Our stars [KAVI]

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[A/N Back from the dead! I'm sorry for slow updates but I'm in my exam year so it's really just school school school. I also didn't want to upload another Kavi one shot so soon but this was the only thing thing that was finished besides the first part of a three part story that'll probably take a long time. Don't expect a lot from me in the upcoming months!]

Avi's P.O.V.

It was pouring rain outside. It looked like LA was being flooded. I was lucky to sit inside and, knowing that I didn't need to go anywhere, I could stay inside. I was just laying on the couch, watching some TV with a cup of tea and a bag of chips when I heard someone knocking on my door.

'Who the hell is at my door around this time?'

I got up from my comfortable spot and walked to the door, not being very amused. I opened the door to reveal a soaking wet Kirstie standing there. Why is she here all of a sudden? She's never done this and especially not after all of the 'complications'.

'Kirst? What are you doing here? Oh my God, come in.' She enters my place.

'I'm sorry to bother you this late. I was running to the store to get some things to have a lazy movie night and then it started to pour and your house was closer, so I was hoping if I could stay here until the storm dies down a little?'

'Yeah, of course, you're not interrupting anything. Gosh, you're soaking wet. Do you want to change. I can see if I have some clothes for you.'

'That'd be nice.' I took her coat and hung it somewhere to dry. It was a light coat, so the thing felt like someone had thrown it into the nearest lake. She took of her shoes, so they could dry on my doormat. I raced to my room to look for something for her to wear. I found out I had nothing else than a sweater that was even too big on me so it'll be like a dress for her. I'll just grab blankets when we're sitting on the couch. I went back to my living room, where she stood, wandering around. She didn't see me yet. I froze in my spot, I couldn't even move my eyes away from her.

Jesus, even with her hair being wet mess and her clothing clinging onto her like that, she was still so gorgeous and adorable. Why weren't our stars ever aligned?

She looked at me and I melted again. 'I uh, I could only find this. It's a sweater that's even oversized for me.' I chuckled awkwardly, but she smiled back assuringly.

'That's just fine, thanks.' She strutted to me and took the sweater.

'There are towels in the bathroom that you can use. You know the way.' She nodded and walked off. I sighed deeply and ran a hand through my hair. I was still standing in my living room and I had no idea what to do know. Should I wait for her or do I just continue with what I was watching? Should I get her something to drink and eat?

Yeah, that's something I can do. I can make some hot chocolate and have that and some cookies ready on the table.

Once she came out with slightly less wet and more controlled hair and wearing my sweater that almost reached her knees, I was on the couch watching some uninteresting show on the TV whilst munching on some of the cookies. Once she saw me, she laughed and joined me, grabbing a blanket and wrapping herself up. We didn't know what to watch and once we stumbled upon a nature documentary, we were both too tired of searching for something else, so it stayed on. I was fascinated by the footage that it showed. Nature always has its way to impress us, with hidden beauty everywhere. I was really invested in the film and so seemed she, holding her hot coco with two hands close to her face.

'Avi, do you ever like miss us?' She asked out of the blue.

'What do you mean?' I know exactly what she means, but I really don't want to bring it back.

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