Dangerous places (part 3) [PTX]

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Scott's P.O.V.

Her name was Lizzy Stone, and seemed to have a perfect life. Her parents were still together and made a fair amount of money together, she had good grades and she seemed like a well-liked girl in school. Her picture showed a pretty, young girl with long, dark hair. Apparently, her parents called the police when the clock hit 7 pm, an hour past her curfew, since she stayed at a friend's house and when they called her parents, they said that Lizzy already left a while ago. When the police looked for her location, connecting with her phone, the dot showed a place close to the hide-out we just discovered. One plus one equals two, of course, so our speculation was that Ray abducted the girl and if he wants to end the girl, just like he did with Jason, we, as Kevin already made clear, have to hurry.

We all noticed the urgency of the case, so after we entered the location we had to go to and got the route we had to follow, we immediately started driving in a fast pace, lights and sirens on. Other automobilists made way for us as soon as they heard us coming so in that way we arrived at the hideout in approximately five minutes. Once we stopped the car, there was another police car standing there. What? Boss just ordered us to go here and this is our case not someone else's! If this is Troy and his team, I swear to God, I'll kill him.

Angrily I stepped out of the car and made my way towards the other car with a fast pace. In the background I heard a faint 'Scott, calm down' but I ignored it, being too driven by anger that was slowly boiling up. At the same time the person who was in the driver's seat came out as well and quickly I felt relieved. Now in front of me stood Avi and quickly after he stepped out, I saw Kevin, but he stayed in the car.

'I decided to come join you here. This place isn't small and I thought that someone extra could come in handy. I have your earpieces here so that Kevin, who'll stay in the car, can give us directions and other motions he sees on the radar.' I took my earpiece from his hand and as Mitch and Kirstie arrived as well, they took theirs. And so we entered, wanting to be as quick as possible, our guns and flashlights ready and wearing a bullet-proof vest. We entered slowly and silently, wanting to make no sound to indicate that we entered the building. We all walked carefully to the hallway. There were different doors and so Boss demanded us to separate using our form of sign language. Of course, we did as he told and I took the second door on the left side. It was a big, dark place. It seemed empty, but I couldn't look very far as the room was so dark. My flashlight also didn't make it to the end of the room, but as I cautiously walked further into the room, I saw a shadow forming in the light from my flashlight. I held up my gun, pointing it in front of me and walked further into the room. As I inched closer to the shadow, the figure, whose shadow is from, became more apparent.

'Ray Palmers, this is the police. Please step forward and keep your hands where I can see them.' I demanded, whilst still pointing my gun in front of me. Suddenly a light switched on, looking almost like a spotlight. It shone on the figure in front of me, but it was not the person I expected it to be. In the light I saw Lizzy, chained to a chair.

'I expected you here, Scott.' A voice reverberated trough the room. I couldn't hear where it exactly came from, so I frantically started to look around me. Why did he already expect me? How does he know my name? Does he know more about me?

As I was still looking around, I didn't spot anyone, so I decided to run to Lizzy and get her out of here. As she saw me running towards her, she started to heavily shake her head no. I didn't know what she meant and since she had a cloth in her mouth to keep her from talking, she couldn't tell me what was wrong. I just thought of one thing: getting her safe out of this building. As I looked at her chains, I immediately noticed I had no idea how I was supposed to free her. I stood up, but before I could think of a plan to get her out of here, someone came up from behind me and attacked me, keeping my hands behind my back and so being unable to move them to fight back. A cold cloth got placed over my mouth and as a trained policeman I knew what it was. The liquid is supposed to make you faint if you inhale its scent. I started to hold my breath, but I knew that at a certain point I had to breathe. Being too focused on holding my breath, I couldn't think of a plan to escape his grasp.

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