpdesk and when I enter the room for all the people who work here, I get greeted by my colleagues.

Everyone seems to get to their own routine, working at a slow pace. It was quiet, so I just went to my own desk to see if someone from our nightshift left a note, but nothing was found. To see if I needed to do anything other than just the normal I went to our head officer Avi. I knocked on his office door and entered after I heard him say 'come in'.

'Hey, did you get anything special from the nightshift that you want me to go through.' I asked him, hoping something has happened. Of course, we want the streets to be safe here, but if nothing happens for a while my work just gets so boring. I wanted the excitement back I had when we were solving the heavier crimes.

'Nothing from the nightshift.' I immediately felt disappointed. 'But I am working on something right now I saw this morning. We're probably having a meeting in half an hour about it.'

'What is it?' I asked curious to already find out everything, even though I knew I wouldn't get answers. The 'Boss', as we all call him, is very strict about this sort of information and he won't share anything with me right now until he prepared everything for the meeting and everyone is present.

'You know I'm not saying that already. The meeting starts in half an hour. Be patient, Hoying.' He replied probably to get me out of his office, so I just nodded and left to go to my desk again to start this day as I normally would, but with excitement over what is going to be discussed in half an hour. When I walked to my desk, I found someone sitting on my desk.

'What are you doing here, Mitch? Shouldn't you get to your paperwork?' I said as he saw me walking towards him.

'Good morning to you too. I'm just on a little visit round. Did you hear about the meeting that's in thirty minutes? I just got the message.'

'Yeah, I just got back from Boss' office. I hope it's something interesting.' I replied as I sat down on my chair with a sigh. 'Now go harass the others. I have to do my paperwork quickly because if I don't get through it before the meeting I won't have time for it and I don't feel like working through the night. Why don't you see if Kirstie's here already?'

'I already went, but she also sent me away because of the same reason as yours.' He replied as I laughed at him.

'I think everyone will if you go visit them since everyone wants to just get over that except for you.'

'I didn't have a lot this morning because I worked till midnight yesterday. I only did some organizing when I came in.'

'Ugh I'm jealous. Maybe help with mine?' I said to him childishly, but he gave in and helped me until we got a call to go to the meeting room.

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